What is menopause in women? First signs and symptoms

What is menopause in women? First signs and symptoms
What is menopause in women? First signs and symptoms

A woman's menopause is the last natural menstruation in a woman's life. Determine the date when it occurred, retrospectively, a year after the event, if there were no more discharges due to the functionality of the ovaries. On average, menopause comes at 45-50 years, although everything is strictly individual. During menopause, the concentration of sex hormones decreases, the function of procreation is lost. The concepts of menopause and menopause are closely related - the first is the initial stage of menopause. At the same time, menopause is not a point event, but a long one, extended over time.

Biology and man

A woman's menopause can last a decade, according to some researchers. It is impossible to guess how long the hormonal restructuring of the body will take in each specific case - this process is too individual. To maintain a high quality of life,adhere to the diet developed by doctors, organize your daily routine, normalize the rhythm of life. If the need arises, you need to take special medications (strictly under the supervision of a doctor), and also seek help from a psychologist. Special vitamins designed for this period of life will benefit - for example, Lady's Formula. Menopause in a woman is a period of temporary difficulties, but they are all surmountable.

Many say that the most significant problems associated with menopause are psychological. Hormonal changes lead to a restructuring of character. Often, menopause in women manifests itself:

  • prone to get irritated;
  • distrust;
  • sensitivity;
  • touchiness.
woman after menopause
woman after menopause

As psychologists say, this makes the problem not only personal, but affecting the entire close circle - children and spouse, friends and colleagues. In order to facilitate the transition period in a woman's life, those around her should be sympathetic to her condition, provide a friendly atmosphere at home, calmness and comfort, peace.

Menopause in a woman is a completely natural process, the beginning of a new life stage. It should not be thought that this is a disease that requires treatment, or simply an incontinence of character that needs to be suppressed by strong-willed efforts. All the changes that occur during menopause are smoothed out by special methods, many approaches have been developed, but only a woman who understands that she needs help, as well as one who is supported, can resort to them.loved ones.

Despite stereotypes, menopause is not the end of intimate life. On the contrary, this area becomes more important for a woman than before. Doctors recommend that, whenever possible, efforts be made to ensure that a woman's menopausal symptoms do not cause a breakdown in friendships at work (family difficulties are believed to be somewhat easier to deal with). From the outside, a woman experiencing menopause may suddenly seem overly caring. Others should accept this and understand - this is one of the ways to adjust to the new conditions of life.

How to notice?

The first manifestations of menopause are quite diverse, individual. Much depends on the hormonal background, medical history, general he alth. The symptoms of menopause in a woman are determined by the specifics of the work of estrogen receptors located in different vital organs.

The first warning signs of approaching menopause come already in 30-40 years. These are not symptoms of menopause yet, but only slight hints of a new stage in life. So, you can suspect that hormonal changes are coming, according to the following features:

  • violation of the cycle of menstruation;
  • difficulty conceiving a child, bearing a fetus;
  • endometriosis.

First signs of menopause in women:

  • tides;
  • amenorrhea;
  • excited state;
  • increased dizziness.

And if in more detail?

The onset of menopause in women most often manifests itself as hot flashes - they attract special attention to themselves. The duration of the state - from a few seconds to heavy minutes, which feel like endless. Hot flashes can occur at any time, without reference to the daily rhythm. At the same time, the skin turns red, heat is felt, and the work of the sweat glands is activated. Some people report that their fingertips become numb. Possible increased heart rate. In rare cases, this condition provokes fainting. The flush ends, usually with chills.

A woman during menopause may suffer from vertigo. Doctors explain this by frequent pressure surges, which stimulates the emergence of local excited foci in the autonomic nervous system. Hormonal changes lead to dizziness. At the same time, the woman becomes more excitable. It manifests itself:

  • night sleeplessness;
  • prone to daytime sleepiness;
  • concern;
  • anxiety.

These phenomena are the most typical signs of menopause in women, occurring in most cases. Other manifestations are possible.

