Cowberry for cystitis: medicinal properties, methods of application and recipes

Cowberry for cystitis: medicinal properties, methods of application and recipes
Cowberry for cystitis: medicinal properties, methods of application and recipes

One of the most common diseases of the genitourinary system is cystitis. In parallel with drug treatment, a positive effect is given by therapy with folk remedies, one of which can be attributed to lingonberries. With cystitis, the leaves and berries of the plant are used to prepare decoctions. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the material in which we will talk about the medicinal properties of the plant, how to use it and the most effective recipes.

Lingonberry from cystitis: how to take
Lingonberry from cystitis: how to take

About cystitis and herbal medicine

The inflammatory process that occurs in the lining of the bladder during the development of a bacterial infection is called cystitis. Over the past few years, the statistics of the disease has increased significantly - among all urological diseases, it occupies one of the first places. Most often, this disease affects the fair sex due to the special anatomical structure.urethra. The fact is that it and the urethra in women are much wider and shorter than in men, and therefore there are much more factors for the penetration of various ascending infections. Expectant mothers are even more exposed to the threat of disease, because during pregnancy their immunity is significantly reduced. The total number of women with cystitis per year is 26-30 million cases. This disease can affect men, children, including babies.

Many experts in the field of medicine recommend a complex treatment, which uses herbal medicine to a greater extent. Unlike medicines, medicinal plants do not have side effects, in addition, they can be taken for a long time. One of the most effective herbal remedies used for cystitis is cranberries.

Healing properties

The therapeutic effect obtained from the use of lingonberries is often compared with the effect of antibiotics. This is due to the fact that the plant contains a large amount of benzoic acid, which is an antiseptic of natural origin. It contributes to the destruction of pathogenic bacteria that provoke cystitis.

Lingonberries with cystitis in women
Lingonberries with cystitis in women

In its composition, lingonberries have vitamins A, B, E, C, in addition, the plant contains carbohydrates, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, carotene, magnesium. Its therapeutic effect is due to the presence of tannins, phenol glycosides, flavonol glycoside hyperoside in it.

The leaves of lingonberries contain cinchona, ellagic, ursolic, tartaric,gallic acids, micro and macro elements, flavoninides. In berries - sugar, citric, malic, oxalic, acetic and other acids. The seeds are high in oil, linolenic and linoleic acids.

Indications for use

Cooked decoctions of lingonberries with cystitis have an antibacterial effect, in addition, they protect the mucous membrane of the urinary tract from repeated pathogens, including E. coli.

One of the features of lingonberries is that they contribute to the oxidation of urine, which significantly reduces the level of calcium in it. This, in turn, helps prevent the formation of kidney stones, which greatly complicate the situation with cystitis.

Precautions and contraindications

In some cases, a decoction of lingonberries with cystitis may be contraindicated. For example, if oxalate stones are present in the kidneys, then berries can provoke an exacerbation. The leaves of the plant in this disease should not be used in some cases:

  • people with kidney failure, hypotension;
  • children under 12;
  • with an allergic reaction to the components of this plant;
  • with extreme caution, lingonberries should be used to treat people with increased gastric acidity;
  • pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers.

Cowberry from cystitis during pregnancy

Infection - bacteria, fungi, viruses - is everywhere, but most often for their development and life they prefer to choose people whose body is in one or anotherleast weakened due to any reasons. One of the factors that fit this definition is pregnancy.

Disease of the genitourinary system: cystitis
Disease of the genitourinary system: cystitis

Undoubtedly, any inflammation during pregnancy must be treated. However, drug therapy is considered undesirable, since chemicals can have a negative effect on the fetus. In addition, synthetic drugs can aggravate the course of pregnancy or cause a threat of various types of pathologies. For this reason, many gynecologists are trying to use alternative treatments.

In such an important period of a woman's life, one cannot make an independent decision on herbal medicine, it should be prescribed only by a highly qualified specialist - based on tests and he alth status. The duration of treatment is also determined by the doctor. If the gynecologist believes that treatment with lingonberries for cystitis in a woman who is in position should be stopped, herbal medicine should be canceled immediately.

Healing recipes

One of the most popular remedies for cystitis is lingonberry juice. It helps to strengthen the body as a whole and helps to avoid vitamin deficiency. To prepare it, you should take three glasses of well-washed and peeled berries, knead them in a container until a homogeneous slurry. Pour about 4 cups of water into the gruel and put on minimum heat, cook, stirring constantly, bring to a boil and remove from heat. After it has completely cooled, you can add cinnamon, vanillin, honey or cardamom to it.

Cowberry leaf decoction

Drugs prepared on the basis of lingonberry leaves for cystitis (according to the reviews of patients who are expecting a baby) greatly facilitate the course of the disease.

