The menstrual cycle is recurring uterine bleeding that is a sign of puberty. This phenomenon occurs once a month, hence the name "monthly". But the repetition period can vary from 20 to 32 days. Usually bleeding lasts from three days to a week, depending on the characteristics of your body. The amount of blood that comes out with all the harmful substances that have accumulated in your body in a month is small - only 50-100 ml.

The menstrual cycle is an individual feature of each woman, so this process is different for everyone. Some people have short periods, but they repeat often, while others have the opposite. Often, women feel discomfort in the first days of menstruation or just before it begins. In some, it is expressed in a slight malaise, in others, during the menstrual cycle, there are terrible pains in the lower abdomen, there is even a temperature. But do not worry about this, this is considered the norm, you should take these torments for granted. Most likely, they will pass after you give birth.
Why womenmenstrual cycle?
This phenomenon is for he althy conception and pregnancy. In the female body, the same amazing changes occur every month. The uterus begins to prepare "soft ground" for the fertilized egg, which has time to mature somewhere in the middle of the monthly period. It thickens and thickens its walls by 4 times so that your pregnancy runs smoothly. After that, in the last days before the start of bleeding, the uterus accumulates nutrients that your unborn child should develop. If during this period your egg was not fertilized, then the thick mucous membrane that your body does not need is rejected and in the form of menstruation it completely leaves in 3-7 days.

Delayed menstrual cycle
If the sperm got into your egg, then it moves to the uterus, where it will develop for 9 months, as a result you will get a beautiful baby! In this case, mucosal rejection does not occur, and you will not have periods throughout your pregnancy.

When a delay occurs, first of all take a screening test, which is sold in any supermarkets or pharmacies. But menstruation may be absent not only because of fertilization. There are several other reasons why periods may be delayed. This is:
- STDs.
- Inflammation of the reproductive organs.
- Reduced immunity.
- Depression andstress.
- A sharp change in weight, both positive and negative.
- Change in weather conditions.
- Contraceptive pills.
- Postpartum delay.
- Premenopausal.
How does the menstrual cycle affect sex life?
This is a question that interests many ladies. Should you have sex during your period? If your partner does not disdain, if you observe intimate hygiene at this moment, if, despite all the rumors that you cannot get pregnant during your period, you will use protection, then you can safely do a pleasant thing.