Abortion at week 16: doctor's appointment, rules and timing, indications, contraindications and consequences for the woman's body

Abortion at week 16: doctor's appointment, rules and timing, indications, contraindications and consequences for the woman's body
Abortion at week 16: doctor's appointment, rules and timing, indications, contraindications and consequences for the woman's body

Abortion is a scary word. Society imposes on women the idea that this is literally a murder that cannot be approved. But it's not. Abortion is an ordinary operation in which there is nothing to be ashamed of. And, as before any other operation, you should first understand what you can expect from it.

Types of abortions

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy for any reason. It may be a woman's desire, a medical or social need. The safest and easiest is abortion in the early stages up to about 5 weeks. During this period, it is possible to have an abortion without surgical intervention, for example, medical or vacuum.

non-surgical abortion - pills
non-surgical abortion - pills

Surgical abortion is usually done before 12 weeks. But if any medical contraindications or social reasons arise, it can be done up to 22 weeks. The fact is that, according to the law, a voluntary abortion can be done no later than12 week period. Therefore, it is far from always possible to have an abortion at 16 weeks.

Waiting time at different dates

When a woman comes to the clinic with the firm intention of having an abortion, this decision is usually carefully weighed and considered. But according to the law, a certain period of time is required before the operation so that the patient has the opportunity to change her mind. Even so, there are situations when a woman decides to leave the fetus already on the operating table. The waiting time is directly related to the deadline. Two days are allocated for treatment for up to 7 weeks, as well as for a period of 11-12 weeks. When applying for a period of 8-10 weeks, this time increases to a week. As for the abortion at 16 weeks of gestation, everything will depend on the reasons why the operation is necessary. But, most likely, you won't have to wait more than two days.

Abortion at 16 weeks

As already mentioned, according to the law, an abortion at the request of a woman is done only up to 12 weeks. So do they get an abortion at 16 weeks? After the 12-week period, a serious reason is needed for an abortion. Medical contraindications include abnormal fetal development and endangering the life of the mother.

abortion at 16 weeks
abortion at 16 weeks

Social causes include conception due to rape, death of the child's father, incapacity and others. Only under one of these circumstances can you have an abortion at 16 weeks. So it's much better for a woman's he alth to take care of herself sooner and have an abortion sooner.


Based on the paragraph above, you can determineindications for abortion at 16 weeks. Among them are pregnancy from a rapist, ectopic pregnancy, serious complications of the mother's he alth, and violations in the development of the fetus. Usually, at such late dates as 16 weeks, an abortion is done only after a special medical commission, which decides how expedient, necessary and safe the operation is.

doctor's appointment
doctor's appointment

But the final decision is made by the patient herself. Without her consent, doctors have no right to medical intervention. It is possible only in case of a serious threat to the life of a woman, when help is needed immediately. So an abortion at 15-16 weeks is a rather difficult thing.


As with any other operation, there are contraindications for late abortions. The first is an ectopic pregnancy. Of course, an abortion in this case is simply necessary, but it is very important to weigh and eliminate all possible risks in advance. Depending on the chosen method of removing the fetus, the patient may experience complications after the operation, so it is very important to be prepared for this in advance. The doctor must tell and explain everything, warn about possible consequences.

legal abortion
legal abortion

The final decision is made by the woman anyway. Contraindications for abortion for a period of 16 weeks also include infectious and venereal diseases of the pelvic organs, because during the operation complications are possible when exposed to the outside on the body. Another contraindication is the Rh conflict, which can occur during the first pregnancy. Histhe cause is usually the heterogeneity of the rhesus of the father and mother, because of which the woman's body rejects the fetus. There are also narrower, individual contraindications, therefore, before an abortion for a period of 16 weeks, studies of the body are mandatory. This also applies to any other term.


