Women's he alth

Chest Knot: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Chest Knot: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What are breast nodules and how to get rid of them? Everything you need to know about pathology: causes, normal variant, symptoms of diseases, diagnostic methods and effective treatment methods

Yellowish discharge in women without smell and itching: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Yellowish discharge in women without smell and itching: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Women are always worried about maintaining their reproductive system. That is why even the slightest changes in its functioning will certainly cause concern for girls and ladies who immediately decide to get expert advice

Problems with the bladder in women: symptoms of possible diseases and treatment

Problems with the bladder in women: symptoms of possible diseases and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

If a woman has a bladder ache, and this discomfort is complemented by other unpleasant symptoms, then you need to urgently contact a gynecologist. Don't ignore warning signs. Because in the early stages, pathologies associated with the genitourinary system can be treated much faster than in a neglected state. Now it is worth discussing in detail what symptoms indicate problems with the bladder in women, what are their prerequisites, and what are the principles of therapy

Unscented curdled discharge in women: possible causes and treatment

Unscented curdled discharge in women: possible causes and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Why do women get odorless cheesy discharge and what do they talk about? Everything that every girl should know: what discharge is considered the norm, a sign of which are curdled discharge, how to get rid of them in traditional and folk ways

After menstruation, nausea: reasons, can there be pregnancy

After menstruation, nausea: reasons, can there be pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The female body is quite unpredictable. Changes in hormone levels, stress, malnutrition and other negative factors that every modern woman experiences can affect her well-being in the most unexpected way. Very often, women on the forums are interested in why they feel sick after menstruation. The reasons may be different, but most of the fair sex suggest pregnancy. Let's look at this issue in more detail

Urine with foam in women: causes, possible diseases

Urine with foam in women: causes, possible diseases

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Surely at least once in a woman's life appeared urine with foam. The reasons for this symptom can be many. A similar phenomenon will not always speak of any pathology. In the article, we will take a closer look at the causes of urine with foam in women, the features of therapy

Breast thrush during breastfeeding: causes, symptoms and treatment rules

Breast thrush during breastfeeding: causes, symptoms and treatment rules

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

A sharp decrease in immunity in a woman after childbirth makes her body vulnerable to various pathologies. Pathogenic microflora receives all the conditions for active reproduction. Therefore, postpartum infections are widespread. One of them is thrush. The disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. In addition to its vaginal form, women often encounter breast thrush while breastfeeding. The causes and treatment of this pathology will be discussed in today's article

Plasmolifting in gynecology: patient reviews, features of the procedure and contraindications

Plasmolifting in gynecology: patient reviews, features of the procedure and contraindications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The plasmolifting procedure in gynecology, reviews of which will be presented in this article, is a therapeutic measure, the purpose of which is to strengthen the general he alth of a woman, eliminate a number of gynecological ailments, normalize the condition of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, maintain the tone of a smooth, transverse - striated muscles of the pelvic organs

Low estrogen in women: symptoms, causes and treatment. The norm of estrogen in women

Low estrogen in women: symptoms, causes and treatment. The norm of estrogen in women

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Production of estrogen, which is the female hormone, begins at puberty and declines at menopause. It is necessary to prepare the body for conception, bearing and giving birth to a baby, it is very important for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, regulates the menstrual cycle. At different ages, symptoms of low estrogen in women can appear. In this case, you must consult a doctor

Urine does not hold in women: treatment, causes, review of medications, effective folk remedies

Urine does not hold in women: treatment, causes, review of medications, effective folk remedies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

If women do not hold urine, and there is no treatment, then this symptom negatively affects almost all areas of life, significantly complicating professional activities, severely limiting communication, and also introducing disharmony into relationships. Such a problem in the field of medicine is considered by urology, neurology, and also gynecology. This is due to the fact that urinary incontinence is not considered an independent disease, but only a manifestation of various pathologies of the female body

What is the use of raisins for women: composition, benefits and harms, consumption rates

What is the use of raisins for women: composition, benefits and harms, consumption rates

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Many are interested in what raisins are good for women and how to consume them correctly so as not to harm your body. Of the many different dried fruits, this is the most favorite delicacy. With useful qualities, raisins are used not only for cooking, but also for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Its benefits are simply invaluable, but there is also a certain harm, which must be taken into account

What is useful cinnamon for women: properties, nutritional value, effects on the body and cooking recipes

What is useful cinnamon for women: properties, nutritional value, effects on the body and cooking recipes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Delicious pastry with cinnamon is a little weakness for many sweet teeth. But it is believed that this spice is useful for women. How can cinnamon help the fairer sex? Since ancient times, cinnamon sticks have been used in the East to treat various diseases. Powdered spice was added to cosmetics. In the article we will try to figure out what are the benefits and harms of cinnamon for women

