Many are interested in what synechia is, how to cope with this disease and whether it is possible to achieve a good result in the treatment. This problem occurs in girls under the age of 6-8 years. Such an ailment implies a adhesion of the labia, sometimes covering only the vaginal slit, and in some cases also the urethra.
What is synechia in girls
This is a fairly common phenomenon that occurs mainly in a young child. A similar pathological condition is a fusion or adhesion of the labia.

According to statistics, it occurs to a certain extent in 3% of female children, but it can occur much more often. The thing is that such a pathology does not always bother the child, which is why parents often do not attach importance to it. Synechia means that the large and small labia can fuse together. In this case, the entrance to the vagina is blocked and the outflow of urine is significantly complicated. Knowing what synechia is, for what reasons they occur and how to deal with it, you can achieve a very good result in treatment.
Synechia in a child occurs for a variety of reasons, the main of which is the presence of congenital pathologies. In addition, an insufficient content of the hormone estrogen in the body of a pregnant woman leads to the occurrence of such a defect. As already noted, the closure of the entrance to the vagina is considered synechia of the labia minora. The following factors lead to this:
- washing labia too often;
- wearing uncomfortable clothes or artificial fabrics;
- presence of infection in the urethra;
- vulvovaginitis;
- allergy.
Of course, the hygiene of the girl's genitals must be monitored, but everything should be done in moderation, since frequent and too intense washing can provoke sticking of the labia. It is especially harmful to use ordinary cosmetic soap to wash the girl, as this leads to tissue damage.

Synechia of the labia minora can occur not only in newborns, but also in older girls, for example, from 3 to 8 years. This happens mainly due to wearing too tight and uncomfortable underwear made of artificial fabrics. As a result of excessive pressure on the genitals, this pathology occurs. The fusion of the labia minora in girls also occurs due to the presence of a prolonged inflammatory process. Often it proceeds in a latent form and looks like a slight redness. If timely treatment is not carried out, there may becomplication.
You need to take the issue of hygiene of the child very responsibly, wash children's things separately from everyone else, and also carefully iron them. Synechia of the labia minora can also occur in the presence of allergies, since the vulvar mucosa is very susceptible to various irritating factors and is easily damaged.
Main symptoms
The symptoms of synechia are quite pronounced, so they cannot be confused with other pathologies in a child. A girl may suffer from the problem of fused labia minora and labia majora. There may be an additional problem with urine outflow. In this case, the child experiences significant discomfort, pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urge to urinate. If the disease arose due to allergies, then severe itching and burning can also be observed.
In the presence of pathology, there may be redness and irritation of the mucous membrane in a child. The girl becomes restless and complains of discomfort while walking. If there is any doubt about the presence of a problem in the baby, you need to visit a pediatric gynecologist. He will be able to make the correct diagnosis and determine what exactly needs to be done to prevent injury and infectious processes.

Treatment should be started as early as possible, as the labia in girls are connected by an almost transparent and thin film, which becomes dense over time. In the presence of complete fusion, the correction is carried out only by surgical operation.
Synechia of the labia minoratheir fusion with each other is called, which provokes the overlap of the vaginal fissure. The diagnosis is usually confirmed after an initial examination by a doctor. A child up to a year old is examined by a pediatrician, and older girls are examined by a pediatric gynecologist. If an infectious process is suspected, an additional examination may be ordered.
In this case, the following tests are performed:
- diagnosis by PCR;
- smears for microflora;
- back seeding;
- ultrasound diagnostics.
After a comprehensive examination, the doctor prescribes competent treatment using various techniques.
How the treatment works
Many parents, concerned about the occurrence of adhesions of the labia in a child, are wondering how to treat synechia and what is best to do in such a situation. Usually, treatment is selected based on the primary cause of the pathology. If the initial stage of synechia is observed without difficulty in the process of urination, then in this case the following are required:
- massage and regular parting of the labia;
- compliance with hygiene rules;
- application of estrogen ointment along the splice line.

If an infection of the genitourinary system is additionally attached, then a course of antibiotic therapy should be carried out, as well as probiotics and drugs that prevent the growth of fungi. If synechia occurs due to the presence of an allergy, then it is important to determine the cause of the problem in a timely manner. In this case, you need to apply a cream withestrogen and try to prevent relapses. In addition, the child may be prescribed a special diet to help eliminate allergies.
If the pathology is serious enough and there is a problem with urination, as well as discomfort, then doctors recommend dissecting the synechia.
Use of folk remedies
There are also folk methods by which treatment can be carried out. If a child has a fusion of the labia and this causes some discomfort, then special warm baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs can help. They effectively eliminate puffiness and relax muscles.

