Alcohol addiction is a rather serious problem not only for an individual family, but for the whole society. A person who depends on alcoholic beverages degrades both physically and morally. Alternative medicine offers such a remedy as a puppeteer for alcoholism. Reviews of this herb insist on the high effectiveness of the drug.
Brief description of puppeteer plant

There are many popular names for this herb: hellebore, hellebore, hellebore, sneeze and others. Hellebore Lobel is a poisonous plant of the Melantiev family.
Puppeteer Feature:
- plant perennial, herbaceous;
- its height is from 20 cm to one and a half meters;
- stem is thick, up to 3 cm in diameter;
- rhizome fleshy, with a maximum length of 8 cm;
- flowers are yellowish.
This plant is mainly distributed in Eurasia.
Grass propertieshellebore

It should be noted that alternative medicine has long used a puppeteer for alcoholism. Reviews of people claim that this plant effectively helps with other, no less complex diseases.
Herb hellebore is often used by folk healers as:
- anti-rheumatic;
- neurological;
- antipyretic;
- insecticide;
- anti-inflammatory agent.
It is possible not only to successfully treat alcoholism with a puppeteer, but also other diseases, such as:
- rheumatism;
- neuralgia;
- eczema;
- pneumonia;
- tyf.
It contains steroidal alkaloids, glycosides, amino acids, fatty acids, gum, resins, mineral s alts, vitamins. It also contains a particularly dangerous, toxic substance - protoveratrin. It is this "ingredient" that effectively acts on alcohol addiction, but at the same time actively suppresses the functionality of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system and central nervous system. Therefore, it is important to be especially careful with doses when using a puppeteer for alcoholism. Hellebore in the treatment of this disease has a hard and fast effect.
Puppeteer mechanism of action in the treatment of alcoholism

Puppeteer root is known to be used in alternative medicine for alcoholism. This medicine is used in the form of a special tincture. What is the mechanism of action of this agent intreating a drinking person?
The puppeteer's root for alcoholism is very popular among the population due to the fact that the consent of the patient is not required at all in the treatment of this disease. When hellebore is used to eliminate alcohol dependence, this remedy has the following effect on the body:
- general toxic;
- provokes nausea and gag reflex;
- contributes to the development of a negative reaction of the body to alcoholic beverages.
It is due to the high concentration of alkaloids in the plant that the puppeteer grass is widely used. The treatment of alcoholism with this remedy occurs by adding it to food or drinks. Intoxication by the puppeteer is prolonged in time. It can last from several hours to a couple of days. If the patient still consumes alcohol during this treatment period, he will experience symptoms of poisoning and signs of indigestion. It should be noted that hellebore is strictly forbidden to be added to alcoholic drinks.
You should also be extra careful when using puppeteer root for alcoholism. Reviews of healers indicate that it contains the highest concentration of protoveratrin. The leaves and stem of the plant have significantly lower amounts of this poison.
Puppeteer from alcoholism: recipes

There are many recipes for preparing medicine from the above plant. As mentioned above, it is in the form of tincture that the puppeteer is used for alcoholism. Reviews of healers are advised to use choppedhellebore leaf in the amount of one teaspoon, which is poured with a glass of boiling water (approximately 200 ml). This infusion is lightly concentrated.
If you need a medicinal drink of a stronger concentration, it is prepared as follows: for 75 ml of boiled water, take about 8 g of dry crushed puppeteer roots. This healing remedy is insisted for about an hour, then filtered.
The poisons contained in the plant act negatively on foreign bodies in the body. In this case, alcoholic drinks act as their role.
Puppeteer from alcoholism: reviews, dosage

