Production of estrogen, which is the female hormone, begins at puberty and declines at menopause. It is necessary to prepare the body for conception, bearing and giving birth to a baby, it is very important for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, regulates the menstrual cycle. At different ages, symptoms of low estrogen in women can appear. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the deficiency of the hormone negatively affects not only the reproductive system, but even the appearance of a woman.

Estrogen functions
The hormone is produced by the ovaries and partly by the adrenal glands. Under his influence:
- forming uterus with appendages;
- mammary glands develop;
- pigmentation of the nipples and genitals is formed;
- appear secondary sexualsigns;
- activated bone growth;
- regulates the menstrual cycle;
- prevents blood clots;
- blood clotting normalizes;
- Procreation function provided.
Reason for violation
Hormonal imbalance can occur under the influence of various factors, hereditary diseases can also be the cause. Disruption of the ovaries, which produce estrogen, can provoke:
- pathology of the pituitary gland, causing imbalance of the hormonal system;
- drastic weight loss;
- drinking, smoking, drug addiction;
- hormonally dependent tumors;
- treatment with antidepressants or nootropics;
- thyroid disease;
- uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs;
- poor nutrition.
Estrogen levels drop with the onset of menopause, and this is a natural process. Symptoms of low estrogen in women are more difficult to tolerate if the cause of the condition was the removal of the uterus with appendages, resection of the ovaries.
A sedentary lifestyle can be a provoking factor that causes a violation. On the other hand, excessive physical activity during some sports also sometimes leads to a lack of female hormones (estrogen).
Symptoms associated with a hormone deficiency can also occur in those who adhere to a vegetarian diet or suffer from anorexia. But most often the pathology develops under the influence ofseveral reasons.
Estrogen deficiency symptoms in adolescents
Suspect a lack of estrogen in girls in adolescence can be on some grounds:
- lack of pubic and armpit hair;
- slow down or stop breast growth;
- late onset of menstruation, violation of the regularity of the cycle;
- male body shaping with a narrow pelvis, broad shoulders, well developed muscles.
On examination by a gynecologist, a small size of the uterus, underdeveloped internal and external genital organs are found. Estrogen deficiency in the future may prevent normal conception and childbearing.
At the same time, do not forget that all the described signs may accompany other pathologies and are not always evidence of low estrogen. Therefore, it is imperative to show the girl to a gynecologist and endocrinologist to determine the cause of the violation and prescribe adequate therapy.
Signs of estrogen deficiency in menopause
Decrease in hormone levels with the onset of menopause is absolutely normal. With estrogen deficiency, ovarian activity can begin to decline after age 40, in some cases even earlier, a condition doctors call early menopause. Women experience headaches, dizziness, hot flashes, heart palpitations, sweating.
Irregularities in the balance of hormones, which began early, provoke malfunctions in the ovaries and adrenal glands. Increased risk of developing diabetesatherosclerosis, osteoporosis, heart attack, thyroid pathologies.

The average age of menopause is 45-55 years. At the same time, a woman suffers from such symptoms of a lack of female hormones (estrogen):
- weight gain due to underactive endocrine glands;
- digestive disorders;
- decrease in the amount of collagen (wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite appear in a woman, the skin becomes drier and less elastic);
- appearance of papillomas and moles;
- impaired cerebral circulation, which can cause strokes and heart attacks;
- increased heart rate;
- decreased libido, vaginal dryness.
The psycho-emotional state of the fairer sex is also changing, which is manifested by memory deterioration, decreased performance, a feeling of emotional stress, increased fatigue, irritability.
Signs of impaired reproductive age
Women of this age suffer from:
- frequent inflammatory processes of the genital area (colpitis, vaginitis), often occurring in a chronic form;
- menstrual irregularities (periods become rarer and less abundant, have a spotting character);
- heavy premenstrual syndrome;
- vaginal dryness;
- deterioration of the skin condition, increased dryness, peeling, rashes;
- decrease in performance,frequent depression, insomnia, increased irritability, aggressiveness;
- jumps in blood pressure, hot flashes, pain in the heart and joints;
- deterioration of nails and hair.
The work of various organs can also be disrupted if a woman has low estrogen. The symptoms can be very varied. So, as a result of an imbalance of hormones, pathologies of the urinary system occur, intestinal function is disrupted, and vegetative-vascular disorders appear. The problem also affects morale. A woman begins to feel physically unattractive, and this provokes problems of a sexual and psychological nature, a decrease in self-esteem.