You can also wash the girl from front to back with decoctions of medicinal herbs. After carrying out hygiene procedures, you need to lubricate the splice site with sea buckthorn oil. However, moderation must be observed, as too frequent and intensive hygiene procedures can also injure the child.
In very severe cases, herbs with a hormonal effect are used, which must be brewed, and then treated with a decoction of the adhesion of the labia.
In some cases, if the pathology is significant and causes great discomfort to the child, it remains only to resort to the surgical removal of synechia. The operation is performed using modern techniques, which is why it is almost painless. Nevertheless, the psychological aspect also plays an important role.
The incision is performed with a scalpel, and the operation itself continueswithin just a few minutes. The recovery period is quite painful, so at this time it is especially necessary to carefully monitor hygiene. So that urination does not cause pain, and healing takes place quickly enough, the child is prescribed sitz baths with medicinal herbs, lotions and antibacterial ointments.
Due to experiences during operations, the girl sometimes develops neurological disorders, which in the future may affect the quality of her sexual life. That is why doctors only perform surgery in the most extreme cases.
However, the operation does not guarantee that fusion will not occur again. Between the labia, adhesions may again occur. Parents, of course, are not required to agree to the operation, but sometimes it is simply necessary.
Hygiene procedures
Proper personal hygiene plays a very important role in the prevention of this pathology. Therefore, mothers need to know how to wash the girl correctly. This should be done with warm running water, after thoroughly washing your hands. The anus and genitals should be washed with different hands to prevent infection.

The jet of water should be directed to the vagina from front to back. Be sure to use only high-quality certified hygiene products, preferably for children. They must have a neutral pH, and they must also contain a complex of trace elements and at the same time be free of allergens. NotIt is recommended to use hygiene products for adults. Knowing how to wash a girl can avoid a lot of different problems.
Therapeutic massages and special baths
Herbal baths and special massage sessions can be very helpful. When carrying out a massage, you must first lubricate your hands with Bepanten ointment. Medicinal herbs are well suited for sitz baths, such as:
- sage;
- chamomile;
- calendula.
The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes. After that, you can lubricate the genitals of the child. It is best to use the oil without any additives. Massage involves light stroking with your fingers without pressure. However, the movements should be aimed at the gradual separation of the labia. The result will not be noticeable immediately, for this reason, you need to try not to hurt the girl.
It must be remembered that such procedures at home can only be carried out if there is a partial form of synechia that occurs without complications. Allergies should be considered before using medicinal herbs and oils.
Using special ointments
If synechia is accompanied by certain discomfort and soreness, then the standard method of therapy involves the use of special ointments with estrogen or ordinary baby creams. Apply the ointment with your finger strictly along the adhesion line, trying not to touch the rest of the surface of the genital organs. Oftendoctors prescribe Traumeel or Ovestin for this purpose. Most often, these drugs are used in combination with other drugs.

Duration of therapy is approximately 2 weeks, while the ointment is applied 1-2 times a day. Then the doctor evaluates the result and, if necessary, prescribes a second course of treatment.
Prevention measures
Preventing the appearance of synechia in girls is quite simple. To do this, be sure to adhere to the following preventive measures:
- follow the basic rules of washing;
- choose hygiene products without dyes and flavors;
- avoid getting large amounts of soap on the vulvar mucosa;
- change diapers in a timely manner, using them only as needed;
- purchase only quality underwear made from natural cotton;
- wash the genitals without soap after every urination.
If the child's pathology has passed on its own, then preventive measures must still be observed, since there is a high probability of a relapse. It is very important to monitor the condition of the girl's genitals until puberty. If she has a pathology for the first time, then you need to consult a doctor and only after that carry out treatment, according to the available prescriptions.
Possible Complications
Often, synechia in girls is small, which is why there are no dangerous he alth consequences. Such a pathology can interfere with normal urination, but does not provoke discomfort. However, over time, the spike may increase, which will prevent the normal development of the child's genitals, and in the future will lead to impaired reproductive function. In this case, it is imperative to closely monitor the girl's he alth and development.
In more dangerous cases, the space between the labia remains closed, which creates favorable conditions for the spread of the infectious process. In this case, the consequences can be very deplorable, since pathogens tend to spread throughout the body. That is why it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner for comprehensive treatment.
When synechia occurs in girls, many doctors recommend not taking any independent action to fix the problem, but the child should be under the supervision of a doctor at all times.