Red fly agaric has long been considered a poisonous mushroom, which you can’t even touch. Therefore, many are surprised to learn that it has healing properties. In this article, we will learn a fly agaric medicine recipe.

Healing properties
Medicines are made from this poisonous mushroom. For anti-varicose, stimulant and painkillers, use the red fly agaric (the recipe is given in the article below). Its use relieves pain from rheumatism, spasms, tumors and neuroses. Treatment takes place with spasms of the intestines, tuberculosis, menopause and urea. Its medicinal properties can rejuvenate the body. At the same time, you can make cream and tincture from it.
Types of fly agarics
You can find edible varieties of fly agaric in any forest. The most common is the caesarean mushroom (Caesar). It has a fleshy cap up to 20 cm in diameter. Initially it has a white spathe and egg shape, from where a red-orange or red cap appears. The plates are widened towards the middle, yellow-orange. The leg below is cylindrical with a tuber. White flesh with a rather pleasant smell.

The saffron kind is edible. The diameter of his hat reaches 9 cm, it is orange, flat. There is not much mucus on the mushroom, milky or white plates, soft, of different lengths. At the base of the leg is swollen, covered with small scales. Slightly sweet pulp.
It is also allowed to use high fly agaric. The cap of this mushroom reaches 15 centimeters, brown with white sparse parts of the bedspread. The plates can be white and reddish. The thin stem is lighter than the cap by a tone. The tender flesh breaks easily. This fungus is smelly, it gives off quite a strong dampness.
Pineal fungus is often found near residential buildings. His hat is more like a ball with small scales. White young, dirty grayish - mature. The stalk is thick, widened, rough towards the base. Firm flesh with a very pleasant smell.
Description of properties
This mushroom has unique healing properties, the use of which cannot be replaced by any other plant. For medicines for vascular and vein diseases, impotence and atherosclerosis, the panther species will be used. Its healing infusion easily gets rid of emerging warts.

Red fly agaric has great medicinal properties. He treats various serious diseases, including epilepsy. The remedy from it eliminates some diseases of the spinal cord and skin. Its use will relieve old abscesses and ulcers. Red fungus will also calm a nervous breakdown.
Amanita: folk recipes
Traditional healers have accumulated vast experience in usinghealing properties of fly agaric. Unfortunately, classical medicine is in no hurry to adopt this valuable tool. Consider some recipes.
It's easy enough to cook fly agaric with alcohol. The recipe is simple: take a fresh mushroom (2 kilograms of caps) or powder (15 g) and 0.5 liters of 45% alcohol. Leave the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.
Alcoholic extract is suitable for the treatment of various oncological problems: mammary glands, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Treatment takes place in courses of 3 months, it is controlled by a phytomicotherapist. Dosage - 1-5 drops per glass of water. Traditional healers in the treatment of such problems recommend taking courses for 12 days with weekly breaks, while taking the tincture 1-12 drops (depending on the nature of the disease) in mushroom juice (porcini mushrooms or oyster mushrooms) or milk.
Consider the following recipe. Fly agaric on vodka is also not difficult to cook. For this, 3-4 fresh hats are used, which must be chopped, then poured with vodka and put into a glass dish. The liquid should cover the layer of mushrooms by a couple of centimeters. Insist in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Strain the liquid at the end of the infusion.

