Smell of ammonia in urine in women: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Smell of ammonia in urine in women: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Smell of ammonia in urine in women: causes, diagnosis and treatment

The appearance of an unusual smell of urine in women is quite common. Almost every day, female representatives turn to their doctors with just such a complaint. This makes me very worried, and for good reason.

If the urine smells like ammonia or acetone, then this may indicate a certain disorder that has arisen in the woman's body. It is unrealistic to identify it on your own (except, of course, in cases where a woman has the necessary qualifications). In this regard, the pathologies that provoke such a phenomenon can only be determined by a specialist. Moreover, you should contact him immediately, as soon as a suspicious symptom has arisen. It is not worth hoping that the body will cope with the problem on its own.

Only a professional consultation and examinations in a special laboratory will determine the causes of the strong smell of ammonia in the urine of a woman.

smell of ammonia in urine in women
smell of ammonia in urine in women

Smell of urine

Urine can acquire an ammonia flavor not only due to pathological changes, but also due to naturalphysiological reasons. It should be noted that the bladder organ, ureters, kidneys are responsible for the process of urination in the body.

If any of these organs begins to function worse or inflammatory processes develop, this will immediately affect the smell and appearance of urine, it is quite difficult not to notice such a phenomenon.

The appearance of a strong smell of ammonia in the urine is often accompanied by discharge of a bloody nature. An unpleasant odor can also appear along with irritation and itching in the vagina. In some situations, there is moderate or severe itching.

There is a smell of ammonia in the urine of women due to an increase in the concentration of ammonium phosphate in the body. This phenomenon is observed if serious he alth disorders develop.

Understanding that the quality and composition of urine has changed is quite simple. If a woman is he althy, then her urine will be either light yellow or amber in color. At the same time, the liquid has practically no smell. The urine becomes lighter the more water a woman drinks and the more often she urinates. If your urine develops an unpleasant odor or becomes cloudy, regardless of the amount of liquid you drink per day and the number of visits to the toilet, then this is a cause for concern.

A qualified doctor will help determine the cause of the strong smell of ammonia from urine in women. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate based on the recommendations of friends and acquaintances. This complaint is a reason for a comprehensive examination, which can only be carried out with the help of a professionalequipment.

causes of ammonia smell in urine
causes of ammonia smell in urine

The causes of this pathology of a physiological nature

Often, the smell of ammonia in the urine of women appears due to completely natural processes occurring in the body of a woman. In such a case, there is no need to panic, the condition normalizes on its own. The following physiological factors can influence the color of urine:

  1. A woman's diet is saturated with plenty of protein foods. Proteins, entering the body, begin to break down into microelements called amino acids. They decompose and release ammonia.
  2. Retention of urination. If urine remains in the bladder for a long time, it develops an unpleasant odor and changes color. You can observe such situations if a woman has to refrain from urinating (being at an important meeting, visiting, in transport). After emptying the bladder, a strong-smelling and dark liquid is released from it. If forced abstinence from urination becomes frequent, then the likelihood of pathologies of the genitourinary tract increases.
  3. Insufficient fluid intake. If the female body lacks water for a long time, then dehydration begins to develop. The concentration of urine becomes saturated, an unpleasant odor appears, the color changes to a darker one. Usually in such cases, the smell of ammonia occurs. But in some situations, urine can give off acetone. What are other causes of ammonia smell in urine in women?
  4. Menstruation. During this period, female urine often changesits color and acquires a nasty aroma. Metamorphoses of microflora and hormonal imbalance are typical causes of anomalies in physiology. Similar phenomena are observed during menopause.
  5. Pregnancy. This period is also characterized by hormonal changes, constant dehydration, hypotension. In addition, during pregnancy, a woman's lifestyle changes significantly. The microflora does not remain unchanged. You can ignore the change in the color of urine at this time, since the normal color is simply excluded with the combination of the above factors.
  6. The use of certain medications. Certain drugs cause metabolic disturbances. The smell of ammonia in the urine in women, as well as the smell of acetone or alcohol, is considered quite normal after using drugs with iron or calcium in the composition. Similar changes are noted when taking some vitamin complexes.
the smell of ammonia in the urine in women treatment
the smell of ammonia in the urine in women treatment

All physiological causes of the smell of ammonia in the urine of women have characteristic indicators:

  1. Quick normalization.
  2. Short duration.
  3. Absence of soreness and other symptoms of the disorder.

Otherwise, the changes have pathological causes.

Pathological factors

In cases where the listed natural causes are absent, and urine with a strong smell of ammonia in women is still present, we can assume the negative impact of the pathology that has arisen in the body. cause a changethe smell of urine can cause some diseases.


As a rule, the cause of inflammation of the urinary tract lies in the penetration of pathogens. Pathology is manifested by cutting pain and changes in the characteristics of urine.

