Yellowish discharge in women without smell and itching: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Yellowish discharge in women without smell and itching: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Yellowish discharge in women without smell and itching: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Women are always worried about maintaining their reproductive system. That is why even the slightest changes in its functioning will certainly cause concern for girls and ladies who immediately decide to get expert advice. Quite often, the questions that have arisen relate to such a natural process as the formation of a mucous lubricant. This substance is necessary for the female body to protect the inside of the vagina from damage. The released lubricant, as a rule, has a uniform consistency and is transparent. With this appearance of this secret, no matter how abundant it is, there is no need to worry.

gynecologist with mockup
gynecologist with mockup

But sometimes women have yellowish discharge without smell and itching. They should be a significant cause for concern. Sometimes these discharges are the first symptoms of a serious illness. However, do not panic in advance. It will be possible to assert the presence of pathology only after the diagnosis is made by a specialist. The fact is that the reproductive system of eachladies and girls have their own individual characteristics. And there are many causes of yellowish, odorless discharge and itching in women.

Physiological norm

How should women react when yellowish, odorless discharge appears from the vagina? In women, sometimes such mucus can be the norm. That is why it is worth understanding in which cases a natural physiological process is observed, and when we can talk about pathology.

There are several types of yellow discharge:

  1. Not abundant, odorless or with it. Such moderate, slightly yellowish discharge, which is not accompanied by burning, itching and redness, in most cases can be considered normal. Premenstrual leucorrhoea is naturally light in color. However, you can see a yellowish tint in them. It is noticeable if you consider the mucus on the daily pad. In the middle of the cycle, yellowish, odorless discharge in women increases slightly in volume. The same thing happens a few days before menstruation begins. At this time, a woman should be especially careful to perform hygiene procedures and use thin panty liners.
  2. Plentiful, which have an unpleasant smell, and without it. Such secretions clearly indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the reproductive organs. Often, at the same time, women begin to complain of some unpleasant symptoms, including itching, as well as burning in the vulva area. In such cases, the discharge may be greenish-yellow and have an unpleasant sharpsmell.

The appearance, including the color of the secretion secreted from the vagina, changes under the influence of various conditions. That is why the appearance of yellowish, odorless discharge in women should not cause any unrest if they do not cause irritation of the skin of the external labia and perineum, as well as the mucous membrane of the vulva. In this case, such a condition does not require any treatment. The fairer sex only needs to more carefully adhere to elementary hygiene rules, choosing underwear only from natural fabrics and ironing it before wearing it.

Women's natural yellowish, odorless discharge can occur for the following reasons:

  • Age-related hormonal changes.
  • Increase in the amount of mucus during pregnancy, before menstruation, and also after childbirth.
  • Pathologies of the breast.
  • Changes in the hormonal composition of the blood due to diseases of the endocrine glands.
  • Psychological stress.
  • Using hormonal contraceptives.
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse.

The composition of the discharge from women is yellowish, odorless, includes mucus flowing from the cervix and body of the uterus, as well as fluid that enters the vagina from small blood and lymphatic vessels.

After the abortion

Among the causes of yellowish, odorless discharge in women is abortion. After it, thick whites may appear. They disturb a woman for 2 or 3 months. Duewith damage to small vessels, an admixture of blood is often added to such secretions. A woman should carefully observe whether these whites have a change in smell and color. This is important in order to notice the appearance of the inflammatory process in time.

In addition, after an abortion, a decrease in immunity is recorded in a woman. Often this leads to the development of streptococcal and staphylococcal infections that affect the genitals. The same pathogenic microorganisms cause pathologies of the urinary organs and intestines.

When Pregnant

After conception, a serious hormonal restructuring occurs in the female body. This causes many processes to change. Appear during this period in women and odorless yellow discharge, which may have varying degrees of intensity.

pregnant woman talking to doctor
pregnant woman talking to doctor

In the early stages, a special mucous plug forms in the expectant mother. Its main purpose is to protect the fetus from pathological influences from the outside. This is how the body takes care of maintaining the pregnancy. Yellowish, odorless discharge in women during this period is the excess plug that comes out of the vagina.

