Russian nature is generously endowed with medicinal plants. In the forest pharmacy you can find flowers and herbs of different properties. In some territories of our vast country, there is a very prickly, but extremely useful plant with an interesting name, the maned caragana, or camel's tail. The article tells about the healing properties of this plant, about indications for use and contraindications, about its use in traditional medicine.
Karagana maned, also called chapyzhnik maned and camel's tail, is an alpine shrub that is a medicinal plant and belongs to the legume family of the genus Caragana. This shrub is deciduous, it grows from 30 to 100 cm. The branches of the plant are thick, saber-curved or columnar. All branches are covered with the remaining from last year (already dead) and fresh petioles, on which there are a large number ofsharp and long needles are located.

The length of the petiole varies from 1 to 4 cm. The leaves of the caragana maned are complex, pinnate. They are several pairs of sheet plates that have a narrow elliptical shape and are folded in half. The shoots and leaves of the plant are long-haired. Cameltail flowers are solitary, usually orange or pink, rarely white. The length of the flowers is about 3 centimeters, they are located in the leaf axils. The calyx of the flower of the plant has a tubular-bell-shaped shape. The fruit is a hairy small bean that has a brownish-brown color and a sharp spike at the end.
This culture (you can see the Maned Caragana in natural conditions in the photo) was widely spread in the north-west of China, in the highlands of Tibet, Mongolia. In Russia, it grows in Eastern Siberia, the Far East, in the mountainous regions of Central Asia, Buryatia, Irkutsk. The camel's tail grows and develops best on high- altitude mountain peaks. For him, the subalpine and forest belt is preferable. Settles on rocks, near-river pebbles, stony placers. The soil chooses sandy, loamy, well-drained. The maned caragana does not need a lot of moisture and soil rich in mineral fertilizers. Currently, this unique plant is on the verge of extinction. It is listed in the Red Book of the Irkutsk region and Buryatia.

Chemical composition
The composition of the camel's tail is quite well studied by scientists. That is, all the substances included in its composition can be easily named. Based on research work, it is safe to say that in this plant were identified:
- coumarins;
- resin compounds;
- tannins;
- alkaloids;
- flavonoids;
- ascorbic acid;
- carotene;
- karaginin glycoside;
- essential oil;
- sugar;
- organic acids;
- sterols.

Maned Caragana: medicinal properties
We will talk about contraindications later. Now let's talk about the healing properties of caragana. A plant such as camel's tail is a real miracle of nature and has very wide medicinal possibilities. The plant is known to have antitumor, sedative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In addition, it has the ability to protect body cells from various damaging factors, that is, it has a radioprotective effect.
Please note: Caragana is of great benefit to people who experience great psychological stress, for example, mental workers and athletes. Medicinal properties of caragana gryvasta allow it to be used to reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation. The plant is of the greatest value for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital area in women, it is used for leucorrhoea, metrorrhagia and menorrhagia, menstrual disorderscycle, adnexitis, cervical erosion, etc.

Contraindications for use
It should be noted that this plant has contraindications. Caragana maned is prohibited for use by those people who have its intolerance. Please note that this herb should not be taken during pregnancy. The use for children of caragana with a mane is also prohibited. In order to avoid any harmful effect on the body, a specialist consultation is necessary before starting treatment.
Maned Karagana: medical applications
Camel's tail is a unique plant not only in its appearance, but also in composition. Its special value lies in the fact that they treat a huge range of various diseases, while no side effects, except for allergies, have been identified. Consider the most common use of the maned caragana.
Sepsis remedy
This remedy is used to increase the effectiveness of traditional treatment, but in no way replaces it! Take 12 g of chopped shrub wood, pour a glass of cold water and put on fire, after the mass boils, you need to cook for another 7 minutes. Remove from heat, insist for about an hour, then strain. We take two large spoons inside before meals, three times a day. The course should be selected individually.

