Among the inconspicuous meadow herbs, you can find many very he althy ones. If you know what they look like and how to use them, you can do without pills and expensive medical procedures. The highlander is a prime example of this. This humble plant, mistaken for weeds by many, is so good for hemorrhoids that it is popularly called the hemorrhoid herb. Those who used it to get rid of their delicate problem speak of the highlander with enthusiasm and advise it instead of expensive ointments and candles. We offer a detailed description of this herb, methods of harvesting it and recipes for preparing medicines from it for hemorrhoids and other diseases.
Botanical description
Highlander belongs to the buckwheat family and to the genus with the beautiful name Persicaria. Outwardly, he is not much remarkable. Its thin erect stem can grow up to 1 meter and higher, but there are also very small plants up to 10 cm high. In tall specimens, the stem has many nodes (rings) that provide itsome rigidity. Due to this feature, the highlander in some regions is called a polygon. Branches of the stem are almost always observed in these places.

The leaves of the knotweed are a bit like peach. They are green, long and narrow (up to 20 mm wide and up to 110 mm long), with a sharp tip and a dark spot in the middle. On this basis, the plant can be distinguished from other species. Leaves are fairly dense on the stem. They practically do not have petioles (sessile), at the base they are equipped with a ciliated bell covering the stem.
The flowers of this herb are small and inconspicuous, collected in an inflorescence spike. Its length rarely exceeds 60 mm. More often such dense, but short spikelets are 30-40 mm in size. They are located at the top of the stems. The tone of the petals is pink or white. The plant blooms from early summer until frost.
As a result of pollination, fruits are formed - small shiny nuts. They are black in color, covered with a filmy perianth, have a trihedral or ovoid shape.
The root of this species of knotweed is taproot, with virtually no branches. In autumn, the plant dries up, as it is an annual. Reproduction is carried out by seeds.
Growth area
Highlander loves moisture. Therefore, you can find it on the banks of rivers, lakes, artificial channels, near ponds and estuaries. However, this plant has learned to survive relatively far from water. It is found in floodplain meadows, irrigated gardens, along roads (in regions with a rainy climate).
Hemorrhoid grass grows almost all over the world. It is found in Europe (from Portugal to Greenland), Asia (including Japan and Indonesia), Australia, New Zealand, America, where it was introduced by accident. In Russia, it can be found throughout the territory, except for the northernmost regions.
Chemical composition
Incredibly rich in various chemicals modest herb knotweed. Useful properties and contraindications to the use of this wonderful plant are determined precisely by what is contained in its ground parts.

Hydroxymethylanthraquinones found in its root. These substances are needed to protect the highlander from pests living in the soil. Oxymethylanthraquinones are derivatives of anthracene and can be used as a laxative or antibacterial. But the process of extracting them from plants (especially from those that contain a small amount of them) is complicated. Even a small mistake can change their properties. Therefore, the root of the kidney knotweed is rarely used.
Found in its ground units:
- tannin;
- flavonoids (rutin, quercitrin, avicularin, hyperoside);
- essential oil;
- mucus;
- organic acids (butyric, gallic, acetic);
- pectins;
- tannins;
- ascorbic acid;
- carbs;
- vitamin K;
- calcium oxalate.
Useful properties of the knotweed
Many people know that this herb is used to treat hemorrhoids. But preparations from it haveand such therapeutic properties:
- Laxative.
- Hemostatic.
- Antibacterial.
- Wound healing.
- Anthelmintic.
- Painkiller.
- Diuretic.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Antineoplastic (only used in traditional medicine).
Hemorrhoid herb preparations can increase blood viscosity, improve the condition of blood vessels (lymphatic and circulatory), have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

What ailments does it treat
The he alth benefits of Knotweed are used in the treatment of the following diseases:
- hypertension;
- heart failure;
- constipation;
- fibromatosis and uterine atony;
- colpitis (douching);
- uterine bleeding;
- cystitis;
- bladder cancer and stomach cancer (in folk medicine);
- Urolithiasis.
Outwardly as lotions and compresses for:
- sciatica;
- gout;
- rheumatism;
- headaches;
- lichen;
- wounds and rashes of various nature.
For rinsing at:
- angina;
- gingivitis;
- stomatitis;
- laryngitis.
There is no one medicine that can be used by absolutely all patients, and no plant that has the same effect on every person. This also applies to the mountaineer. Contraindications toingestion of decoctions and tinctures from it are based on the fact that this plant is poisonous. This means that you need to use them without violating the dosages and not exceeding the recommended courses of treatment. Do not use this herb in the following conditions and diseases:
- Pregnancy. Highlander increases the tone of the uterus, which is fraught with miscarriage or premature birth.
- Thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, thrombosis. Highlander preparations increase blood viscosity, which contributes to thrombosis.
- Children's age.
- Allergy to substances contained in this herb, which causes individual intolerance to preparations based on it.
Beekeepers know what a good honey plant is the knotweed. The properties of the plant are partly manifested in honey from it. It tastes great. When sugared, small crystals form in it. The color of honey varies from light to dark, depending on various reasons. The main difficulty lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to collect mountaineer honey only, because it is not cultivated on an industrial scale. Bees take bribes not only from this grass, but also from other flowers growing next to it. Therefore, in fact, honey turns out to be flower. Nevertheless, if there is a section of the meadow where the highlander thickets are continuous, then up to 225 kg of honey can be taken from 1 hectare. Despite the fact that it does not have such contraindications as listed above, it should be used in moderation.