Hormone deficiency in pregnant women
During the bearing of the baby, the level of estrogen rises significantly, which is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. With a hormone deficiency, there is a risk:
- placental abruption;
- threatened miscarriage;
- development of genetic disorders of the fetus;
- developmental disorders of the fetal cardiac and nervous systems;
- bleeding from the uterus.
At a later date, there is a risk of overbearing the baby, weak labor activity during childbirth. To correct the condition, a woman is recommended hormone replacement therapy, a special diet.
Diagnostic Methods

The signs described above may indicate various violations. To determine estrogen deficiencyIt is recommended to take a blood test. The norms of estrogen in women depend on the age of the patient, the phase of the cycle. On average, for a he althy woman, indicators of 11-190 pg / ml are considered normal. During menopause - from 10 to 90 pg/ml.
For the reliability of the study, it is recommended to do an analysis on the 3-5th day of menstruation. Sometimes an additional study is required on the 20-21st day of the cycle. Since the norms of estrogen in women also depend on other factors, physical activity, eating fatty foods, smoking and drinking alcohol are excluded before taking the test. Blood donation in the morning on an empty stomach.
How to treat
Therapy consists in the selection of drugs that increase the level of the hormone. The dosage and regimen for low estrogen levels in women should be selected exclusively by a doctor who will take into account age, general he alth, the individual characteristics of the patient, and the amount of the hormone. Self-medication can cause various complications.

To normalize the hormonal background, drugs are prescribed that increase estrogen in women. They are produced in various pharmacological forms:
- gels (do not cause discomfort or allergic reactions);
- patches (convenient for those who have to work hard and go on business trips);
- oral remedies (normalize the condition within a short period of time);
- vaginal suppositories (no side effects);
- subcutaneous implants (they release hormones into the blood in doses, the effect lasts aboutsix months);
- intravenous and intramuscular injections (rapidly increase hormone levels).
Pros and cons of hormone therapy
Properly selected drug contributes to the gradual disappearance of signs of estrogen deficiency. This treatment has other benefits as well:
- is the prevention of strokes, heart attacks;
- relieves symptoms of depression;
- prevents the development of osteoporosis and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
- normalizes the activity of the endocrine system;
- positively affects the brain;
- activates collagen production;
- good for the circulatory system.
The downside is that when taking such medications, adverse reactions may occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, dizziness. If the drug was chosen incorrectly or the regimen was violated, there may be deviations in the liver, the formation of blood clots, and the risk of breast cancer increases.

In addition to medicines, it is necessary to provide conditions that will contribute to the production of the body's own hormone. A woman should review her diet, adjust the menu. Many patients who are wary of hormones are interested in how to increase estrogen in women with folk remedies. But here it is important to consider that a positive effect can be achieved only with the help of complex treatment.
If a teenager has a problem, in addition to taking drugs, physiotherapy is prescribedprocedures, moderate exercise and quiet rest are recommended. If necessary, the patient is sent for a consultation with a psychotherapist.
What foods contain estrogen
Women seeking professional help are often advised to supplement hormone therapy with foods that increase estrogen levels. Phytoestrogens as part of complex therapy are no less effective than pharmaceutical preparations, do not have as many side effects, but the course of treatment with them is longer. Therefore, if you have a problem, you should pay attention to the list of foods that increase estrogen in women.
First of all, these are flax seeds and oil. These products hold the record for the content of phytoestrogen, in addition, they contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The advantages of such therapy are improved digestion, increased immunity, improved hair and nails, prevention of heart pathologies and breast cancer, and normalization of the liver.
Oil is consumed on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal. They can also be dressed in salads. You can buy the product at a pharmacy or supermarket.
You can also increase your hormone levels with legumes:
- chickpea;
- beans;
- green peas;
- soy;
- lentils.
According to some studies, women who drink organic coffee have higher levels of estrogen than those who do not.
Healing herbs
Necessary for the fairer sex hormonescontains some plants. Herbalists in the presence of a problem are advised to pay attention to herbs that increase estrogen. Women should introduce beverages into their diet based on:
- sage;
- limes;
- daisies;
- licorice root.

Of course, this "treatment" needs to be approached wisely, because herbs, although they act more gently, are not always safe.
So, what conclusions can be drawn? Any imbalance of hormones in the body is a pathology, and the condition in which women have low estrogen will not be an exception. Symptoms of this disorder can appear at any age. Without adequate therapy, the development of various complications and consequences is possible - from deterioration in appearance to infertility. Therefore, if you experience suspicious signs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.