Licorice root: medicinal properties, indications, instructions for use, side effects and contraindications

Licorice root: medicinal properties, indications, instructions for use, side effects and contraindications
Licorice root: medicinal properties, indications, instructions for use, side effects and contraindications

For a long time, people have known about the benefits of licorice root. In ancient times, the plant was used to treat a variety of ailments, and such recipes are mentioned in the works of Hippocrates and the works of Galen that have survived to this day. In various Eastern countries, it is simply impossible to imagine a pharmacy that would not sell preparations from licorice root, and in the North, any store has candies and sweets with this plant, but drugs can be bought at pharmaceutical points of sale.

In Tibet, licorice is known not only as a remedy for getting rid of throat diseases, but also as a strong antidote. Others believe that this plant can rejuvenate, helps cleanse organic tissues from accumulated metabolites, harmful substances. The Chinese call licorice the root of longevity; in other eastern regions, the price for it is not lower than forginseng. The confectionery industry actively uses licorice root, if only because, in comparison with sugar, this natural product is no less than fifty times sweeter.

What is it about?

Before revealing what the properties of licorice root are, it is reasonable to understand what kind of plant it is in principle. Biologists classify it as a perennial herb. Currently, there are about two dozen varieties on the planet. Some of them are listed in the Red Book, while others are actively used in industry. Traditional medicine pays special attention to bare licorice. As a rule, it is she who is meant when it comes to licorice root as a component of a remedy. It is mentioned in numerous encyclopedias of herbalists. Licorice is widely used in scientific medicine, pharmaceutical industry. Preparations from it can be found on the shelves of almost any pharmacy in various countries.

licorice root reviews
licorice root reviews

Naked licorice belongs to the legume family, and got its name because of the peculiarity of the stem - it is naked, covered with a thin fluff, and sometimes reaches a height of one and a half meters. The leaves are lanceolate, arranged alternately, falling shortly before flowering. Inflorescences - purple brushes in the axils. The most highly valued are the roots of licorice, naturally powerful, woody. The root system is highly branched, sometimes reaching a depth of five meters.

What else are there?

Attention deserves the Ural variety of grass. It grows from the mountain range to the very Transbaikalia, is found in the east of the MiddleAsia. In comparison with the variant described above, the inflorescences are larger, denser, and the fruits are shaped like a sickle.

Korzhinsky's licorice roots are not used in industry. This plant is listed in the Red Book, it is rare and recognized as endangered. On the territory of our country, it grows only in a few areas: near Arkhangelsk, Saratov, Volgograd and Chelyabinsk. It is known that Korzhinsky's licorice is found in Kazakhstan and China. This plant is recommended by traditional medicine recipes, but for industrial purposes its use is officially prohibited, since the risk of complete extinction of the species is high. For the first time, information about this variety of licorice was recorded in 1930.

In total, there are seven of them on the territory of our country (that is, about a third of the existing ones).

Where to find it?

Of course, the easiest way is to buy licorice root in a pharmacy, but many people prefer to collect the product themselves. This allows you to be sure of its safety, reliability - no chemicals will be used in the process of growing and harvesting. To provide yourself with raw materials, you need to know where to collect licorice. Usually the plant is found in the steppes, deserts and semi-desert belt, sometimes in river floodplains. The regions of Central Asia are the richest in it, and on the territory of our country it is the Crimea, the southern regions, sea shores (Azov, the Black Sea). For industrial purposes, licorice is grown by Spanish, French farmers, Italians and Greeks. There are considerable plantations in Turkmenistan and Iran. Licorice is also produced in China.

licorice root extract instructionsby application
licorice root extract instructionsby application

To get the maximum benefit from the product, you need to properly prepare licorice roots. They dig them up in March or at the end of September, carefully clean them, remove young shoots, and dry them. It is best to dry under a canopy, providing fresh air, but an electric dryer can be used. The finished product becomes brittle: if it is bent, it immediately breaks. The shelf life of the medicine is a decade, but only if the right conditions are met. The product must not get wet, the air in the storage must be dry. But in industry, the harvesting process is slightly different. Juice is evaporated with special devices, pressed sticks are obtained, which are then used in production.

How will it help?

