Why do ovaries hurt during pregnancy?

Why do ovaries hurt during pregnancy?
Why do ovaries hurt during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a special period for every woman. At this time, a woman begins to better recognize her body. The body changes, the emotional and psychological state changes. Unfortunately, expectant mothers very often complain that the ovaries hurt during pregnancy. At this stage, it is very important to establish the cause of the pain, consult your doctor.

pain in ovaries during pregnancy
pain in ovaries during pregnancy

What happens to the ovaries

In most cases, aching pain in the ovaries does not bode well. The fact is that during pregnancy, these glands simply stop working. This is quite logical, because there is no need to fertilize the egg. In any case, even the smallest pain should not be overlooked. By contacting a doctor, you will make sure that the fetus is developing normally and there is no threat of miscarriage.

Causes of pain

Girls often wondercan the ovaries hurt during pregnancy and why this happens. There may be several reasons for the occurrence of pain.

  • The ligaments have stretched. During the period when a woman is carrying a baby in the womb, the uterus increases in size and rises up. The same thing happens with neighboring organs, including the ovaries. It turns out that if you experience pain in the exact place where these glands should be, most likely they are no longer there. Perhaps the cause of such sensations was a typical sprain during the growth of the uterus.
  • Ovarians can also hurt due to inflammation. In this case, a woman needs to constantly go for examinations to her doctor. If you are not under supervision and do not start treatment on time, then such inflammation can become a threat of premature termination of pregnancy.
  • It hurts the intestines and gives to the lower abdomen. During pregnancy, women are very emotional. Pain in the intestines, they may well be confused with pain in the ovaries. It is very important to watch what you eat. First, do not forget that your unborn child also eats with you. Secondly, you need to ensure that the chair is always soft. If this does not work for you and the lower abdomen begins to hurt, be sure to consult a doctor for advice.
  • If an ovarian cyst hurts during pregnancy, it's very bad. Such pain is a harbinger of neoplasms on the glands. Women with this diagnosis should be under the supervision of a doctor every day. It is for this reason that they usually spend their entire pregnancycarried out in a hospital. The doctor will constantly monitor whether these neoplasms harm the mother and the unborn child, whether there is a threat of miscarriage.
  • Ectopic pregnancy can also cause severe pain in the ovaries. If you haven't been to a gynecologist yet, be sure to visit him.

Interesting facts

ovary pain during early pregnancy
ovary pain during early pregnancy

Many girls complain that the ovary hurts during early pregnancy. This phenomenon is quite common, especially among expectant mothers in the age category from 18 to 25 years. According to statistics, the first pregnancy in most cases falls precisely on this period. An interesting fact is that when a woman gives birth, after a while she says that the pain has gone by itself and does not bother her anymore.

Most often, pain occurs due to changes in hormonal levels. There are even cases where the cause is a psychological problem, such as severe depression. This state of the nervous system cannot be ignored, because it can adversely affect the course of pregnancy. Moreover, an unfavorable imprint may remain on the formation of the fetus.

Non-obstetric causes of pain

If the ovary hurts during pregnancy in the early stages, then this may be the cause of an exacerbation of a chronic disease. It is for this reason that every woman is recommended to undergo a complete examination for prevention before planning a child. This check will revealpossible diseases of the internal organs.

  1. Kidney problems are a very common cause of pulling pains in the lower abdomen. For prevention, you need to constantly drink diuretic herbs and take tests regularly. If a woman has problems with her gallbladder, then she should be under constant medical supervision, so she is sent to a hospital to avoid a relapse.
  2. Cystitis. It accompanies frequent urination, but the woman does not feel pain. In the event that a strong, unpleasant pain appears in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to consult a doctor and begin treatment. If this is not done in time, the infection can turn into pyelonephritis.

When to see a doctor

can ovaries hurt during pregnancy
can ovaries hurt during pregnancy

You don't need to try to identify the reason why the ovaries hurt during early pregnancy. Seek medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen intensified, became sharp and sharp;
  • pain does not go away, on the contrary, every day you feel it more and more;
  • blood discharge coming from the vagina;
  • pain accompanied by fever;
  • Vaginal discharge is green or yellow and foul smelling;
  • tense stomach, as if turned to stone;
  • feeling very heavy in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea and malaise you feel every day.

