Among the many plants used in folk medicine for coughs and colds, I would especially like to highlight licorice and St. John's wort. They are qualitatively different from the rest, as they can be used to treat childhood diseases.

St. John's wort
You can talk about the beneficial properties of this plant for a very long time. St. John's wort is a versatile herb whose infusion is used to treat coughs in children. He is able to improve the patient's condition in just a week. Children are very fond of the infusion of this plant, because, unlike bitter tablets, it has a pleasant taste and can be used as a tea. A feature of St. John's wort is its wide range of applications. It has a good effect on the intestines, stimulates the protective functions of the body, causes expectoration and makes the baby sweat, which is a condition for recovery. Treatment of cough with herbs allows you to put the child on his feet without harm to the body. In just a week of taking St. John's wort, you can completely recover from a cough. Sometimes this symptom implies the development ofa child with bronchitis or another dangerous disease. In such cases, the infusion of St. John's wort will help prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form. This allows you to completely cure the disease.
Contraindications to St. John's wort

This plant belongs to the group of slightly toxic, so the use of medicinal tea for more than three weeks can cause an allergic reaction. Children are advised to drink infusions from this plant for no more than ten days, otherwise urticaria may appear. Also, tea is contraindicated for pregnant women. It is not recommended to take St. John's wort in the summer, as the plant can cause increased skin susceptibility to ultraviolet rays. So the herb whose infusion is used to treat coughs in children can be quite harmful if taken incorrectly.
Licorice root
Among the many medicinal herbs for coughing, one cannot ignore the "sweet root". This plant is known to many from early childhood, when at the slightest manifestation of a cold, flu, cough or sore throat, parents gave tea with an unusual sweetish aftertaste. Licorice root has unique properties: it removes mucus from the respiratory tract. Thus, the cough becomes wet, and the throat is not irritated. The miraculous power of the root allows you to completely cure even the most serious diseases that conservative medicine is not able to treat without antibiotics. Say what you like, but folk methods are always more careful than medicines. Treatment of cough with herbs in children usually takes place in

in the form of drinking tea, infusion or syrup based on these funds.
Like all medicines, licorice root products have their contraindications. For children, there is no particular danger in their use, but there are rare cases of allergies. This herb, whose infusion is used to treat coughs in children, contains essential herbal oils. They can cause individual intolerance. Therefore, a test should be carried out before use:
1. Spread part of the wrist on the inside with an infusion of this herb. If nothing shows up in a day (rash, redness, itching), then there is no serious allergy.
2. After the previous test, give your child a teaspoon of the tincture. Did the temperature rise? Is your throat swollen? The rash didn't appear? Therefore, the child can safely drink licorice root tea.
The herb, whose infusion is used to treat coughs in children, is undoubtedly part of many medicines: infusions, teas, breast preparations, medicinal balms, syrups, etc. Therefore, you can use the advice of traditional medicine or buy ready-made medicine at the pharmacy. The choice is up to the parents, the main thing is that now you know how to treat the child.