Emotions and hormones

The connection between the hormonal background and the emotional state of a woman was noted in antiquity. It is known for certain that Greek doctors explained emotions by the state of the uterus. This is how the word "hysteria" was formed - in Greek hystera means "womb". The fact is that a fairly common sign of menopause in women is astheno-neurotic syndrome. Such a state is described as follows: a woman is irritated, tends to be capricious, tearful, frightened, anxious, although she cannot explain the reason for such sensations. Usually conditionaccompanied by insomnia, increased sensitivity to smells, sounds.

menopause in women
menopause in women

There are also cases where treatment for menopausal women was chosen based on manifestations of depression: a depressed mental state can be so severe that thoughts of harming oneself arise. A particular difficulty in this case is the problem of adjustment, since the response to therapy is usually weak, and in a certain percentage of cases there is no response at all. Depressive disorders characteristic of women during menopause are extremely severe, accompanied by atypical behavior, in many cases defiant. It is easy to notice this from the outside, paying attention to makeup, hair, clothes. To some extent, a woman, not always realizing her motives, resorts to these tools to prolong her youth.

Vegetative NS and menopause

Women have hot flashes at this time, but the severity and frequency of such phenomena varies significantly. Some note hot flashes extremely rarely, but they are tolerated quite easily, but for others, disorders become a cause for serious concern: hot flashes come often, and it is extremely difficult to transfer them. Severe symptoms of menopause:

  • feeling like out of breath;
  • active sweat glands;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • anxiety;
  • nausea;
  • weakness.

Many say that the heart seems to freeze during the tide. The situation is complicated by severe dizziness.

If in menopausal womenfrequent failures in the rhythm of the heartbeat, breathing quickens, it is reasonable to consult a doctor. At the same time, HVS is diagnosed (hyperventilation syndrome). It feels like a lump in the throat, lack of air, pressure in the chest, migraine-like headaches. Hot flashes are more common when you stay in a stuffy room for a long time, at high temperature and humidity.

DHW is due to a violation of calcium, magnesium metabolism. Metabolic problems lead to a decrease in the concentration of estrogens in the body, already low due to the transformation of the reproductive system. It is noted that DHW is associated with snoring, since during a night's rest it leads to prolonged fading of breath. You can notice the hot water supply by the symptoms:

  • waking frequently at night for no apparent reason;
  • sleep cravings during the day;
  • apnea;
  • high blood pressure in the morning.

This is interesting

Violation of calcium, magnesium metabolism can be corrected to some extent with vitamin complexes (for example, "Woman's Formula"). Menopause, accompanied by such metabolic problems, is associated with considerable he alth risks, since trace elements and hormones are responsible not only for reproductive function, but also for the regenerative qualities of brain neurons. The death of these cells can trigger Alzheimer's disease.

Taking specialized drugs designed for menopause, you can stimulate the performance of brain cells, provide the body with the necessary components to normalize blood flow. Estrogens andvitamins, minerals jointly stop inflammation, have the qualities of antioxidants, help maintain a stable level of glucose in the circulatory system. Do not neglect such products, especially if the doctor has recommended taking a specific set of vitamins.

formula woman menopause
formula woman menopause

Manifestations: what is possible?

You can suspect the approach of menopause by the state of the genitourinary system: various diseases that manifest themselves as specific secretions are pursued. During menopause, women may experience mucous discharge from the vagina that does not have a pronounced odor. These are considered a physiological norm. But a substance with a sharp, strong odor, containing inclusions of blood, is already an indicator of ill he alth. If you are concerned about such manifestations, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause: it may be an infection, an inflammatory process, or more serious problems - for example, benign, malignant neoplasms.

The menopause is accompanied by deterioration of the circulatory and musculoskeletal systems. Concerned about sudden jumps in pressure, pain in the heart. Deficiency of sex hormones can provoke atrophic vaginitis, expressing itself:

  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa;
  • lack of lubrication;
  • lowering walls;
  • weak blood flow;
  • burning.

During and after menopause, women are at increased risk of atrophic cystourethritis. It is expressed by frequent urge to visit the toilet, soreness of the process, burning and cutting in the lower abdomen. The urge provokes nocturnal awakenings. Atrophic processes can affect the ligaments of organs in this area, which means that the correct anatomy is violated, the organs are displaced, against which the uterus descends or even falls out.