If you buy the drug in a pharmacy, the instructions for using licorice root extract that come with it will mention that the drug stops inflammation, softens and helps to cough up sputum, has a diuretic effect and cleanses tissues of accumulated toxic components. The plant effectively relieves spasms, disinfects surfaces, relieves pain and accelerates regenerative processes. Licorice is a natural laxative, at the same time the plant is effective against viruses and bacteria, it allows you to cleanse the body of free radicals. It is believed that the active substances of the licorice root have a rejuvenating effect on a person, and also help with tumors.

The indicated positive effects of licorice root tincture are provided by the presence of active ingredients, among which there are a fairly large number of flavonoids, andthere are also sterols and an exceptionally sweet compound known scientifically as glycyrrhizin. The plant also contains sugars, bitter substances, starches, pigments and protein structures, vitamins and essential oils, saponins, tannins.

When will it help?

You should use a tincture of licorice root for coughs. The product has a pronounced expectorant effect, stops inflammatory processes, therefore it shows a good effect in viral and colds, pulmonary inflammation and even tuberculosis. Licorice tincture is advised to be taken by patients with tracheitis, bronchitis. Licorice will help with coughs caused by allergies and asthma, if the patient does not have hypersensitivity to the plant. With a dry cough, the drug allows you to quickly thin the sputum and stimulates its discharge. Usually just a couple of days is enough for a non-productive cough to transform into a wet one.

licorice root in the pharmacy
licorice root in the pharmacy

What other indications are there? Licorice root normalizes the digestive system. Active components envelop the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, activate the biliary system, and stop inflammatory processes in gastric diseases. Licorice shows a good result in diseases of the gallbladder, as well as pathologies affecting the liver. The remedy is effective for hemorrhoids, stool disorders.

What other effects?

According to reviews, licorice root relieves the condition of people suffering from metabolic problems. Doctors explain this by stimulating metabolic processes. Influenced by active ingredientsthe thyroid gland is activated, the exchange of s alts and water is normalized. Decoctions of licorice root are indicated for diabetics, but strictly under medical supervision. They are used when the adrenal cortex is not working effectively enough.

In addition, as follows from the reviews, licorice root significantly improves the condition of people suffering from pathologies of the vascular, cardiac system. Under the influence of the components of the rhizome, the tissues of the vessels become more elastic, and fat metabolism returns to normal. Licorice is indicated for excess cholesterol in the circulatory system, helps to alleviate the manifestations of atherosclerosis. At the same time, the agent activates the work of the kidneys and urinary tract. It is especially useful in inflammatory processes, prostate adenoma, urinary retention.

Efficient and safe

Often, parents of children with colds and flu are looking for at what age licorice root can be taken, and when it is not worth it. In the form of a pharmacy syrup, the drug is already allowed for one-year-olds (and older). The tool is safe, although it has some limitations, contraindications. It is effective against a variety of viruses, activates the production of interferon by body cells. In addition to flu and colds, licorice is useful for herpes and AIDS. In addition, the tool has the effect of a sedative and antidepressant, strengthens the body's own forces, tones. It is recommended to use infusions, syrups in conditions of increased physical activity, stress, mental strain. Such a drug is safe, but shows a positive effect with persistently lowered mood.

liquorice rootcontraindications
liquorice rootcontraindications

You can drink licorice root as a remedy for poisoning: the active ingredients remove chemical toxins, dangerous compounds ingested with food, alcohol metabolism products. The roots cleanse the internal systems of toxins. The combination of licorice and sorbents helps to improve the quality of lymph and strengthen the immune system. Properly selected course at the consultation with the doctor allows you to normalize blood pressure, activate the work of the kidneys and liver.

By the way, you can not only drink licorice root. As an external remedy, licorice is also not bad because of its anti-inflammatory properties. With infusions, decoctions, pharmaceutical tinctures, you can make compresses, lotions and dressings. They are effective in ulcerative process, eczema, injury. It is possible to treat in this way lichen and inflammatory processes, even the organs of vision, as well as tumors. The drugs effectively stop pain syndromes provoked by rheumatism, neuralgia, arthritis. Helps as an external remedy for pigmentation licorice root - used in the form of lotions.