Highlander: Recipes
People's healers knowthere are many ways to prepare drugs from this herb for the treatment of various ailments. These can be decoctions for oral administration, decoctions and infusions for rinsing (for example, throats), tinctures for compresses and rubbing, ointments. Compliance with the dosage is necessary in the manufacture and use of all drugs, especially those used orally.
The easiest recipe for hemorrhoids. An alcohol tincture can be prepared from the highlander pochechnuy: pour 15 grams of raw materials (dry and crushed) with a glass of any vodka. This mixture should be infused for two weeks, shaking regularly. On the 15th day, the tincture needs to be filtered. It is taken by mouth at 40 drops before each meal.
For hemorrhoids, this herb is also used in sitz bath decoctions.

Recipes for topical preparations
To get rid of hemorrhoids, knotweed is used to prepare the following therapeutic agents:
- Decoction for baths. Grass (dried and chopped) is taken in the amount of 4 spoons for soup, poured with boiling water (500-600 ml) and set to languish in a water bath for about 40 minutes. You can simply let the broth boil, then cool it to an acceptable temperature, but the medicine prepared in a water bath will be more effective. After 40 minutes, the broth is filtered through gauze or a strainer, more water is added and poured into a bowl of such a volume that the buttocks can be placed in it. Sitz baths are carried out in a warm medicine. You can do them only if the hemorrhoids are notbleeds. The number of procedures is not limited. Duration - until the water cools down. After the bath, it is very useful to lubricate the sore spot with a healing cream and lie down so as not to create a load on the muscles.
- Poultices. They are not specially prepared. For poultices, use the cake that remains after filtering the decoction of the kidney mountaineer. The grass is squeezed to such a state until water stops flowing from the cake, wrapped in 1 layer of gauze and applied to the problem area. The procedure continues until the medicine cools down. Cake can also be used to treat swelling of the legs and pain in the joints with rheumatism.
Healing ointment
This is another Knotweed remedy that is effective for hemorrhoids. Making an ointment is quite simple. In the manner described above, you need to prepare a decoction of this herb, mix it with honey (you can take any). Proportions 1:1. Butter is added to the mixture and beat until a homogeneous, fairly thick mass is obtained. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. Used several times a day.

Hemorrhoid herb treatment for bleeding
There are several recipes for drugs that help stop bleeding (uterine and hemorrhoidal). All drugs are taken orally. Proportions are given for dry ground raw materials.
- Infusion. Pour 2 soup spoons of raw materials into a thermos, add 500 ml of boiling water. Close thermos. Insist 2 hours. Filter. Drink before each meal 25 ml (approximately 3 tablespoons). This medicine prevents bleeding andimproves intestinal motility.
- A decoction that can be used not only for bleeding, but also for constipation, gum problems (periodontal disease, scurvy). They take 2 soup spoons of raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water over them and put them to languish in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Cool, filter. You need to drink the remedy before each meal, about 20 minutes before it starts. Dosage - 1 tbsp. a spoon. To treat gums with such a preparation, rinse the mouth cavity.
- Infusion. First, a decoction is prepared from the herb of the highlander. To do this, take 1 soup spoon of raw materials, pour 500 ml of hot water and boil for about 15 minutes. Next, the remedy is insisted for 2 hours and filtered. Drink 100 ml before meals.

Procurement of raw materials
When collecting the kidney mountaineer, you need to be able to distinguish it from other similar species. The most similar to him is the highlander rough (spreading), which does not have the necessary healing properties. Plants can be distinguished by a characteristic feature. The mountaineer rough has thick hairs on the pedicels. They are also on the underside of the sheet and on the sockets (knees).
The collection of ground parts of the knotweed is carried out during the flowering period. At the same time, it is imperative to leave several bushes alive so that they can give birth.
The collected grass is carefully reviewed, removing all unnecessary plants from the collection (for example, rough mountaineer). The remaining mass is dried, trying not to delay the process. Suitable raw materials should not darken. If it's in the drying processhappened, the grass is thrown away.