A woman after menopause, especially in the absence of maintenance therapy, the skin becomes dry, inelastic, pigmented, flabby. Doctors attribute this to malnutrition. Possible activation of hair loss. Some have increased facial hair growth.

Postmenopause often manifests itself as osteoporosis. The disease is provoked by insufficiency of female sex hormones. The mechanism of its development is as follows: due to the lack of active components, bone tissues are not renewed, which means that growth decreases, and the risk of fractures increases. Often fractures accompany the application of minimal load. Back pain, lower back, the syndrome increases with prolonged walking or standing. The joints are painful. Possible stoop.

When to expect?

Possible menopause in women of age close to fifty years, although in practice there are many cases of deviation both up and down. The average time of menopause is 48 years. It is at this age that the reproductive function of the body gradually comes to naught, while the organs responsible for procreation undergo irreversible changes. The concentration of sex hormones decreases, the uterus and ovaries change. Visually noticeable changes in the breast.

It is impossible to say exactly at what age a woman's menopause has already begun, and when not. It all depends onindividual characteristics. No associations were found with first sexual intercourse, number of children, number of successful conceptions, or menarche.

There are many cases when the restructuring of the hormonal, reproductive system did not attract the attention of women at all, but others face serious troubles in everyday life. Unfortunately, it cannot be said that the causes of menopause in women are removable. If menopause bothers you with inconvenience, you can only take measures to alleviate the symptoms, but there is no way to cope with the reasons yet.

Doctors believe that to some extent the period of onset of menopause is determined by the hereditary factor. Having learned at what age mother and grandmother faced perestroika, you can prepare in advance for a new stage in your life. True, no one can promise an exact coincidence of terms: deviations are possible in both directions. However, even approximate ideas about the timing of menopause make it possible to facilitate the transition period, to prepare for it in advance.

signs of menopause in women
signs of menopause in women

Factors and age

Observations have shown that to some extent the onset of menopause is influenced by:

  • genetics;
  • social conditions;
  • case history;
  • psychological nuances.

Doctors assure that for several decades menopause has been shifting to the age of forty. Cases of transition to a new phase of life even before the age of 40 have become more frequent. Women are more likely to experience early menopause:

  • smokers;
  • multiple abortion survivors;
  • who do not have regular sex life;
  • alcohol abusers;
  • obese;
  • neglecting the regime of the day;
  • following strict diet programs;
  • regularly facing stressful situations.
first signs of menopause in women
first signs of menopause in women

Gynecological, oncological, autoimmune, endocrine diseases, past or present, can contribute.

How to warn?

Several methods have been developed to delay menopause in women. According to reviews, the best results are shown by basic preventive approaches: regularly visit a doctor, take tests for hormones, take medicines prescribed by a doctor to correct the condition of the body. In addition to hormonal, the doctor usually advises restorative drugs - they should not be neglected either.

Methods to prevent early menopause:

  • balanced, rational nutrition program;
  • physiotherapy;
  • regular gymnastics.

If the age approaches 48 years, to delay menopause, you can resort to folk methods - drinking infusions, decoctions of medicinal herbs, taking fragrant baths with essential oils.

Step by step

The first stage is premenopause. This period can last up to six years. As in the period of menopause, discharge in premenopausal women is quite characteristic, due to the specific features of the hormonal system. Menstruation allthere is still, but the cyclicity is broken, frequent delays and short duration of the cycle are characteristic. Gradually, the menstrual cycle ceases to be observed at all. During discharge, there is less and less blood every time, but heavy menstruation is extremely rare.

Premenopausal women may experience excess estrogen production leading to hyperestrogenism. Correction of this condition is prescribed based on the results of specific analyzes. The gynecologist first examines the patient, and directs for treatment if the following symptoms are detected:

  • increased density of the walls of the uterus instead of their thinning, reduction;
  • enlargement, weighting of the breast;
  • appearance of painful seals in the mammary glands;
  • increased production of cervical mucus;
  • neoplasms, myomatous nodes;
  • duration, profusion of menstruation increases;
  • dysfunctional bleeding.