Lingonberry leaves for cystitis: how to take
Lingonberry leaves for cystitis: how to take

In order to prepare a decoction, you should take 1-1.5 tsp. leaves of the plant (dried), pour them with a glass of hot water, put in a water bath and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes, covered with a lid. Then the broth is removed, allowed to cool and filtered. The volume of liquid should be brought to 200 milliliters, otherwise the drink will be too concentrated, which can lead to stomach problems. It should be drunk in 2-4 doses during the day.

Herbal drink

In equal proportions, take sage leaves, lingonberries and chamomile flowers, 1.5 tsp. pour raw materials with 300 milliliters of boiling water and let it brew well. After 20-30 minutes, the drink is ready to drink. By the way, such a drug can be used not only in the form of a drink, but also for washing. All of these herbs are similar to each other in light antibacterial action and show high rates in the treatment of cystitis. The herbal drink can also be used by those pregnant women who are contraindicated to consume lingonberries in their pure form.

A decoction of lingonberries with cystitis
A decoction of lingonberries with cystitis

Contraindications during pregnancy

Speaking of the enormous benefits of lingonberries for cystitis, one cannot fail to mention the dangers that may lie in wait when using this plant.

  1. Cowberryhelps to reduce pressure, which can cause hypotension in women. This, in turn, can lead to poor he alth, weakness, loss of appetite and nausea.
  2. It reduces blood clotting. This factor should be assessed based on the specific situation, often during pregnancy there is a natural increase in the hormone progesterone, which makes the blood thicker. In this case, the blood-thinning property of lingonberries can, on the contrary, be beneficial. In any case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of platelets, clotting time.
  3. The active ingredients present in lingonberries increase the tone of the uterus, which is fraught with premature birth or miscarriage. It must be remembered that if a pregnant woman feels tension in the abdomen after taking lingonberry preparations, you should immediately abandon such therapy and immediately consult a doctor.
  4. Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones) and urolithiasis (bladder stones) are an absolute contraindication to the use of cranberries for cystitis during pregnancy. All medicines based on it contribute to an increased outflow of urine, which can lead to the movement of stones to their exit. This will not only cause severe pain to the woman, but is also a rather dangerous condition for life. If the outcome is bad, the doctor will have to solve a rather difficult task: how to perform an operation to save the life of not only the mother, but also the baby.
  5. If a pregnant woman has an increased acidity of the stomach, the gynecologist will refrain from prescribing funds based on lingonberries. Fruit acids are very active and can significantly injure the mucous membrane.

Cowberry for cystitis: how to take

Excellent helper for ailments of the genitourinary system will be dried leaves, cranberries or juice, jam, juices, teas, decoctions prepared on its basis. Here everyone can choose. Drinks with lingonberries made from berries help to significantly improve the state of he alth in case of cystitis, pregnant women to cope with neurosis, normalize the number of red blood cells, and have a positive effect on problems with gastric motility. The leaves of the plant are of great importance in the treatment of the disease.

Lingonberries with cystitis: reviews
Lingonberries with cystitis: reviews

Cowberry tea

We bring to your attention one of the rather simple, but very effective ways of taking lingonberry leaves for cystitis. Take a dry powder from the leaves in the amount of one large spoon and brew a glass of boiling water. We insist until the temperature of the drink becomes acceptable for drinking. Take one cup three times a day. Please note: lingonberry tea should not be consumed haphazardly, it is necessary to conduct therapeutic courses for 7-14 days, with a break of one month. It is not forbidden to introduce lingonberries into herbal tea in small quantities, but on the contrary it is recommended.

Cowberry water

How to drink lingonberries with cystitis? One of the quite effective means of treating the disease is lingonberry water. A drink prepared according to this recipe can be drunk daily, without harm to the body. Cooking heras follows: pour the berry into a liter jar “up to the shoulders” and completely fill it with clean cool water. We insist the resulting mixture for at least 2-3 months. After that, we remove the lingonberry water in the refrigerator.

Cranberries or cranberries

These two plants belong to the same family, the berries are widely used in home preparations and in medicine. They have similar characteristics, only lingonberries contain more sugar.

Cystitis: cranberries or lingonberries
Cystitis: cranberries or lingonberries

It should be noted that both cranberries and lingonberries are equally useful for cystitis. They retain their value frozen and fresh thanks to the organic compounds they contain. They are excellent helpers in the prevention and treatment of the disease.


It must be remembered that cystitis is not an independent disease, it is a complication of another pathology. For any diseases related to the genitourinary system, first of all, it is necessary to undergo a clinical examination and then, if necessary, a comprehensive course of treatment. Cystitis is a rather serious disease, so at the first symptoms you need to contact a specialist.
