The back experiences serious stress every day. The spine is the backbone of the entire body. Impact on its different parts helps to cope with most ailments, as well as prevent the development of any serious diseases. The article will tell you how to do a lumbar massage correctly, where to start and what are the contraindications.

Varieties of massage
Massage is relaxing and healing. The first type is aimed at helping the body relieve tension in the muscles. It is performed with light movements along the entire back. This massage is recommended for anyone who works all day, such as working at a computer or driving a car.
The second option is aimed at influencing certain parts and organs of the human body. Such a massage is prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination. It can be a massage for hernias and shifts of the intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis.
Benefits and contraindications
Many people visit masseurs regularly. This is definitely good. But there are situations whenmassage is simply necessary not only for relaxation, but also for improving he alth. Below is a list of indications for which massage will be most beneficial:
- muscle pain;
- nervous tension;
- chronic fatigue;
- with weakened immune system;
- with insufficient physical activity;
- curvature of the spine;
- osteochondrosis;
- after spinal surgery;
- with sprains;
- cellulite.
On the back, along the spine, there are many nerve endings, the impact on which helps not only to prevent, but also to cure many diseases. With all the positive effects of the procedure on the body, massage can do harm. Before starting the process, make sure that you do not have the following symptoms:
- injury and bleeding, and a predisposition to bruising;
- purulent and inflammatory processes;
- diseases of the lymph nodes and blood vessels;
- skin inflammations and allergies (psoriasis, eczema);
- mental diseases, disorders of the central nervous system;
- TB and STDs.

There are also contraindications that are temporary:
- pregnancy,
- kidney stones,
- gallstone disease,
- women's menstrual cycle.
Important! Before you visit a massage therapist, you must contactdoctor and undergo a full examination.
Preparing for the session
Before you start the massage, you should pay attention to the preparation. Here an integrated approach is needed. Let's start with the room. It should be warm and light here. Nothing superfluous, only those items that evoke positive emotions in you and create a good mood. If you go to a session in a special salon, then, as a rule, the rooms there are decorated in the appropriate style. This is a kind of island of happiness.
The next thing to pay attention to is where you will be lying down. Massage rooms have special tables. At home, you can get by with a couch or sofa. The main thing is that the surface is equal and hard enough.
If you are a massage therapist, then you need to carry out procedures to cleanse your hands. To do this, wash them with warm soapy water and apply a protective cream or any other nourishing composition. Also prepare massage oil, a towel and clean clothes. If you are a patient, then you also need to clean up, take a shower, remove hair, if necessary, remove jewelry.
If you're wondering how to give a good back massage, the tips above will help you get there.
Back massage: features of carrying out
Massage has a beneficial effect on all parts of the back. How to do a back massage?
Important! When carrying out a massage, do everything very carefully. Sharp movements should be avoided. Smooth and measured transitions from one technique to another.

There are many myths about how to give a relaxing back massage. The massage itself is already relaxing. Such a massage will bring many benefits if it is performed by a professional, but even simple strokes can help relieve tension.
For massage it is best to use a specially formulated oil, it includes nutrients, as well as substances that will make the procedure the most pleasant and relaxing. If there is no such oil, then you can use any fatty cream, for example, for children. Before using any product, make sure that there is no allergy.
As a rule, any massage begins with stroking. Movements are made with a full palm, with a large amplitude. The direction should be along the entire spine, capturing the sides. You need to start moving from the lower back to the cervical region. It is necessary to perform such movements 2-3 times. After that, you can start stroking with the edge of the palm. This is a more intense stroke that will help prepare the muscles for further manipulations.
Now that the back is prepared, you can move on to rubbing. The skin of the back must be grasped with two fingers and, moving from the waist to the neck, perform wavy movements. This will help to disperse the blood, improve the absorption of oxygen by the skin, and also activates the work of blood vessels. This is done within 3-5 minutes.

To perform these movements, one hand is placed on the second to enhance the effect, and smoothly moved from the bottomback to the thoracic, and then to the cervical. Kneading is the main technique in massage. During these movements, there is a profound effect on the muscles and organs of the body. At this time, the processes of purification from toxins, blood circulation, as well as the normalization of stress levels are activated.
Classic massage
Classic back massage is the most common technique. This is the effect on the entire back. Such a massage can be attributed to both therapeutic and relaxing. There are practically no contraindications for sessions.

It is worth noting that classic massage will help get rid of headaches, back pain and thoracic spine. Also, by acting on the capillaries and blood vessels, massage will help get rid of congestion. Hence, as a result, the work of the heart will improve, the pressure will normalize.
Classic massage includes all techniques.
Lower back massage
Problems and pain in the lumbosacral spine are the most common. Any awkward movement can provoke deterioration. In order to avoid such problems, it is recommended to carry out massage procedures.
Massage is prescribed by a doctor for intervertebral hernias, disc displacements. But, before visiting a massage therapist, you need to make sure that there is no pain. This is best done in a hospital under medical supervision.
Massage of the lower back takes place in several stages. At the first session, this is only stroking. From the second day, you can start doing more seriousmovements - kneading, squeezing and rubbing. Hand movements should be intense. At the end of the procedure, the masseur performs stroking. All movements are performed from top to bottom.
Massage improves blood circulation and the outflow of lymphatic fluid. The total time is 40 minutes, but it is worth starting with 20 minutes, gradually increasing the time.
Lower back massage at home
There are situations when visiting a massage therapist is not possible. In this case, many are wondering how to do a back massage at home. Here it is worth remembering that everything is good in moderation and not overdo it. Also important is the need to eliminate any pain.
If pain is still present, then it is worth taking painkillers. Once the pain is gone, you can start the session.

The technique of performing massage at home is absolutely identical to that of professionals. It is worth starting with light strokes, gradually increasing the pressure. After that, you can move on to rubbing and kneading. The end of the massage should be done by stroking.
- We put our palms on the lower back, along the spine and with a little effort we bring our palms down. This will help prepare and warm up the skin and muscles.
- Now perform strokes in the direction from the spine to the sides. Gradually moving towards the coccyx.
- Rubbing can be done with palms, fists, knuckles. It must be intense movement with force.
- Kneading is done with pinches. The direction should be from the waist down. This will help to disperse the blood.
Experts recommend using ointments that contain bee or snake venom for massage at home.
Self-massage of the lower back
If you have no one to turn to for help or you are at work, then you can apply the technique of self-massage of the lower back. There is nothing complicated here. If you follow the instructions below, then the question of how to do a back massage yourself will disappear by itself.
- Before you start, rub your hands well to keep them warm.
- Cross your palms and apply to the lumbar region for 30-50 seconds. During this time, you should feel warm.
- Now put your fingers on the lower back, placing your hands on the sides of the spine. Perform intense circular motions until you feel warmth or a slight tingle.
- Now you can lightly pinch the skin around the spine. Head down.
- Now turn one palm with the outer side on the spine in the lumbar region, with the other hand apply a little pressure. Massage the area in circular motions for no more than one minute.

Such simple self-massage techniques will help you cope with tension in the spine. But, do not perform them if you feel pain when moving.