The plasmolifting procedure in gynecology, reviews of which will be presented in this article, is a therapeutic measure, the purpose of which is to strengthen the general he alth of a woman, eliminate a number of gynecological ailments, normalize the condition of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, maintain the tone of a smooth, transverse - striated muscles of the pelvic organs. This procedure is considered non-surgical, often included in the complex of therapeutic measures to restore tissue structure. Reviews of plasmolifting in gynecology from specialists suggest that the procedure may be one of the methods of anti-inflammatory treatment. Let's talk about it in more detail.

The main advantage of plasmolifting is the safety of the method, because its own interstitial fluid is taken as the main material.
Other positive aspects of plasma-lifting in gynecology are listed below:
- No individual intolerance to the biocomponents introduced and the risk of an allergic reaction.
- A small number of contraindications (they will be presented below).
- The ability to get rid of a gynecological disease, reduce the likelihood of its recurrence.
- Activation of the immune system.
- Elimination of inflammatory processes in the body.
- Improvement of microcirculation (in the system of lymphatic, blood capillaries).
- Normalization of metabolism, achievement of homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment in the body).
- Improve the contractility of the pelvic floor muscles.
- Getting rid of diseases of bacterial etiology in the body of a woman.
- Restoration of the mucous membrane of the female genital organs (cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina and cervical canal).
- Vaginal Dryness Relief.
- General improvement in the quality of sex life.

All these advantages of the procedure have been proven more than once by reviews of plasmolifting. In gynecology, such procedures are quite in demand.
Indications for conduction
When is it necessary to start plasmolifting? Reviews in gynecology from qualified doctors indicate that the procedure is prescribed in the following cases:
- Presence of an affected area on the genitals.
- The need to eliminate inflammation.
- Treatment of endometritis - inflammation of the endometrium, that is, the inner lining of the uterus.
- Kraurosis of the vulva, which is an atrophy of the mucous membrane of the external female organs of the reproductive system.
- Leukoplakia of the cervix, which is a pathological process of keratinization, thickening of epithelial tissues.
- Treatment of adnexitis, that is, an inflammatory process that develops in the ovaries.
- Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (vaginitis).
- Fissures in the vulvar mucosa.
- Discomfort due to excessive vaginal dryness (in most cases, a symptom characteristic of women during menopause).

Contraindications for plasmolifting
Reviews about the procedure given by patients prove that plasmolifting is simply indispensable in the fight against many problems. However, some contraindications must also be taken into account.
There are factors preventing plasma-lifting treatment. These include the following:
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Rejection of the functional layer of the uterus (during menstruation).
- Diseases that are associated with poor blood clotting.
- The presence of infectious diseases in a woman, as well as an exacerbation of the inflammatory process.
- Patient intolerance to the enzyme heparin and other anticoagulants (anti-coagulants).
- Oncological diseases of the female reproductive system.
- Presence of hypertrophiedscarring.
- Patient is underage.
- A woman has neuropsychiatric disorders.
If you have previously had an operation on the organs of the reproductive system, you need to consult with a specialist about the possibility of performing the plasmolifting procedure.

The essence of the procedure
Plasmolifting in gynecology reviews of patients collects in most cases positive. From them you can learn how this procedure is carried out.
The process is based on taking blood plasma from the patient and then injecting it into the internal genital organs.
Plasma is the component of blood without red blood cells. It is a mixture of platelet cells, minerals, proteins and vitamins. The most important for the plasmolifting procedure are platelets, the main task of which is to form a platelet plug with the help of fibrinogen protein. They take part in tissue regeneration, as well as hemostasis.
Before injection into tissues, secondary centrifugation of this substance is carried out to increase the concentration of platelets.

We continue to consider the features of plasmolifting in gynecology. Photos and reviews of patients are presented on the Web and on the websites of private clinics. Many women are satisfied with the result. The sensations from the procedure are also described there.
Reviews of women about plasmolifting in gynecology suggest that the manipulation itselfpainless, however, many specialists insure themselves: a special cream is used as an anesthetic, which is applied to the affected area.
Injections of plasma with platelet content are made under the skin, as well as under the mucous membrane of organs. The distance between injections is about 1 cm.
What else can be said about plasmolifting in gynecology? A very thin needle is used for the injection, due to which the patient's pain is minimized. Three methods of plasma administration are possible: superficial, intrauterine, intravaginal.
Patients with a low pain threshold should tell the doctor about it so that he can administer local anesthesia.
Most women note the absence of any discomfort after plasmolifting. In gynecology, this procedure is considered the least painful.

Before plasmolifting, a woman should undergo an examination by a gynecologist, including examination of the vagina, taking a smear, consultation with a specialist. You also need to consult an endocrinologist, also pass a general and detailed blood test for the presence of an immunodeficiency virus.
Possible Complications
Are there any complications after the procedure? What do patient reviews say about this? Plasmolifting in gynecology for infertility, as well as the treatment of other ailments, can lead to some complications.
Side effects of the procedure are:
- fragilityachieved result;
- increased sensitivity, as well as tissue density in the affected area;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- allergic reaction to syringe material, anticoagulant drugs.
To achieve the desired result and a quick recovery, you need to follow simple rules:
- Refuse intimate life in the first days after the procedure.
- Exclude hot baths, showers.
- Do not use soap-based intimate hygiene products for the first time.
- Refrain from visiting the solarium.
- Refuse to use the pool.
Plasmolifting price
How much does a plasmolifting procedure cost in gynecology? This procedure is not so expensive. The cost starts from 6,000 rubles, which is quite affordable for many women.

Many women have already used plasmolifting in the field of gynecology more than once and were satisfied with this technique after the procedure. If the fair sex has any gynecological problems, then plasmolifting to eliminate them is an excellent solution. For example, many note the effectiveness of the procedure for vaginal dryness. For five procedures, women manage to completely get rid of an unpleasant symptom.