This fly agaric tincture recipe is used for pain relief (as a rub) for rheumatism, sciatica, joint pain, etc.
Frequent seizures
How else can fly agaric help? Treatment (the recipe is given below) using this fungus is also possible for muscle cramps. They often occur due todisorders of the nervous system. It is worth noting that in this case, a short intake of tincture often gives a quick therapeutic effect. It should be taken on an empty stomach twice a day, 5 drops in half a glass of water.
Painful periods
Fly agaric, the tincture recipe from which is listed in the article below, also helps to cope with painful periods. You need to use the drug every day in the morning until the desired result appears. The frequency of taking the drug is further reduced to every 7 days. For prevention, it is further recommended to take the remedy once a month. Thus, the cause of the monthly suffering of a huge number of the fairer sex is quite easily eliminated.
How else can fly agaric help, the recipe of which is so simple? For the treatment of mastopathy, brandy tincture is used. At the same time, the technology for preparing this medicinal preparation is almost the same as the famous method for obtaining tinctures: fly agaric is cut, placed in a jar and poured with cognac. Continue infusion for two weeks, sometimes shaking the contents. "Cognac tincture" is recommended to be taken three times a day, 1/10 of a spoon half an hour before meals.

Rheumatism and rheumatic heart disease
But not only in this form, fly agaric is used. The following recipe comes from Russia. It will require a Russian stove (or at least an oven). Fresh mushrooms are tightly packed into earthenware, covered with a lid, which is then coated with dough. The container is placed on a sheet of asbestos inoven to prevent burning. After 3 hours, the structure is removed, and the separated juice is filtered through 2 layers of gauze, then diluted with alcohol 1: 1. The resulting mixture is poured into a dark glass bottle, after which it is infused for two weeks. A rubbing agent is used. The drug is effective in eliminating pain and inflammation in the joints.
Now consider the fly agaric recipe for the joints. The method of preparation of this tool resembles the previous one, only with the difference that the mushrooms are stacked in layers with s alt. Then the vessel is put into the oven for 4 hours (180°C). The finished syrupy liquid is not mixed with alcohol, but poured into a dark glass jar and stored in the refrigerator. This "treacle" of medicinal properties does not lose for a long time. As traditional healers say, such a recipe for fly agaric tincture in the treatment of muscle and joint pain, rheumatism has an analgesic effect, while “cold tumors” are completely broken.
Signs of poisoning
It must be taken into account that fly agarics are poisonous mushrooms, and if the dosage is violated, a person can easily and quite strongly get poisoned by them. When intoxicated, the following symptoms are observed:
- acute diarrhea;
- vomiting and nausea;
- abdominal pain;
- drooling;
- heavy sweating;
- cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes);
- pupil constriction;
- shortness of breath;
- delusions and hallucinations;
- loss of consciousness;
- convulsions.
In this case, you need to call an ambulance, and before it arrives, you need to take a number of measures in order to make the patient's condition as easy as possible.

Help with poisoning
So, what should be done if the fly agaric remedy (due to an overdose or for some other reason) caused poisoning, but did not help?
- You need to force a person to drink 0.5 liters of water, stick your fingers deep into your mouth, causing vomiting. It is necessary to repeat the procedure as many times as may be necessary to completely cleanse the stomach of food. It is necessary to stop as clear water starts to come out.
- The person should take a saline special laxative. To do this, magnesium sulfate (30 g) is dissolved in 1/2 cup of water.
- If there was no laxative at hand, it is necessary to make the patient an enema from one glass of heated water. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to put a spoonful of shavings of baby or laundry soap into the water.
- Give a person to drink 15 drops of belladonna tincture, 30 drops of Zelenin or a couple of tablets of any means that contain belladonna (for example, Becarbon, Besalol, Belloid, Bellalgin, Bellataminal ").
Further assistance should be provided by specialists.
It is impossible to prescribe treatment with fly agaric for nursing mothers and pregnant women, persons with individual intolerance. It is also contraindicated for children under 16 years of age. The drug with the fungus must be taken in dosages,above.

Reviews of the fly agaric show that their treatment gives a different result. Alcohol tincture helps best of all, especially with skin abscesses and osteochondrosis. Those who used the medicine incorrectly received burns. At the same time, cancer treated in this way does not always go away.
In order for the treatment not to turn into a disease, use any medicine strictly according to the indicated dosages. And remember - fly agaric is poisonous, healing properties can sometimes do harm!
Take care of yourself and your loved ones! And don't forget to check with your doctor first.