Pregnancy after IVF

Very often women complain that the left ovary hurts during pregnancy after IVF. This situation exists and is considered quite normal. Reproductologists and gynecologists explain this phenomenon by the fact that this is a common reaction to stimulation. Moreover, if a woman has polycystic ovaries, then the appearance of pain after IVF is predicted with a very high probability.

In order for you to be calm, to carry the fetus normally without nerves and depression, tell your doctor about your condition. If your right ovary hurts during pregnancy (or left), get checked.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy

Unpleasant sensations, very similar to pain in the ovaries, occur when an already fertilized egg begins to attach to the uterus. Then the muscles, ligaments and skin begin to stretch. The uterus rises up and increases in size. All this can lead to pain.

It is worth noting that most often unpleasant sensations provoke sharp turns and movements, or even long lying on one side. In fact, the reason is that in this position, the uterus is tense, and this causes pain. If you feel pulling pains in the lower abdomen, do not immediately get nervous and make yourself a diagnosis. Do not forget that the unborn child reacts to your emotional state. Pull yourself together and to make sure that everything is in order, go for an ultrasound.

Ectopic pregnancy

ovarian pain during early pregnancy
ovarian pain during early pregnancy

Can it be earlypregnancy to hurt (ovaries or not, it is not always clear) the lower abdomen, we have already found out. But what kind of pain? Remember if you were checked by a gynecologist. Of course, when a woman finds out that she will become a mother, she is overwhelmed with a storm of emotions. This is joy, and fear, and immense happiness. But, do not forget about the mandatory verification. Sometimes the causes of pain may not be as harmless as we would like.

One of these reasons is the attachment of a fetal egg in a place not intended for it. In other words, it is an ectopic pregnancy. The sooner you discover it, the better. It is not able to develop, so it will be best to interrupt it as soon as possible. It is painful, insulting and unpleasant, but the sooner the right decision is made, the more optimistic forecasts await you for the future.

Pain in late pregnancy

pain in left ovary during pregnancy
pain in left ovary during pregnancy

If you feel that it hurts in the ovaries during pregnancy, but you are already carrying a child in the third or fourth trimester, while you used to feel just fine and there were no problems, then you should not worry. The most severe female diseases are detected at the beginning of pregnancy, then, most likely, it will be just a false alarm.

Pains that appear in the later stages are most often associated with the fact that the hormone relaxin is very active at this time. It acts in such a way as to prepare the body for the upcoming birth, for the advancement of the child through the genital tract, softens the cartilage tissues and ligaments of the mother.

However, for your own peace of mind, it would be best to consult with your doctor.

What to do if a pregnant woman feels severe pain

pain in right ovary during pregnancy
pain in right ovary during pregnancy

If your ovaries hurt during pregnancy, but you have already passed a full examination and it turned out that there is no threat to your he alth and the child, then you can deal with discomfort in the following ways.

  • Maybe you're just tired from the day and need to rest. Try to lie down for a while, relax, take a deep breath. Change the position of the body in such a way that it is comfortable for you, so that nothing becomes numb. Sometimes this will be enough to stop the pain from bothering you.
  • Very often, pregnant women are advised to wear a bandage. This is actually very helpful because you won't feel it when you lift your uterus up. The tummy will be in the correct position, and no discomfort will be felt. In addition, most women who wore a bandage quickly put their figure in order after childbirth, and they did not have stretch marks. Of course, stretching is not the most important thing. But if it is possible to get rid of them, then why not?
  • Check with your supervising doctor about what exercises you can do at home. By the way, you can sign up for courses for pregnant women. Moderate physical activity will only have a beneficial effect on you, it will prepare the body for the upcoming birth.
  • Try eating some fruit ora small piece of chocolate. It is possible that the body is missing something. It is very important to eat right during the period of bearing a child, so that the intestines work properly.

If, after following the above tips, you feel that your ovaries still hurt during pregnancy, then call an ambulance. Have them take you to the hospital.

Summing up

can ovaries hurt during early pregnancy
can ovaries hurt during early pregnancy

Now you know if the ovaries can hurt during pregnancy, for what reason this pain occurs. Do not forget the main thing - you should never panic ahead of time. Even if your ovaries hurt during pregnancy, this does not bode well. Get regular check-ups, eat right, and don't overexert yourself so you won't feel any pain.
