How many days do periods go in different periods of life?

How many days do periods go in different periods of life?
How many days do periods go in different periods of life?

Answering the question of how many days menstruation lasts, first of all they say that this is a feature of each individual organism, and there are no certain standards. There are only average numbers. Even the age at which menstruation can begin varies from 10 to 16 years (there are cases that earlier or later). Basically, in the first few months of the menstrual cycle, it still cannot be established. And only after 2-3 years it is completely normal.

how many days are periods
how many days are periods

The cycle repeats on average once every 28 days (the number of days in a lunar month), but menstruation can come both after 20 and after 36 days. There is some norm in how long menstruation should go - it is no more than seven days and at least one or two. Otherwise, you should contact a specialist, because this is how your body makes it clear that something is wrong with it. This is no longer a feature to be taken for granted. Problems can be the most serious, from ectopic pregnancy to sexually transmitted diseases.

But don't worry right away, go to the doctor, get checked, maybe everything is fine with you, because how many days your period lasts depends on manyreasons.

Factors affecting the duration of menstruation

  1. Heredity. How many days your mother has her period is how many days you are likely to have. Even if the period exceeds a week, then this is quite normal in this case.
  2. Features of the structure of the body. The reproductive system, the cervix, even the clotting of your blood can affect the number of red days. If you are not worried about the pain during this, then there is nothing to worry about.
  3. The daily routine of the day. If you drastically change your diet, for example, go on a diet, if you can’t sleep because of a night spent at the computer screen, then not only will your periods change the duration, but severe pain in the lower abdomen may also be added.
  4. how many days should my period go
    how many days should my period go

    Eat right, sleep right, and you won't have these problems next month.

  5. Physical activity. Everything is good, but in moderation. This also applies to sports. Do not overload yourself with physical activities. Do not overdo it in this matter, take an average load, otherwise your body will rebel and cancel periods for a long time, and, possibly, vice versa, increase their frequency.
  6. Emotional state. Strong feelings for any reason, whether it be the death of a loved one or being fired from work, can play a cruel joke on your menstruation.
  7. Hormonal pills. For example, if you are taking contraceptives, this leads to some malfunctions in the body, you should stop taking them and switch to a safer one.remedy.

How many days do periods go after childbirth

how many days does menstruation last after childbirth
how many days does menstruation last after childbirth

This moment is also individual for everyone. But after giving birth, everyone has a discharge called lochia. This is a discharge from the uterus, lasting from two weeks to forty days. At first, they resemble menstruation, then gradually disappear. For most, menstruation after childbirth is restored and goes through the same cycle that was before pregnancy. But there are times when they are a little shortened in duration, for example, they go only for two or three days.
