One of the most ancient methods of treatment, which is still offered by alternative medicine, is acupuncture (acupuncture). This technique is still popular today. There are both adherents and opponents of this technique. What feedback about acupuncture doctors and patients give will be discussed in the article.
General concept
Considering reviews of acupuncture for osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, heart and other diseases, it is worth saying that many patients are satisfied with the result. Acupuncture is an established treatment for certain diseases. Reflexology (acupuncture) has both indications and contraindications.

Since the treatment is very ancient, the technique has become overgrown with myths. Some people believe that even incurable diseases can be overcome with acupuncture. There are also skeptics. They believe that the presented method has no therapeutic effect on the body at all.
The essence of acupuncture is the use of thin needles that a professional inserts into certain points of the body. They are called biologically active. This allows you to restore the correct movement of energy, harmonize it, thereby improving the patient's condition.
It is not known exactly when this ancient art of healing originated. Scientists have found evidence that even in the Neolithic, treatment with sharp stones was carried out. The first hieroglyphs that speak of the use of acupuncture in the treatment of various diseases were dated to 1600-1100 BC. The teaching originated in Ancient China, from where it spread throughout Asia and then Europe.
The procedure is well tolerated by patients. There may be slight discomfort. However, there is no need to be afraid of this method of treatment.
Indications for use
The benefits of acupuncture, according to many patients, are undeniable. During the treatment, medications are not used. In this case, reflexology can be combined with other methods. Acupuncture also has contraindications. However, their list is short. It is also worth considering that acupuncture does not cause allergies, enhances the effect of other drugs and techniques.

After a course of reflexology, metabolic processes are accelerated. It also increases the immunity and resistance of the body to adverse environmental factors, increases the production of hormones. Before starting the session, the doctor must examine the patient. Without this, the professional will not perform the treatment.
The presented procedure is especially effective in diseases of the central, peripheral nervous system. Also, according to reviews, acupuncture for cervical osteochondrosis, other diseases of the spine (including intervertebral hernia) is effective. Joint inflammation can also be treated with reflexology.
Similar procedures are shown to patients who have neurological pathologies. This, for example, may be intercostal neuralgia, or damage to the facial nerve. The procedure is shown to people who have frequent headaches, including migraine, muscle pain. Diabetes mellitus, obesity and other metabolic abnormalities can be treated using this method. It improves immunity, accelerates metabolic processes.
Acupuncture will be effective for chronic fatigue, depression, sleep disorders. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, genitourinary system are also treated with acupuncture. Diseases of the respiratory tract can also be overcome with the help of similar influences. The same goes for allergies, alcohol addiction.
According to reviews of acupuncture treatment, which leave professional workers in the medical field, the presented technique is a recognized and officially approved method of treatment. It has a number of contraindications. At the same time, it should be taken into account that reflexology cannot become a panacea for all pathologies and abnormalities in the human body.

Sign up for similarprocedures can only be carried out by a certified specialist. It is advisable to look at the documents that testify to the sufficient training and practice of the doctor conducting the acupuncture session. If during the session the pain intensifies, nausea and dizziness appear, the session is stopped. In this case, we can talk about the wrong choice of points or too strong influence on them.
The session is not performed if the patient has a high temperature or infection. In acute surgical diseases, the technique is also powerless. With appendicitis, pancreatitis, with fractures and injuries, acupuncture is not prescribed. Treatment of such diseases is carried out by the surgeon. Only after carrying out the appropriate influences, during the recovery period, you can visit reflexology sessions.
During pregnancy, this method is also not used. This is due to the peculiarity of the processes that occur in the body of a woman. Every pregnancy is different. Acupuncture can be harmful in this condition. Also, the effectiveness of this method will be several times lower for children under 7 years old and the elderly. In oncological diseases, this method is also ineffective.
Reviews of doctors
Modern medicine has officially recognized acupuncture as an effective method of influencing the human body. According to reviews, acupuncture for hernia of the spine, disorders of the musculoskeletal system is very effective. In 2006, studies were conducted on the impact of reflexology on the human body. A team of scientists worked on thisInstitute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS. In the course of the studies, it was proved that the effectiveness of this method is 80-91%.

Doctors have recognized this method as effective in a number of diseases. However, the mechanism of action of acupuncture is not known for certain. Many hypotheses and opinions are put forward, scientists have not yet come to a single one. In the course of the studies, which were confirmed by relevant observations, about 20 different theories were put forward about the mechanism of the effect of reflexology on the body.
Theories of the effects of acupuncture on the body
Today, doctors no longer doubt the effectiveness of the presented method of influencing the human body. According to reviews, acupuncture for lumbar hernia, cervical osteochondrosis, and other diseases is an effective remedy. There are several theories about the effects of acupuncture on the human body. Each of them has its drawbacks.