Remedy for colds and pneumonia
Take 10 gchopped roots of the maned teapot, grind, put in a glass of boiling water and cook for about 10 minutes, after which we insist for about 50 minutes. A decoction (strained) must be consumed in 2 tbsp. l. three times throughout the day. The course of treatment is recommended to continue for a week.
Composition for strengthening the heart muscle and against hypertension
Chop the sprigs of the plant very finely, take two large spoons with a slide and combine with 250 ml of water. We place on a slow fire, after boiling, cook for 5 minutes. We remove the container from the heat, wrap it well with a towel and insist for an hour. The strained agent is taken orally up to 60 ml once a day. Please note that this should be done 8 hours before meals. The remedy will also help to eliminate nervous insomnia. The course of treatment is individual.
Douche & Mouthwash
In order to eliminate the inflammatory process on the mucous membranes, it is necessary to prepare the following remedy: 2 tbsp. l. crushed roots of caragana mane, pour 300 ml of freshly boiled water, insist for 120 minutes. We filter the broth, use it for rinsing once every 30 minutes, the course is 5 days. Douching should be done four times a day, the course should be continued for 10 days.

Where else is the plant used?
Let's consider what other methods of treatment are used using dried herb caragana mane. With pronounced sore throat and stomatitis, the plants are brewed with boiling water,used as an effective rinse. To get rid of sciatica and sleepless nights, a decoction of camel's tail, which must be consumed in half a glass up to four times a day, will help. Caragana decoction is excellent for various skin diseases, has a beneficial healing effect on fresh wounds and cuts.
Tibetan folk medicine
In ancient Tibet, a decoction of caragana was used to thin blood clots and eliminate heat. The small-leaved variety of the plant was specially dried in order to expel excess bile from the body. This component is now found in some Tibetan medicines. By the way, the plant is used as an additional remedy in the treatment of oncology. The use of caragana helps to activate the immune properties of the body, destroy harmful cancer cells, and prevents the occurrence of metastases. After experiments on animals were carried out, it was possible to identify the hepatoprotective qualities of the plant, and it is being studied as an effective tool for combating liver diseases - hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Therapeutic cosmetology
Due to the fact that the maned caragana has excellent wound healing properties, the extract of this plant is added to various therapeutic masks and skin creams. The following diseases are treated with such compounds:
- various neurodermatitis;
- acne skin diseases;
- eczema;
- other types of dermatoses.
Karagana as an antipyretic
Decoction of the plant is used as a softantipyretic agent. The recipe is as follows: 2 tbsp. l. pour boiling water, insist and drink instead of tea. This medicine relieves fever very quickly. If the temperature is too high, you can add some lingonberries and goat willow bark to the broth.

Procurement of raw materials
As you know, this plant is rare and listed in the Red Book, which means that when harvesting raw materials, it is necessary to take care of the shrub. Sprigs of chapyzhnik are harvested during flowering (occurs in June-July) along with flowers and leaves. Raw materials are dried under a canopy. The root of the plant is dug up a little during harvesting, a small part is taken from it. Later, it is washed, dried and stored as harvested branches.
People who have used a decoction of this unique herb for treatment and prevention leave a large number of positive reviews. For example, they note that the use of infusions and decoctions has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Karagana has proven itself as a medicine for various lesions of the oral cavity. Folk remedies are used to treat neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and reproductive systems. Caragana is often used to treat diseases associated with damage and inflammation of the mucosa. With the help of it, therapy is carried out for such ailments as pancreatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, inflammation of the bile ducts, gastritis. The plant is able to gently restore damaged tissues and eliminatepathogenic bacteria.
In gynecology camel tail has also found its application. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, it helps to cope with various diseases, eliminates various inflammations, and has a mild hormone-restoring effect on almost the entire body. In addition, it helps to cleanse the uterus and its appendages from all kinds of benign formations, according to reviews. Herbalists recommend using this plant for patients with uterine myoma, endometriosis, and erosion. Some patients note that this plant helps to cope with infertility.
Karagana maned and relieves such diseases as hemorrhoids. This happens due to the fact that it relieves pain, eliminates bleeding, and also allows you to reduce the hemorrhoid.