In the second trimester, the fetus begins to grow actively. Against the background of this process, many other processes occur in the woman's body, including a decrease in immunity. This leads to increased sensitivity to allergens. Sometimes a woman's body begins to react sharply to panty liners or products intended for the intimate sphere.

In the secondtrimester of pregnancy are not uncommon and inflammatory processes that occur in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. This also causes a change in the color of the whites.

Yellow odorless discharge in women appears 2-3 weeks before the onset of labor. They testify to the discharge of the mucous plug from the vagina. A sticky thick yellow liquid appears in women and from the mammary glands. It's colostrum. As a rule, its occurrence precedes childbirth. However, sometimes it appears 5-6 months before them.

Pregnant women often complain of cystitis. The reason for its occurrence is a weakened immune system and changes in hormonal levels. In most cases, the course of the disease is accompanied by discharge of a transparent color. However, in cases where leucorrhoea changes its smell, color or texture during cystitis, such manifestations may indicate the presence of genital infections, vaginosis or colpitis.

An odorless, yellowish-greenish discharge in women who are carrying a child, as a rule, indicates an infected abortion, as a result of which the fetus dies. Accompanying symptoms in this case are fever, chills, and the presence of an inflammatory process, which will be indicated by a blood test.

After childbirth

The presence of discharge in a woman when a child is born is explained by the natural process of self-cleaning of the uterus. At first, a postpartum bloody secret, which is called lochia, is necessarily released from the vagina. And this is the norm for any woman, regardless of whether she gave birth herself or the child appearedinto the world by caesarean section. Gradually, the color of lochia begins to change. In the second or third week, it becomes dark red, brown or brown. Yellowish, odorless discharge in women after childbirth appears with the final exit of lochia.

panties hanging on a rope
panties hanging on a rope

If the he alth of a young mother has worsened, then she needs to immediately contact a gynecologist. It is especially important to do this in the case when, for a significant period of time after the past birth, bloody blotches are visible in the discharge. All this indicates a pathological process, which, with further development, can be dangerous for a woman's he alth.

Symptoms of the disease are:

  • occurrence of itching in the vagina and burning in it;
  • yellowish mucous discharge, which contains blood with pus;
  • pain in the abdomen with localization in the lower part, sometimes radiating to the lower back;
  • high temperature.

The symptoms described above are typical for endometritis. In the presence of such signs, you should immediately contact the hospital. Only in this case it will be possible to eliminate the likelihood of serious consequences.

Among the possible causes of this pathology are:

  1. Endometritis. This disease often develops after childbirth. It manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the uterine mucosa. The main symptom of endometritis is a purulent yellow liquid that comes out of the vagina, which has an unpleasant odor and containsblotches of blood.
  2. Erosion of the cervix. After a past birth, this organ may well be seriously injured. This is the main reason for the development of erosion on the cervix. The affected surface is prone to infections, which leads to a yellowish discharge in a woman.
  3. Inflammatory processes in the appendages, ovaries and uterine tubes. Very often it is they who cause the appearance of yellow mucus. Such an inflammatory process is accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, passing into the lower limbs, as well as fever.

During breastfeeding

The appearance of yellow vaginal secretions in women who have recently given birth indicates the natural process of uterine cleansing.

woman holding her chest
woman holding her chest

In the case when a woman is breastfeeding, such discharge becomes especially plentiful and intense. They are white or yellowish in color. They do not contain any impurities of blood, there is no smell. The secretion of such a secret during breastfeeding begins approximately on the 10th day after the last birth and ends after about a month.

Before period

Shortly before ovulation, the vaginal secretion sometimes acquires a yellowish tint. An admixture of this color occurs due to deviations in the hormonal background. In this regard, yellowish, odorless discharge in women before menstruation is considered the norm. But at the same time they should be moderate. This is what will indicate the maturation of the cell. As the date of the beginning of menstruation approaches, the numbervaginal discharge begins to increase. However, at the same time, their consistency becomes more liquid. The maximum volume of whites can be observed a week before the onset of menstruation. If during this period a woman suffers from a depressive or stressful condition, then the amount of dark yellow discharge from her noticeably increases.