One of the most common is the capillary theory. She claims that the positive effect of reflexology arises due to the activation and restoration of capillary blood flow in the subcutaneous layers under the action of a needle. This theory cannot explain the positive effects of acupuncture on internal organs.
Tissue theory says that when needles are inserted into the skin, its cells in this place are destroyed. Biologically active substances are released from them, which have a stimulating effect on the body. In 2010A study was conducted that confirmed this theory. During acupuncture, the amount of histamine in the skin increased. However, in different areas of the skin, this effect was not the same.
One of the most popular theories held by medical professionals today is the neuro-reflex theory. According to this statement, when certain points on the skin are irritated, a signal goes through the nerves to the spinal cord, and then to the brain, starting complex chain reactions, allowing you to change blood circulation, release biologically active substances, and produce hormones. At the same time, it was found that during such exposure, a certain amount of endorphins is released, which improves the emotional state, reduces susceptibility to pain.
The impact of acupuncture on the human body is still being studied today.
Acupuncture session
Conducting an acupuncture session of the lumbar spine, reviews of which can be found in various sources, as well as in other parts of the body, has a number of features. For the procedure, thin disposable needles are used. They are sterile, made of metal. The duration of one session may vary. On average, it is from 20 minutes to 1 hour.

The doctor chooses points of influence depending on which organs and systems the therapeutic effect is directed to. Point selection is a very complex process. The doctor who performs the procedure must have not only deep theoretical, but alsosignificant practical skills. Therefore, you should not seek help from a little-known, unverified specialist.
Considering the reviews of acupuncture for herniated discs that ordinary patients leave, it can be noted that the pain during the procedure will be insignificant. Every person's body is special. Therefore, many people have different tolerances. Discomfort is due mainly to psychological factors.
In most cases, an acupuncture session is easily tolerated. Soreness is either completely absent or insignificant. If negative feelings increase, you need to inform the doctor about it. It is normal if the patient feels a slight burning sensation or irritation on the skin, numbness. Drowsiness may also occur.
The moment when the doctor inserts the needle under the skin is described by many patients. It is similar to how a weak current passes through a certain area of the skin. Such sensations do not cause discomfort. After the session, the pain disappears.
Reviews on different types of acupuncture
According to reviews, acupuncture for cervical osteochondrosis is an effective procedure. As a result, blood circulation in this area increases, and the negative manifestations of the disease decrease. First of all, according to patient reviews, it is possible to get rid of soreness, tinnitus and darkening in the eyes - symptoms that are frequent companions of cervical osteochondrosis. Patients claim that their headaches and dizziness are gone.

Also efficientis, according to reviews, acupuncture for a hernia of the lumbar spine. The doctor conducts an examination, consultation of the patient. Then appoints the number of sessions and additional procedures. Many patients noted that they managed to overcome the disease, avoiding surgical intervention. Mobility after a course of acupuncture in the affected spine increased.
You can also find many positive reviews about the acupuncture procedure aimed at losing weight. On average, patients lose about 7 kg or more per month. Treatment is aimed at accelerating metabolic processes. The doctor gives advice on proper nutrition to his patients.
Also, all visitors to such sessions, regardless of the type of disease, improved immunity, protective functions of the body, and general well-being.
Features of treatment
Considering reviews of acupuncture for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, with intervertebral hernia, obesity, and other diseases, several features of such an impact should be noted. You need to visit the doctor several times. He himself will prescribe the number of sessions in accordance with the severity and type of disease.
After each session, the effect on the body will increase. All systems respond to such stimulation differently. Gradually, they begin to work more correctly, more rhythmically. The patient notices such changes immediately. Improvement in well-being can be observed in the middle or even towards the end of the course of treatment.
First, the doctor conducts a session of a general, light effect on the body. Specialistprepares the person for further treatment. After that, the impact begins directly on those departments that need improvement. Completion of the course is also standard. The doctor makes an impact on the immune system, improving the emotional state, the mood of the patient.
The key to effective treatment
According to reviews of acupuncture for osteochondrosis, hernia, metabolic disorders and other ailments, treatment can be effective to a greater or lesser extent. This indicator is largely influenced by the professionalism of the doctor. He must follow 3 main rules.
First, the specialist makes the correct diagnosis. To do this, he prescribes ultrasound, MRI, uses the methods of traditional Chinese diagnostics. Sometimes it is enough just to take the patient's pulse, examine the tongue, etc.
Also, the specialist must perfectly know the human anatomy and the location of all active points of the body. Sometimes the doctor uses a special device to determine the appropriate point. Another important rule is the correct combination of selected points. Random exposure to active points cannot lead to a cure for the patient. People who have gone to a non-professional leave negative reviews about acupuncture.
Reviews about acupuncture are mostly positive. Session fees may vary. It depends on the type of disease, the pathology that needs to be treated. On average, 10 to 15 sessions are required (or more). The course may be different, sometimes it is repeated several times. The average cost of one session in Moscow isfrom 1 to 7 thousand rubles. Don't skimp on the quality of your treatment.
After considering the features of acupuncture, reviews of the methods of doctors and patients, you can decide on the possibility of using this method of treatment for a specific disease or pathology.