Smell of ammonia in urine in women: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Smell of ammonia in urine in women: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The appearance of an unusual smell of urine in women is quite common. Almost every day, female representatives turn to their doctors with just such a complaint. This makes me very worried, and for good reason

Pregnancy with menopause: percentage of probability, diagnosis and possible problems

Pregnancy with menopause: percentage of probability, diagnosis and possible problems

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Climax is characterized by a smooth fading of the female reproductive function. When the ovaries no longer produce eggs, conception is not possible. However, the menopause can last for several years, so there may still be a chance of getting pregnant. We will talk in more detail in this article about pregnancy with menopause

Discharge like egg white - what is it? Is this the norm?

Discharge like egg white - what is it? Is this the norm?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Discharge like egg white - what is it and is this situation the norm. Possible diseases and characteristic symptoms. Applied methods of treatment and practical recommendations. Preventive actions

Is it possible to inject Botox during menstruation: negative consequences

Is it possible to inject Botox during menstruation: negative consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Women are interested in what sensations arise during the injection, whether the effect is delayed for a long time, and also when it is necessary to carry out the next manipulation. So, let's take a closer look at the question of whether it is possible to inject Botox during menstruation. However, first you need to understand the mechanism of action of this toxin

How to understand that the thrush has passed? Symptoms, diagnosis, review of drugs, terms of treatment

How to understand that the thrush has passed? Symptoms, diagnosis, review of drugs, terms of treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Every second woman of reproductive age has to deal with vaginal candidiasis. This disease is popularly known under the term "thrush". During the period of exacerbation, it is manifested by unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching and severe burning. In the treatment of the disease, both drugs and recipes of folk healers are used. Usually therapy requires a lot of time and patience on the part of the woman. How to understand that the thrush has passed?

What is ovulation? Methods for determining the day of ovulation

What is ovulation? Methods for determining the day of ovulation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Ovulation is the most favorable moment for conception. To get pregnant or avoid replenishment in the family after unprotected intercourse, you need to know when it comes. This article will tell you everything about the definition of ovulation

Ovarian cyst: symptoms, causes and treatment of women

Ovarian cyst: symptoms, causes and treatment of women

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Throughout life, a woman inevitably faces gynecological problems. One of the most common is an ovarian cyst, the symptoms of which can significantly impair the quality of life. Why does it appear, how to identify, treatment and possible consequences of pathology

Decoction of bay leaf for menstruation: recipe, application features, reviews

Decoction of bay leaf for menstruation: recipe, application features, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Despite the fact that official medicine has long advanced in development, folk recipes do not lose their popularity. Medications that are used to induce menstruation or normalize the cycle can have side effects that scare many women. A decoction of bay leaf for menstruation has been used since ancient times, but is it as safe as it seems at first glance?

What is uterine hypertonicity: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

What is uterine hypertonicity: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

During pregnancy, a woman can face many troubles. Some of them can significantly overshadow the bearing of a child. What is uterine hypertonicity? What are its features, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment? What is the danger?

Why do ovaries hurt during pregnancy?

Why do ovaries hurt during pregnancy?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Pregnancy is a special period for every woman. At this time, a woman begins to better recognize her body. The body changes, the emotional and psychological state changes. Unfortunately, expectant mothers very often complain that the ovaries hurt during pregnancy. At this stage, it is very important to establish the cause of the pain, consult your doctor

Cessation of lactation at home: effective remedies, simple and safe ways

Cessation of lactation at home: effective remedies, simple and safe ways

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Mother's milk is the best product created by nature itself to feed the baby. It is especially important in the first months of a child's life. However, the child is gradually growing, and his needs are constantly changing. And, in the end, there comes a moment when the mother decides to stop lactation

How many days do menstruation go after an abortion: features and consequences of the procedure, duration, nature of the discharge

How many days do menstruation go after an abortion: features and consequences of the procedure, duration, nature of the discharge

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Currently, abortion is not so rare. The recovery period after such a procedure may be delayed. Its duration will depend on the individual characteristics of the woman's body, as well as on the method of abortion. In any case, a woman should ask her gynecologist about when her first period should normally begin

How to Express Colostrum: Steps, Technique, Frequency

How to Express Colostrum: Steps, Technique, Frequency

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Very important for the correct and successful feeding of the child is the frequent and effective attachment of the baby to the breast from the first minutes of life. Compliance with this recommendation will ensure high-quality and long-term lactation without additional measures regarding the mammary glands. However, situations often arise when it is necessary to express colostrum for medical reasons

How to deal with synechia of the labia minora? What is synechia, their causes and treatment