Status Progress

The next stage is the actual menopause. Menstrual flow is a thing of the past. Of all the steps of menopause, menopause is the shortest, soon giving way to postmenopause, when the ovaries lose their ability to produce hormones. On average, the amount of estrogen in the body is halved compared to the reproductive age. The duration of early postmenopause varies from a year to twice as long. Symptoms:

  • pubic hair loss;
  • decrease in the tone of the walls of the vagina;
  • flattening of the vaginal vaults;
  • womb reduction;
  • reducing cervical mucus.

The structure of the breast is changing: glandular cells are being replaced by fat and fiber.

The listed manifestations are completely normal processes. As a rule, a woman does not face serious troubles. Postmenopause lasts until the end of life.

discharge in women during menopause
discharge in women during menopause

Too early

If a woman goes through menopause at age 40 or earlier, she should see a doctor. In some cases, everything is explained by genetics: defective chromosomes, ovarian dysfunction due to a chromosomal factor, Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome or other problems, disorders caused by heredity.

Early menopause may begin due to external factors. They can provoke him:

  • overweight;
  • chemotherapy;
  • diseases associated with the hormonal, reproductive system;
  • anorexia;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives.

Early menopause provokes flabbiness of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles, pigmentation of certain areas. The figure is changing, weight is quickly added, and deposits are primarily observed on the hips, waist, and sides. Somewhat less often, male-type obesity is recorded, when the main mass gain falls on the stomach. Early menopause can provoke a whole bunch of diseases - from hormonal and metabolic-related disruptions to malignant neoplasms.

How to warn?

The cause of early menopause is gonadal dyskinesia. The ovaries, functioning normally,provide the body with the necessary amount of active compounds, including hormonal ones. Unfortunately, at present there are no methods to guarantee 100% protection against early menopause: genetic factors in their bulk cannot be adjusted. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe hormonal therapy - the correct selection of drugs allows you to delay the menopause.

You can postpone, weaken the manifestations of menopause by resorting to folk remedies. Prepare decoctions, infusions on medicinal herbs, ginger rhizomes. In addition to benefits for the reproductive system, such products strengthen the body as a whole, stimulate the immune system.

It must be remembered that old age comes earlier if a woman has suffered or is suffering a serious illness. Often in such a situation, you can delay menopause with the right choice of hormonal drugs, but they trust the doctor to draw up a drug program, otherwise there is a high risk of harming yourself.

Climacteric period and pain

To some extent, pain is a defense mechanism. Separate areas send impulses to the brain, drawing attention to problems, violations of integrity, and incorrect functioning. With menopause, abdominal pain is often observed, since it is here that the organs of the genitourinary system are located. To understand the cause of an unpleasant syndrome, it is important to identify the source of sensations. All possible causes are divided into two groups:

  • physiological;
  • pathology.

It is possible that with menopause pain is not provoked at allnatural processes, but diseases:

  • ulcers;
  • inflammatory;
  • renal;
  • gastric.

Pain can cause: colic, inflammation of the appendix, uterus, and poisoning. Sometimes pain in the abdomen gives a heart attack, pneumonia.

If the sensations are not provoked by diseases, but only by hormonal changes, getting rid of them is easy enough. They are usually explained by spasms, improper functioning of certain types of cells that form mucus. Such a cause usually manifests itself as pain after intimate contact.


During menopause, women often complain of pain in the temple, neck, crown. Weather changes, stress factors and other external sources can provoke discomfort. Doctors distinguish four groups of provocateurs:

  • cramps;
  • pressure change;
  • effect on nerve endings;
  • vertebral diseases.

The specific cause is found out by conducting long-term observations of the patient, establishing the nature of the sensations and the exact localization.

Quite often with menopause there are headaches similar to migraines. Cluster pains are not uncommon during menopause, whose distinguishing feature is strongly pronounced discomfort. If it is cluster pains that are observed, you should immediately consult a doctor - the symptom signals some serious illness. Diagnosis will require the delivery of tests and instrumental studies. But due to menopause, headaches most often occur due tofor a state close to depression, vascular spasm or pressure surges due to hormonal instability.

menopause in women
menopause in women

Periods and menopause

Menopause is the period when regular bleeding stops. If the discharge is still there, but the cycle is broken, the woman is probably in a premenopausal state. Menopause is set one year after the last cycle. There are cases when the intervals between discharges reached six months - this does not indicate menopause, but signals its approach.