Discharge like egg white - what is it? Is this the norm?

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Discharge like egg white - what is it? Is this the norm?
Discharge like egg white - what is it? Is this the norm?

Video: Discharge like egg white - what is it? Is this the norm?

Video: Discharge like egg white - what is it? Is this the norm?
Video: PRP 101 Webinar: June 16, 2016 2025, January

Vaginal discharge women always have, even if the fair sex is absolutely he althy. The question is what they should be in order to be considered the norm. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the answer. In particular, white discharge, like egg white - what does this mean?


What does discharge like egg white mean? This is of interest to many. Almost colorless, whitish or slightly yellowish, liquid or slightly viscous, odorless - such discharge may be a normal variant.

discharge like egg white
discharge like egg white

But only if they are not accompanied by other symptoms such as itching, burning during urination or even at rest, swelling of the mucosa or redness of the skin. The appearance of any of these signs indicates that there is a pathology.

When is discharge like egg white normal?

Natural vaginal discharge can, as already mentioned, resemble egg white. If there is no discomfort, then they are a variant of the norm. Their main function is to moisturize the walls of the vagina and protectreproductive system from pathogenic bacteria.

Vaginal secretions create an environment conducive to the reproduction of normal female microflora, that is, lactic acid bacteria. It is because of the vital activity of such microorganisms that the discharge may have a slight sour smell. Normal microflora does not allow pathogenic bacteria to multiply.

The normal amount of vaginal discharge per day is no more than 1 tbsp. Usually they have a liquid consistency, but during the period of ovulation they become more viscous and stretchy, that is, they resemble egg white. This can also happen before the onset of menstruation. Moreover, during this period, the volume of secretions similar to egg white increases. That is, during this period you should not panic. Although it doesn't hurt to consult a gynecologist.

When is lingering discharge a sign of pathology? Nuances

What is it - discharge, like egg white, not everyone knows. They are a symptom of a disease if:

  • they are getting thicker and their number is abnormally increasing;
  • body temperature rises;
  • uncomfortable sensations appear, aggravated by physical exertion or even by changing positions (for example, if a woman crosses her legs) - this may indicate the beginning of candidiasis;
  • discharge accompanied by pain during and after intercourse, urination and beyond;

  • an unpleasant smell appears;
  • feeling dry during intercourse.

Frothy discharge or discoloration (when it turns yellow, green or brown) is known to indicate the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

Pain with discharge
Pain with discharge

But even colorless discharge, reminiscent of egg white and accompanied by the listed symptoms, may indicate pathology. And when they appear, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Vaginal discharge like egg white during different phases of the menstrual cycle

It should be noted that the main characteristics of vaginal discharge may vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Let's explore this nuance in more detail.

On the one hand, the discharge, like egg white, before and during menstruation is due to ovulation.

It divides the cycle into two halves, because it usually happens almost in the middle of it. On the other hand, the ratio of the vaginal microflora changes at this time. But what is it - discharge, like egg white, many do not understand.

In the first half of the cycle

The number of opportunistic microorganisms in the vaginal microflora is relatively small, and the discharge is more liquid and transparent. As a rule, small spots with a diameter of a centimeter or two are noticeable on linen at this time, since only a few milliliters are released. For some women, even during this period, they can be mucous and reminiscent of protein.

Second half cycle

During ovulation, the volume of clear secretions, like egg white, increases to 5 ml per day or more, they become more viscous andviscous. After that, the effect of the hormone estrogen begins to decrease and at the same time the role of progesterone increases.

So during the second half of the cycle, vaginal discharge may resemble egg white. By the way, at this time in the microflora of the vagina, the number of opportunistic microorganisms increases, which include staphylococci, streptococci and E. coli. Sometimes the difference is very large - the level grows by 100% or more. It also affects the consistency of the secretions. But they still remain not plentiful.

discharge like egg white before period
discharge like egg white before period

Their volume grows only on the eve of menstruation. Then the discharge, reminiscent of egg white, may acquire a more pronounced creamy, yellowish or white color. In any case, such cyclicity is absolutely normal for an adult he althy woman and persists until the onset of menopause. Including discharge, like egg white, and after ovulation for a while.

After intercourse

As a rule, women do not have egg-white discharge after intercourse. The exception is the beginning of sexual activity, as well as intimate contacts after a long break. Many believe that in girls, defloration is accompanied only by bleeding. Actually it is not. Even bleeding does not always happen, but in the next few days the discharge may be more viscous. They should not contain impurities, be accompanied by pain or discomfort.

When resuming sexual activity after a long break, discharge can also becomemore viscous, sometimes even denser clots appear in them. This happens immediately after intercourse. But even for a whole day after it, mucous secretions can be observed, which indicate that the body is being cleansed of used lubricant.

discharge in the form of egg white: the cause
discharge in the form of egg white: the cause

The consistency and volume of secretions can be affected by hormonal contraceptives - in the same way as the hormonal background in a natural cycle. While taking the pills, the amount of mucus will decrease, it will become more viscous. Stopping contraceptives will result in a more fluid consistency. A similar picture is observed with breastfeeding.