How to deal with synechia of the labia minora? What is synechia, their causes and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Synechia of the labia minora in girls is called splicing them together when predisposing factors occur

From what a woman's stomach swells: causes of bloating, prohibited foods, treatment, diet

From what a woman's stomach swells: causes of bloating, prohibited foods, treatment, diet

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Why a woman's stomach swells cannot be immediately determined, since such a problem can arise for a variety of reasons. If bloating often bothers you, then you need to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and subsequent qualified treatment

What is menopause in women? First signs and symptoms

What is menopause in women? First signs and symptoms

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

A woman's menopause is the last natural menstruation in a woman's life. Determine the date when it occurred, retrospectively, a year after the event, if there were no more discharges due to the functionality of the ovaries. On average, menopause comes at 45-50 years, although everything is strictly individual. During menopause, the concentration of sex hormones decreases, the function of procreation is lost

The main symptom of ovulation every woman needs to know

The main symptom of ovulation every woman needs to know

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Today, doctors have come up with many ways to determine the onset of ovulation in women. Basal temperature is measured, special tests are carried out to identify it

Delayed menstruation: causes and symptoms

Delayed menstruation: causes and symptoms

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Menstruation in a woman is an important process in the body. Why is there a delay? How to define it? And by what signs can a girl understand that critical days will come soon?

Why did my nipples turn dark? Breast nipples

Why did my nipples turn dark? Breast nipples

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Women's he alth is important for every family and for society as a whole. Today we will talk about the problems of the breast. Why can nipples darken? What is behind this phenomenon?

Abortion at week 16: doctor's appointment, rules and timing, indications, contraindications and consequences for the woman's body

Abortion at week 16: doctor's appointment, rules and timing, indications, contraindications and consequences for the woman's body

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Abortion is a scary word. Society imposes on women the idea that this is literally a murder that cannot be approved. But it's not. Abortion is an ordinary operation in which there is nothing to be ashamed of. And, as before any other operation, you should first figure out what you can expect from it

Can I get my period while breastfeeding? When should my period start after giving birth?

Can I get my period while breastfeeding? When should my period start after giving birth?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Menstruation, which begins with breastfeeding, is a clear manifestation of the restoration of the menstrual cycle. This suggests that the female reproductive system, as well as the whole body as a whole, is functioning well. Learn more about whether menstruation can begin while breastfeeding. Also in this article you can find information about when menstruation should begin after natural childbirth, as well as after a caesarean section

Ovulatory phase - what is it? Description, methods of determination, norm

Ovulatory phase - what is it? Description, methods of determination, norm

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The menstrual cycle is a complex mechanism that has several phases that follow each other. All of them are responsible for preparing for important events in the he alth and life of a woman - conception, as well as bearing a baby. For example, the ovulatory phase, which is in the middle of the cycle, is responsible for the release of a mature egg, ready for fertilization

Fallopian tube patency: how to check, reviews, description of the procedure, preparation and conduct

Fallopian tube patency: how to check, reviews, description of the procedure, preparation and conduct

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Some women can't get pregnant for a long time. There are many reasons for this problem. One of them will be the obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Reviews, as they check, preparation for this procedure will be described in our article. To identify this pathology, the specialist must prescribe special studies to the patient. Let's take a closer look at these diagnostic procedures, as well as their possible consequences

How many days do periods go in different periods of life?

How many days do periods go in different periods of life?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Girls have always been interested in the question of how many days menstruation can last. But is there a strict rule for this? You will learn this and much more from this article

The menstrual cycle is a sign of puberty

The menstrual cycle is a sign of puberty

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Everything you need to know about the menstrual cycle (or just menstruation). Why does the female body need it, how does it pass, what can cause a delay - you will find all this in this article

Flat nipple - how to breastfeed a baby? How to stretch flat nipples: recommendations from specialists and nursing mothers

Flat nipple - how to breastfeed a baby? How to stretch flat nipples: recommendations from specialists and nursing mothers

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The topic of flat nipples, as well as the possibility of breastfeeding in this case, always comes under discussion. It is understandable - young mothers who are faced with this problem for the first time are worried: will they be able to give their child full breastfeeding? There are a lot of options for preparing flat nipples for the feeding process - this is massage, special shapers. What should young mothers do in this case, we will find out right now

Trichomoniasis in women: symptoms and treatment

Trichomoniasis in women: symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Trichomoniasis in women can cause serious problems in the genital area. If one or more symptoms occur, tests should be done and appropriate treatment should be given

Causes of spotting and consequences

Causes of spotting and consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Bleeding is what women face every month during the entire period during which the ability to bear and give birth to a child remains. But such discharges are not always the norm. Consider why spotting may appear in the middle of the cycle, after sex, during pregnancy and in other cases