Sometimes you can't

Like any other plant, drug that affects the human body, licorice is not allowed to be consumed in some cases. You can not take the rhizomes of the plant to persons suffering from high blood pressure, swelling of the heart muscle, rhythm disturbances of this organ. What other contraindications are there? Licorice root should not be taken in conditions such as cirrhosis, chronic inflammation of the liver, lack of potassium. Plant-based preparations should not be used if an allergic reaction has been identified to it.reaction.

tincture of licorice root
tincture of licorice root

Liquorice overdose is somewhat similar to the side effects of licorice root seen in those for whom it is contraindicated. Worried about fluid retention in the tissues, swelling occurs, especially noticeable in the limbs and face. Potassium is actively washed out of the body, sodium accumulates, pressure rises. Do not use licorice and diuretics, as these groups of drugs increase the leaching of potassium from the body.

Application: the right one - only good

Given the contraindications of licorice root mentioned above, you can use the plant to improve the body. It is best to consult with your doctor first. Licorice is included in breast fees and gastric, laxatives, it is part of some antispasmodics. Rhizomes are used to prepare extracts, powders and syrups, juice is extracted from them for medicinal use. You can prepare an infusion, tincture, decoction at home, and for gastric pathologies or intestinal diseases, it is useful to chew pieces of dried rhizome without any additional processing of the product.

On sale, licorice is most widely represented by syrups that are allowed for use already in tender childhood. The manufacturer always attaches instructions for use to the drug, it is important to read it before starting to use the composition. Syrups are especially often used in the treatment of childhood diseases, including widespread bronchitis. Licorice is indicated for inflammatory processes, cough provoked by asthma, tracheitis. Syrups are prescribed if the focus of inflammation is found in the gastrointestinal tract.

Pills and extracts

Licorice rhizomes can be taken in tablets. As in the case of syrups, they come with manufacturer's instructions that tell you how to drink the composition correctly. The most popular drug based on licorice is called "Glycyram". It is an antispasmodic, laxative and expectorant - all in one bottle. The remedy is often prescribed to asthmatics, allergy sufferers, people suffering from dermatitis, asthenia. "Glyciram" is prescribed if insufficiency of the adrenal cortex is detected. The classic course of treatment is up to four times a day for a couple of tablets, the duration is one and a half months. Sometimes the doctor recommends using the medication six times a day. You can not use the composition before reaching the age of twelve.

licorice roots
licorice roots

Licorice root extract is sold not only in sachets, but also in kilogram jars. It is an antispasmodic and expectorant product that effectively fights viruses, pathological microbes. The drug is effective against staphylococcus aureus. Before use, the powder is diluted in liquid in accordance with the instructions and consumed at the dose recommended by the doctor.

Finally, there is dry licorice root on the shelves of pharmacies. It is a powder made from rhizomes, tea bags.

Licorice decoction

This preparation can be easily prepared at home. It is made both on licorice and with the addition of other medicinal herbs. A tablespoon of rhizomes requires a glass of boiling water. The mixture is boiled for no more than three minutes, after whichinsist a couple of hours. The decoction should be used in food in a tablespoon before meals three times a day. If a very severe cough bothers you, increase the frequency up to five times daily.

Licorice goes well with plantain, rosehip. These products take 10 g each, licorice - twice as much, add 10 g of Icelandic moss. Boil a glass of water for a teaspoon of the herbal mixture, boil everything together for at least five minutes, then allow to cool at room temperature. Ready broth for food is used in a quarter cup shortly before the meal. The optimal program is three times a day until the cough subsides.

Licorice for stomach

For 20 g of rhizome powder, take the same amount of chamomile inflorescences, add 5 g of centaury, mint leaves, lemon balm to the mixture. Herbs are mixed with boiling water (a glass of water is taken per teaspoon). After that, the composition is boiled for five minutes, allowed to cool and used in half a glass immediately before meals three times a day.

how to drink licorice root
how to drink licorice root

An alternative option is to use the powder in a dry form. A single dose is half a teaspoon. The plant is washed down with plenty of water. But for a cold, you can use the same remedy, but mixed with honey.

Goodbye cough

Perhaps the most effective recipe for licorice cough medicine involves the use of the rhizome of the plant and senna (20 g each). They also take dill and purified sulfur (10 g each), mix everything and add sugar. A serving of sugar is double that of a serving of licorice. In dry form, this compositionuse three times a day, a teaspoon, until the symptoms subside.

Licorice and sulfur are often prescribed for the treatment of pinworms. It is a powerful antiseptic, laxative and also an effective mixture against seborrhea and psoriasis.