Cystitis in women

The smell of ammonia in the urine is often due to an inflammatory reaction in the mucous membranes of the bladder. As a rule, cystitis develops as a result of an infectious agent. But often the reason for the smell of ammonia in the urine lies in the usual hypothermia - walking in light clothes in winter, swimming in cold water. The symptomatology of pathology depends on its form. In chronic cystitis, there are frequent urges, sharp pain in the urethra, blood impurities in the urine, heaviness in the bladder. In acute illness, urination causes pain and pain in the abdomen. General weakness is not ruled out. A woman needs more time to go to the toilet because of pain. Another symptom of acute cystitis is cloudy urine.

strong smell of ammonia from urine in women
strong smell of ammonia from urine in women


What kind of pathology is this, many people are interested. This is an inflammatory lesion in the kidneys, provoked by the penetration of infection. In addition to changes in the characteristics of urine, pyelonephritis is manifested by symptoms such as pain in the lumbar region, chills, and fever. Inflammation of the kidneys can also interfere with urination.


This disease causes an increase in the concentration of ketone bodies. In addition, the cause of the smell of ammonia in the urine inwomen are constantly present dehydration, which is one of the main manifestations of this disease.

Venereal diseases

In venereal disease, the smell of urine and infection are interrelated. Changes occur due to inflammatory processes in the urinary organs.

Hepatitis can also cause bad breath

Infection of the liver almost always causes a change in the characteristics of urine. Its color becomes dark, it persists throughout the entire period of the disease.

Disturbed metabolism

This is another common cause of urine odor changes. Arising metabolic disorders always entail a variety of deviations in the functioning of the body. This also applies to the properties of urine.

the pungent smell of ammonia in the urine of a woman causes
the pungent smell of ammonia in the urine of a woman causes

Among the factors affecting the change in the smell and color of urine, there are also oncological pathologies and tuberculosis. It is important to remember that the therapy of these diseases takes place with the use of drugs. Medications, as already noted, can cause a change in the characteristics of urine. It can acquire the aroma of ammonia or acetone. Pathologies cause the accumulation of large amounts of ammonium phosphate, leading to similar changes.

Ammonia smell of urine during pregnancy

Almost every woman during pregnancy notices that the properties of her urine have changed. Urine changes color and acquires an unpleasant odor. This scares some. If you believe the statistics, then in many cases the condition does not threaten he alth. It usually occurs for the following reasons:

  1. There are significant changes in hormonal levels in the body.
  2. Permanent dehydration due to the fact that the fetus consumes a lot of water.
  3. Taking certain vitamin supplements.

But not in all cases the listed factors explain the situation. Sometimes urine changes color and smell due to developing pathologies.

Pregnancy causes compression of the ureters, resulting in prolonged urinary retention. These conditions are favorable for the rapid reproduction of harmful bacteria in it, which, in turn, contribute to the development of an infectious lesion.

The smell and color of urine can also change due to gestational diabetes. It develops due to insufficient insulin synthesis. This phenomenon is explained by the significant release of various substances required for the development of the fetus. It is they that have a depressing effect on the synthesis of this hormone.

Pregnant women, in addition, are often subject to a variety of inflammatory processes, which, in turn, provoke the appearance of a strong smell of ammonia in the urine. It is worth highlighting the renal pathologies that occur as a result of a violation of the body's water balance and constant squeezing.

It is strictly forbidden to resort to self-diagnosis and therapy. Only a special laboratory study will allow to identify the true causes of deviations. The therapeutic course is prescribed on the basis of itsresults.

smell of ammonia in urine
smell of ammonia in urine

Therapy of this disease

It is impossible to ignore the sharp smell of urine, especially if vaginal discharge of a mucous nature with an ammonia smell is observed.

It is possible to eliminate an unpleasant manifestation only after identifying the factors that provoked it. In each case, the approach to therapy will be different.

In cases where changes are provoked by dehydration, you should switch to a normal drinking regimen. A sufficient amount of water will dilute the fluid contained in the bladder. Too much drinking is also not recommended. The normal dosage of fluid per day is 1.5-2 liters.

It is necessary to pay attention to the daily diet, because the provocative cause may be excessive consumption of foods rich in protein. In this case, it will be necessary to revise your own diet.

If a sexually transmitted disease is a factor in the appearance of an unpleasant odor, then you should visit a gynecologist or venereologist. After an appropriate study, the doctor will select the necessary therapy. Other manifestations also allow you to determine a sexually transmitted infection - vaginal discharge, spots on underwear, cutting sensations.

Often, the ammonia smell of urine indicates the development of pathology, so a visit to a specialist is inevitable. Only a qualified doctor will carry out the necessary diagnosis of the smell of ammonia in the urine of women, treatment will be prescribed after all the necessary procedures have been completed.

In order to establish the root cause of the violation, you will needlaboratory study of not only urine, but also blood. They are carried out only in a medical institution. Usually therapy involves the use of certain medications. It may take several weeks or days to heal. Everything will depend on the severity of the pathology.

the smell of ammonia in the urine in women causes
the smell of ammonia in the urine in women causes

Preventive measures to help prevent this pathology

In order for urine not to have an ammonia smell, you need to carefully monitor your own he alth. It is recommended to drink enough water - about 2 liters per day. In addition, you need to reduce the consumption of protein products and include more vitamins in the diet.

Great preventive ways to eat foods like:

  1. Morse.
  2. Cranberry juice.
  3. Yogurt with 1 teaspoon of honey.

It is equally important to observe the rules of individual intimate hygiene. Also, do not forget about periodic examinations by a doctor to control your condition, give up bad habits and moderate physical activity. All these measures will minimize the likelihood of changes in urine characteristics.