Alternative medicine says: when taking hellebore-based alcohol addiction medicine, you should be especially careful and strictly observe the dosage, in no case exceed the prescribed amount of the above drink. Even if the indicated doses are violated, the puppeteer from alcoholism can be very dangerous for the body. The instruction focuses on the strong toxicity of the plant.
Traditional healers recommend the following doses of puppeteer tincture for the treatment of alcoholism:
- 1. h. spoon of the remedy (if the drink was prepared from the leaves of the plant) during the stage of the patient's intoxication.
- 2 drops of medicine three times a day by adding them to food (if the tincture was prepared from hellebore roots), that is, 6 drops throughout the day.
After taking such a drink, nothing should happen to a person suffering from alcoholism. But he should drink at leastseveral grams of alcohol, as he should immediately have a strong gag reflex. If this does not happen, folk healers recommend increasing the dose of this remedy to 15 drops per day.
An interesting feature of the properties of hellebore Lobel is that its action, in addition to eliminating alcohol dependence, also affects the mental mood of the patient - it relieves aggressiveness well.
Exceeding the indicated amount of tincture can have significant consequences for the human body:
- a sharp drop in pressure;
- bouts of severe vomiting;
- dizziness;
- indigestion;
- convulsions;
- shake;
- muscle weakness;
- hard sneezing.
In this case, the patient's life will be in serious danger.
Reviews on the doses and time for the treatment of alcohol dependence are different. For example, some women claim that it took only a few drops of such a remedy to heal their husband, the therapy took about a month. Others argue that it took a longer time and the maximum allowable doses to become disgusted with alcohol.
Representatives of alternative medicine say that the amount of medicine needed for a positive effect directly depends on the stage of alcoholism. At the first stages of this disease, the minimum doses of tincture from the puppeteer are enough, since the human body is still able to withstand this scourge. But when it comes to the last stage of the above disease, here, of course, we needserious action.
Puppeteer's Guidelines for Treating Alcoholism

When eliminating the symptoms of alcohol addiction, some simple, but very important rules should be observed if puppeteer grass is used in this matter. Treatment of alcoholism in this way requires strict adherence to the following recommendations:
- the above tincture is strictly forbidden to be added to alcoholic beverages;
- before starting treatment, be sure to consult a doctor, since only he can determine the correct dose for an individual organism (for example, for some patients, 10 drops per day of such a medicine are healing, while for others it can be dangerous);
- broth should be stored in the refrigerator;
- the medicine can be added to food (if a person eats food at home only once, he is given all the necessary daily amount of infusion);
- start taking the drug preferably gradually with two drops a day (so that the body initially gets used to it, to avoid intoxication of the body due to the unusual components of hellebore);
- this decoction must be hidden from children.
Puppeteer Treatment Methods for Alcoholism

There are three stages in the development of alcohol addiction. Depending on this, alternative medicine recommends three ways to treat this disease:
- Taking the minimum dose of puppeteer infusion during the day. This method is suitable when the stagealcoholism is characterized by the following features: a hard-to-control desire to drink alcohol, a temporary loss of craving for alcoholic beverages, intoxication and a hangover (the so-called first stage) are difficult to tolerate.
- Using an average amount of hellebore decoction for a long time. This method is effective for the second stage of alcoholism, which is characterized by such features as stable tolerance to any dose of alcoholic beverages, continuous binges, alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
- Reception of the maximum allowable doses of healing medicine from the puppeteer. In this case, infusions from the roots of the above plant are used. This method is used to treat the third stage of alcoholism, which is characterized by such symptoms as brief memory loss, complete exhaustion of the body, heavy long-term, continuous binges. Treatment of the last stage of alcohol dependence takes place over a long period of time, and also under the strict supervision of a doctor.
Precautions for using hellebore herb for alcoholism
Because hellebore is quite a poisonous plant, it is important to take some precautions when using it as a cure for alcoholism. If the first symptoms of poisoning with this agent are observed, it is necessary to immediately wash the stomach. To do this, use activated carbon or white clay. The infusion should be discontinued.
Store both grass, dry roots, and ready-made broth in a dry, cool and dark place (you can in the refrigerator). Termshelf life of dry raw materials is no more than three years.
It is recommended to take hellebore as a remedy under the strict supervision of a specialist. Uncontrolled intake of this medicine is dangerous to human he alth!
The desired result will bring only the regular use of doses of the remedy prescribed by the doctor for several months.
Based on the composition of the plant, it should be noted that the puppeteer from alcoholism is not useful for everyone in this matter. Reviews of doctors strongly recommend not to use the infusion of this remedy for people with the following diseases:
- heart problems;
- disruption of the digestive system;
- CNS diseases;
- diseases of the kidneys and liver.
Alternative medicine offers a fairly effective remedy for the treatment of alcoholism - puppeteer grass or hellebore Lobel. As a precaution, it is important to consult a doctor in this matter before starting treatment. First of all, you need to remember that hellebore is a poisonous plant. Secondly, it is important to know that self-treatment in most cases does not lead to the desired result and can be a serious danger to the patient's he alth.