Thus, we found out that an abortion at 16 weeks is possible only in special cases. At this time, the stomach is visible, but the body is already adapted to pregnancy, so many unpleasant symptoms fade into the background. First of all, a medical commission meets to discuss the reasons for the abortion, as this is a very serious operation for such a late date.

hospital ward
hospital ward

Next, studies are assigned that the patient needs to undergo, including an analysis for hCG and a blood test for HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis, a complete blood count and an analysis for the presence of infections of the genitourinary system. Additional tests may be ordered depending on individual causes and complications.

How an abortion works

At the moment, three types of abortion are used in Russia for a period of 4-5 months: dilation and evacuation, dilatation and curettage, and small caesarean section. Medical abortion at this time may be ineffective and cause complications. The most commonly used dilatation and curettage, although this is not the safest way. To begin with, with the help of special preparations, the cervical canal is expanded. The embryo is then removed using a curette (surgical spoon).

dilation andcurettage
dilation andcurettage

The danger of this method lies in the fact that doctors have a very strong mechanical effect on the patient's body, such a shock can cause profuse atonic bleeding, which is extremely unsafe. Curettage is recommended only in extreme cases, when other methods are inappropriate. Dilation and evacuation is carried out in almost the same way as curettage, but instead of a curette, a vacuum aspirator is used here, which removes the embryo and amniotic fluid. This method is considered the safest of the above, as it is less traumatic. Hysterotomy, or small caesarean section, is performed only in cases where the use of other methods for medical reasons is not possible, for example, in the case of mutations or death of the fetus, as well as in case of individual contraindications of the patient.

Consequences for the body

Abortion at 16 weeks is a very serious and risky operation. And the consequences after it can be different. It depends on many factors: the predisposition of the patient, the competence of doctors, the observance of sanitary standards during the operation, as well as the very reasons for this operation. The only thing that all women experience after surgery is a violation of the menstrual cycle. It will take about 3-4 months to restore it and bring it back to normal, after which it will most likely even out. But there are more serious consequences, such as acute bleeding, endometriosis and endometritis, uterine perforation and others. Often, after late abortions, women become infertile. All this is mostly individual and depends onmany factors, but every woman is able to take care of herself and prevent complications by carefully and carefully restoring her body. After the operation, the patient usually continues to be under the close supervision of doctors for 3-5 days. At the discharge, the attending physician will tell you what the body needs now, and what you should refrain from, perhaps prescribe any drugs.

All doctor's recommendations must be strictly followed, as this will help speed up the recovery process. Moreover, it is necessary to observe sexual rest until the full restoration of the menstrual cycle. At first, spotting may be observed, during this period it is worth refraining from serious physical exertion. A diet containing many vitamins and minerals will also be useful for a weakened body. Do not forget to monitor your well-being: measure pressure and temperature more often, control the nature of the discharge. It is convenient to do this in special applications for monitoring women's he alth.

Abortion is nothing to be ashamed of

This paragraph of the article is dedicated to those whose term is not yet very long and allows them to have an abortion at their own request. Society often imposes on girls that abortion is certainly murder, a shameful deed, a sin and a terrible act. But it is not so. In the early stages, the fetus is not yet formed, it is just a set of cells. The reasons may be different. Nobody denies that abortion is a very serious step for many. But it is important to understand how to do the right thing. Sometimes an abortion can be a much better option thanchildbirth. Someone says that abortion has very serious consequences for women. Only now they do not take into account the fact that childbirth has no less, and sometimes even more serious consequences, including complications during childbirth and even death, postpartum depression, scoliosis, stroke, uterine prolapse and many others. In fact, the consequences of pregnancy and childbirth are much greater than the consequences of an early legal abortion. Therefore, if the period is still short, and an abortion is necessary for whatever reasons, there is nothing shameful and terrible in doing this.

abortion is a woman's right
abortion is a woman's right

The inscription on the picture: "Abortion is a woman's right".

Summing up, I would like to say that the reasons for abortion are very different and individual. Abortion at 16 weeks is quite serious, but if it is necessary, then it is much better to have it, even if the child is desired. After all, the he alth of an adult woman is much more important than an unformed fetus.