White that occurs before menstruation should be without clots and homogeneous. Their volume is normal - 4-6 ml. Only in this case such a phenomenon will be considered non-pathological. If the discharge is accompanied by burning and pain, then the woman should consult a specialist.

Sometimes, yellow leucorrhoea also appears in girls. This happens approximately 10-12 months before the onset of the first menstruation in life. This phenomenon indicates that the body has begun preparing for reproductive function. During this period, such discharge is also considered the norm.

After period

Vaginal yellow secret immediately after the end of critical days, if it is odorless and does not cause itching, is also considered a natural process. It indicates that during this period the genital organs are cleansed. Normally, yellowish, odorless discharge in women after menstruation is not too thick.

With menopause

During menopause, the activity of hormones in a woman's body decreases. In this regard, less natural secretion is secreted into the vagina. This becomes the cause of the frequent occurrence of gynecological diseases.

elderly woman sitting on the sand
elderly woman sitting on the sand

After 55 ovariescompletely cease to perform their functions. The discharge from a woman during this period should be homogeneous, transparent and not watery. If they have a different character, then this clearly indicates the development of pathology.

The cause of yellow whites in menopause are diseases that can be sexually transmitted, as well as thrush, hormonal disruptions, oncological pathologies and benign neoplasms of the cervix and uterus. When menopause occurs, a woman needs to pay special attention to her state of he alth, regularly visit a gynecologist and be guided by all his appointments.

Other highlights

Sometimes yellow mucus may come out of the urethra. The reasons for this phenomenon are:

  1. STDs.
  2. Urolithiasis. In the presence of large formations, they begin to injure the walls of the urethra, resulting in foci of inflammation.
  3. Unbalanced diet. Yellow mucus from the urethra can be released with excessive enthusiasm for acidic, spicy and fatty foods. Such foods cause inflammation.
  4. Hypercooling.

Sometimes yellowish discharge comes from the mammary glands. As a rule, they are a sign of the development of mastitis and breast cancer. The exceptions are discharge during pregnancy, 1 or 2 days before menstruation, with excessive sexual arousal and menopause.

Pathological causes

White is yellowish in color, resembling snot in its consistency,often serve as the first sign of diseases of the genitourinary organs. Mucus is constantly secreted.

In the case of vulvovaginitis, the leucorrhoea sometimes turns bright yellow. This pathology is indicated by pain that bothers during intercourse and emptying the bladder.

sanitary napkin in woman's hands
sanitary napkin in woman's hands

Yellow discharge with blood impurities is characteristic of cervical erosion and associated diseases such as cervicitis and vaginitis.

White, the appearance of which differs from the norm, may appear with salpingitis and adnexitis. These diseases are characterized by the presence of inflammatory processes, in which yellow-brown mucus is released, which has purulent inclusions. Additional signs of these pathologies are discomfort during the process of urination, as well as pulling pain in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen.

With yellow discharge of a cheesy type, we can talk about the development of candidiasis. Often such discharge has an unpleasant sour smell.

Yellow-green mucus can serve as the first symptom of trichomoniasis and chlamydia. As the disease progresses, such secretions begin to acquire a rotten smell.

Diagnosis and treatment

Is the discharge that appears abnormal? This can only be decided by a doctor who needs to be consulted.

In the presence of yellowish, odorless discharge in women, the diagnosis of the existing pathology is carried out on the basis of the results obtained in the course of laboratory tests. Among them: a blood test and a smear from the vagina, as well as PCR diagnostics and enzyme immunoassay.

When eliminating odorless yellowish discharge in women, the treatment is to eliminate the causes of mucus. It may include topical or general antibiotic therapy. In addition, the doctor prescribes medications that improve blood circulation and help restore the normal microflora in the vagina. Physiotherapeutic procedures have a good effect.

happy woman
happy woman

In most cases, the treatment of pathologies accompanied by yellow discharge is carried out using vaginal tablets and suppositories. General medicines are used only if the disease is in the acute stage.