The healing properties of a plant such as aloe have long been known. In folk medicine, it is used in a variety of forms: in the form of lotions, applications, and even drinking plant juice inside. We will talk about such a method as aloe injections. Medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of this method, the cost of the drug, reviews of specialists and patients, as well as recommendations for injections can be found in this material.

Useful qualities of the plant
Aloe is a common house plant due to the fact that it is unpretentious to climate change and does not require special care. Despite the fact that this flower can be seen in every second house, little is known about its healing properties. The most commonly used aloe juice. Its useful properties and contraindications have been familiar to people of different nationalities since ancient times. With its help, they treated colds for viral infections, treated wounds for antiseptic purposes, fought dermatological problems and skin burns. And to this day, the juice of the plant is widely used in folkmedicine.
Aloe has actually been proven to have a wide spectrum of activity. Medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of this plant for medical purposes have been studied by medical scientists and traditional healers for a long time.
With its help, diseases of the female reproductive system, problems of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory processes in dentistry, burns and various dermatological diseases are treated. Aloe is used in cosmetology for rejuvenation and elimination of pigmentation and much more.
The healing properties of aloe vera are as follows:
- anti-inflammatory;
- antibacterial;
- antifungal;
- moisturizing;
- regenerating;
- soothing and wound healing;
- painkillers;
- immunosuppressive.

What is a biostimulant?
The concept of "biostimulants" was introduced into medicine by the scientist V. P. Filatov. What is it? These are substances that are secreted by living tissue, which is on the verge of ceasing its vital activity, in order to fight for survival. It was experimentally noted that, under special conditions, such substances significantly increase a person's defenses, activate immunity, and, accordingly, the patient's he alth improves, and the process of his cure is greatly facilitated and accelerated.
Aloe is also capable of producing bio-stimulating substances. But this requires a series of specific actions with the plant toin order to create dangerous conditions for his life. For example, it is necessary not to water the flower for two weeks, and then leave the cut leaves for several days in a cool, dark place - this stimulates the production of the necessary substances. It is thanks to this ability that aloe has beneficial properties. And the use of aloe in medicine is also associated with the release of specific biologically active substances from the plant.

Plant Aqueous Extract Injection
But it is much more effective to buy injections of an aqueous solution of aloe in a pharmacy. The process of their manufacture provides for biostimulation, which means that such a medicine has the property of activating immunity and general healing of cells. Such a drug is called "aloe extract", popularly - "aloe injections". The medicinal properties and contraindications to the drug are described in detail in the instructions for the drug, which you should definitely read before using the solution.
This drug is packaged in ampoules of 1 ml. The medicine is used both for the treatment of adult patients and for children older than a year. The drug is administered according to indications subcutaneously in the abdomen or intramuscularly in the thigh or buttock.
Aloe injections have medicinal properties and contraindications, which are described below.
Indications for injections
Most often, injections of an aqueous solution of a plant are prescribed in ophthalmology, with diseases of the organs of vision such as:
- conjunctivitis;
- vitreous opacity;
- nerve atrophyvisual;
- myopia and other pathological conditions.

Injections are also used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce appetite. The remedy is used for bronchitis and pneumonia, burns, cicatricial changes in tissues, as well as in cosmetology.
Aloe injections are often prescribed after surgical interventions in order to restore the body's strength and speed up the recovery period.
Injections of plant extract for women's he alth
What are aloe injections of medicinal properties and contraindications, reviews in gynecology? The effectiveness of such a remedy in gynecology, andrology and urology in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, infertility was also noted. Recently, more and more often you can hear recommendations for couples planning to conceive a baby on taking a prophylactic course of herbal injections. It is noticed that after such treatment, pregnancy occurs faster, the risk of developing various pathologies decreases during the entire period of bearing a baby. In addition, reviews suggest that the expectant mother, who strengthened her immunity before pregnancy with injections of flower extract, is much less susceptible to infection with respiratory and infectious diseases.
In gynecology, with the help of aloe injections, which are part of complex therapy, diseases such as:
- sexually transmitted infections: chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis;
- cysts;
- cervical erosion;
- obstructionfallopian tubes;
- inflammatory processes of the mucosa and appendages.

In some cases, for example, in the treatment of cervical erosion, the doctor may prescribe not only injections, but also the introduction of an intravaginal swab dipped in an aqueous solution of aloe. Such a treatment regimen significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug and speeds up the healing process.
What are the medicinal properties and contraindications of aloe injections? Despite the wide spectrum of action, the preparation of an aqueous infusion of the plant extract is not recommended for use under certain conditions. So, you can not resort to this method when:
- pregnancy;
- under 1 year of age;
- cystitis;
- diseases in an acute form, especially with problems of the digestive tract;
- kidney failure;
- problems with the heart and blood vessels;
- in the treatment of elderly and senile people, special supervision of a specialist is required.
Adverse reactions
As mentioned above, aloe injections have medicinal properties and contraindications. Reviews about this method are contradictory. Unfortunately, injections are not widely used due to the high likelihood of adverse reactions. So, the development of an allergy to the components of the drug, diarrhea, increased pressure and body temperature are common. It is not uncommon for patients to complain of inflammation and pain at the injection site.
Only a specialist can prescribenecessary in a particular case, the dosage of the drug and the course of treatment. Most often, for adults, the daily dose of an aqueous solution of aloe is 1 ml, that is, 1 ampoule. For children, depending on age, the dosage is 0.2-0.5 ml.
The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the condition and the medical goals. On average, it is from 15 to 30 days. If the problem has not been resolved during the specified period, a break of several months is required, after which you can take the course again.
Aloe injections: medicinal properties and contraindications, price
The cost of 10 ampoules of 1 ml of an aqueous solution of aloe for injection is an average of 200 rubles. That is, such a drug is available to many patients. But, given the contraindications and possible side reactions, before purchasing such a medicine, you should consult with a specialist about the appropriateness of its use in a particular case.

It is quite difficult to find a negative review of such a tool as aloe injections. Possessing a biogenic effect and being a natural, generation-tested medicine, it has an immunorestorative effect. After injections of aloe, metabolism, hematopoiesis and regenerative processes improve. The body, as they say, is saturated with useful substances before our eyes, gaining strength to fight various diseases.
There is a high efficiency of aloe injections in the treatment of infertility associated with hormonal disorders and inflammatoryprocesses. This method is prescribed both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes before a planned pregnancy to strengthen immunity and restore the functioning of internal organs.
In the treatment of sexually transmitted infections, doctors and patients note that aloe injections significantly reduce the risk of developing complications after taking medications such as candidiasis, a violation of the vaginal microflora.
Among the shortcomings, there is a high degree of soreness of the injection and frequent cases of adverse reactions.
We found out that aloe injections have medicinal properties and contraindications. All factors and risks should be weighed when deciding whether to take this medicine.
Aloe solution in cosmetology
Due to the pain of aloe injections, injections are not used for facial care. But the solution in ampoules is used externally, adding it to various cosmetic products, such as masks or lotions. Such cosmetics enriched with aloe extract has rejuvenation properties, eliminates age spots and inflammation, improves complexion, fights rashes, tightens the skin, moisturizes and protects it from external factors. Regular care of the skin of the face and body with the help of such cosmetics will noticeably improve the appearance, improve he alth and eliminate signs of wilting.

In this article, we described the healing properties of aloe vera, found out that this plant is used for medical purposes in a variety of ways. But the advantages of injections are thatthat in this way useful substances produce a healing effect much faster and more efficiently. And besides, they act on the body as a whole, activating general immunity, restoring and strengthening strength.