Mucous discharge with vaginosis. Time to sound the alarm

Sometimes, vaginal discharge in the form of egg white can be a symptom of vaginosis. This pathology is not an inflammatory process, but can provoke it. Vaginosis indicates a violation of the composition of the microflora of the vagina. If the pathogenic microflora does not exceed 10%, such a diagnosis is not made. But a woman is still required to be more careful, because with a lack of lactic acid bacteria, opportunistic microorganisms multiply more and more actively.

Symptoms of vaginosis
Symptoms of vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is dangerous because it creates favorable conditions for such unpleasant things as cervical erosion and chronic inflammation of the reproductive system. For pregnant women, it is especially dangerous, as the risk of preterm birth increases, and the likelihood of developing postpartum septic complications is high.

Bacterial vaginosis often develops not only in women who often change sexual partners, but also in those who have taken antibiotics incorrectly, in those who are overly fond of douching and antiseptic hygiene products, since such drugs seem to wash out lactic acid bacteria. Sometimes the cause of such a pathology is a simple change when traveling to another city.

In addition, bacterial vaginosis can develop after some medical procedures that are accompanied by the treatment of mucous membranes with antiseptic solutions.

Only a doctor can make an appropriate diagnosis. And it's not easy to do so. Firstly, in about half of the cases, bacterial vaginosis occurs without pronounced symptoms - only the discharge becomes thicker, less often - it acquires a grayish tint. Secondly, vaginosis can only be detected based on the results of a bacterioscopic examination, that is, on the basis of an analysis of a vaginal smear.

Discharge during pregnancy
Discharge during pregnancy

Treatment usually includes antibiotic therapy, for which vaginal suppositories are used. In addition, eubiotics are prescribed - preparations that contain lacto- and bifidobacteria. Often, immunostimulating drugs are also required.

Vaginosis Prevention

Because bacterial vaginosis is more difficult to cure than prevent, there are certain preventive measures that should be taken:

  1. Wear daily pads properly, changing them every 3-4 hours. By the way, avoidperfumed products, as they can cause swelling in the vulva and change the nature of the discharge.
  2. Refuse to wear synthetic underwear in favor of cotton. Modern models are quite attractive, but the main thing is that they do not cause allergies.
  3. Buy only quality black tights, as cheap black dye used by unscrupulous manufacturers can provoke a fungal infection.
  4. Do not wear tight underwear or overly tight clothing as this leads to poor circulation and promotes inflammation.
  5. Wash properly (from front to back, not vice versa).

And, of course, any doctor will tell you to practice moderation in your intimate life and choose condoms with care, because latex can be allergic, and there are many cases of latex vaginitis in medicine.

Discharge like egg white during pregnancy. Norm Options

what does discharge like egg white mean
what does discharge like egg white mean

Immediately after fertilization, changes begin in the body of the future mother, which should prepare her for bearing the baby. At this time, in addition, hormonal changes in the body occur, the level of progesterone rises.

All this affects the vaginal discharge, its color, density, consistency. That is, even if before that they were transparent and colorless in a woman, then immediately after fertilization they can become thicker andstretchy, resembling egg white. In addition, their number increases, since an increase in progesterone levels provokes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, and this stimulates the production of mucus.

They are still needed to maintain a normal level of moisture in the vagina, as well as for its self-cleaning. But now another function is added to this - protecting the fetus from infections and pathogenic bacteria. The fact is that thicker and stretchy discharge forms a kind of cork that closes the cervix.

If the change in secretions does not cause discomfort, is not accompanied by irritation, then there is no reason to worry. However, if there is a very strong and unpleasant odor, this should cause immediate medical attention, as it can indicate an infection, and in the first trimester this is fraught with a miscarriage.

Gradually, progesterone levels will decrease while estrogen levels will rise, and after a while, the vaginal discharge will become liquid again.

About the second week of pregnancy, the discharge can become not just viscous, but acquire a pronounced white tint. The fact is that a woman during this period increases the risk of developing thrush. If itching and irritation appear at the same time, you should immediately consult a doctor.


So that the increased amount of discharge does not cause inconvenience and discomfort to a woman, you need to use everyday sanitary pads and change them every 3-4 hours.

At the same time, use tampons in that periodpregnancy, when the discharge becomes thicker, it is impossible. The fact is that such tampons cannot absorb mucous secretions resembling egg white, they will remain on the surface, and this can accelerate the reproduction of opportunistic microflora. With the activation of such bacteria, various infections develop.

Mucus discharge during pregnancy. Pathologies

If blood clots are mixed with secretions (like egg white) during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor. Almost always it speaks of some kind of pathology. A small amount of implantation bleeding can occur when the egg attaches to the uterine endometrium.

During this period, a woman may experience lingering discharge mixed with blood. But they can only last a few hours. After that, any blood impurities should be the reason for going to the doctor. After all, such discharge can indicate an ectopic pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage and other dangerous pathologies.


Not everyone knows a discharge like egg white - what it means. But no matter what color they are, in any case, the situation should alert the woman and become a reason for contacting a gynecologist. It must be remembered that only timely detection of the disease guarantees a positive result from the treatment prescribed by the doctor.