The "hero" of our article is a red pigment that can break down fats. Belongs to the carotenoid family. They are responsible for our favorite shades of fruits, berries, vegetables, autumn leaves. Lycopene, for example, gives tomatoes a rich red hue. But modern researchers have revealed another of its amazing properties. Lycopene is a natural antioxidant that is very beneficial for the human body. In particular, it helps to resist the development of certain cancerous tumors, the progression of cardiovascular pathologies. We will talk more about the properties, indications and contraindications to the element later.
Antioxidant benefits
Why does the body need lycopene? The answer lies in the enumeration of its useful properties:
- Suppression of pathogenic intestinal microflora.
- Normalization of appetite.
- Promote weight loss.
- Normalization of cholesterol metabolism in the body.
- Fighting the causes of cardiovascular disease.
- Anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory qualities.
- Prevention of liver disorders.
- Beneficial effect on the skin, capillary walls andvessels.
- Improve the quality of your tan and reduce the risk of sunburn.
- Activation of normal digestion.
- Normalization of alkaline, acid balance.
- Participation in hematopoiesis.

Distinguishing element properties
What is lycopene for? First of all, to provide indispensable assistance to the human body:
- As a natural antioxidant, lycopene has the ability to destroy free radicals - molecules that cause the development of various diseases.
- Prevention of a number of chronic diseases. It is especially important to single out among them lesions of the cardiovascular system.
- High concentration of the element will reduce the number of oxidized DNA components. And this is the prevention of stomach and prostate cancer. Moreover, many researchers agree that lycopene is the only carotenoid that can resist cancer.
- If we turn to clinical studies, we will see that the regular use of products and preparations containing the element slows down the growth rate of cancer cells by 70%. It is believed that the weekly consumption of tomatoes (the fruit contains lycopene) reduces the risk of developing cancer by 35%!

Indications for use
The use of lycopene is primarily indicated for people suffering from the following diseases:
- Diseases of the digestive tract, pancreas.
- Chronic constipation.
- Anemia.
- Cardiovascular pathology, ischemic heart disease.
- Atherosclerosis.
- Dysbacteriosis.
- Avitaminosis.
- Overweight.
- Violation of mineral metabolism.
- Skin diseases.
- Secondary immunodeficiencies.
- Prevention of eye diseases (in particular, cataracts) - the element slows down degenerative processes in the retina.
- Prevention of cancer of the prostate and stomach.
- Prevention of inflammatory processes.
The element is indicated both as a means of prevention and as one of the components of therapy.
Lycopene is a drug that has a minimum number of contraindications for use:
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding time.
- Preschool.
- Individual intolerance to the component.
- Cholelithiasis.

Useful products
Remarkably, the antioxidant can be taken not only in the form of a drug, but also eating delicious fruits and vegetables:
- Tomatoes. They are leaders in the percentage of a substance among its natural "carriers". Moreover, red varieties of tomatoes will contain a higher percentage of lycopene. An important feature - the microelement will not lose its properties after the heat treatment of fruits! Therefore, tomato juices, mashed potatoes, sauces, ketchup will be no less useful.
- The second place in terms of lycopene content is occupied byred grapefruits, watermelons and guava.
- Lycopene is also found in pink grapefruit, melon, carrots, apricots, rose hips, beets, papaya, asparagus, red cabbage, sweet red peppers.
- The rest of the fruits and berries are rich red. However, they should still be consumed in limited quantities - higher doses can change the pigmentation of your skin. Therefore, for example, in Thailand it is not customary to eat tomatoes - the locals are afraid of the appearance of ugly dark spots on the skin.

Features of the use of products with lycopene
This is an antioxidant found in our favorite foods and dishes. Here are some helpful tips for eating these foods:
- Excellently digestible both raw and after heat treatment of vegetables and fruits. Therefore, a dish of stewed tomatoes will be no less he althy than a fresh tomato.
- In order to fill your daily need for lycopene, it is enough to drink 2 glasses of tomato juice daily. Or eat 1 tablespoon of tomato paste. Tomato products also have "rejuvenating" properties - such a daily use of the product increases the level of collagen in the skin by 30%.
- An important point - the accumulation of this antioxidant in the cells of the organs contributes to its intake into the body with food.
- The use of products containing lycopene should be periodic and systematic. So, for example, if you ignore tomatoes and tomatomeals for a week, the percentage of antioxidant in your body will drop by 50%!

Tomatoes: benefits and harms
It is believed that the use of tomatoes is vital for every person. And it's not just the high lycopene content:
- Vegetable seeds are extremely beneficial for the circulatory system. It is they who are able to thin the blood, which reduces the risk of developing severe pathologies (in particular, thrombosis).
- Some people separate the skin from the fruit, believing that it is not digested. This is not entirely correct. The peel is able to normalize the work of the digestive tract, serves as an excellent prevention of constipation.
- As for lycopene, it is better absorbed by the body after heat treatment of the tomato - in the form of paste, ketchup, juice.
But do not think that it is necessary to consume tomatoes and dishes from them in unlimited quantities. Here are the cases where you need to do it with care:
- Cholelithiasis. A vegetable causes an exacerbation of the disease.
- Kidney and bladder stones. This result leads to irregular long-term use of tomato juice, coupled with starchy foods.
- Cardiovascular disease, hypertension. People suffering from these pathologies should limit themselves to the use of pickled, s alted, canned tomatoes. The point is the high content of table s alt in these products.

Lycopene in the pharmacy
Sold as an oral product -powders, capsules, tablets. However, the main function of such drugs is purely antioxidant. They are used to prevent cardiovascular diseases, due to their antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Vegetable antioxidant for pharmaceutical products is obtained by extraction from plants. By the way, lycopene obtained in this way is also a red food coloring (E 160d). It is used more in the cosmetic industry. It is the active ingredient in many skin care masks.
The following drugs with lycopene are best known (instructions for use are attached to each):
- "Apiferrum". The tool is remarkable for its restorative effect. Promotes the removal of toxins and toxins from the body in a natural way. Reduces appetite, promotes the normalization of metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the processes of hematopoiesis, helps to heal wounds. It is also available in the form of a balm - a biologically active food supplement.
- "Lacto-lycopene". This drug is more aimed at stimulating the renewal of the deep layers of the skin, collagen synthesis, protecting its fibers from damage. The tablets are recommended for women who want to naturally maintain youthful skin.
- "Likoprofit", "Tiens", Ateronon, "Likopid". Tablets are used to prevent vascular and oncological diseases.

Drug reviews
Consumers and manufacturers of drugs containing lycopene in reviewsfocus on the useful properties and demand for funds. It is recommended to use them for preventive purposes.
But do not forget that the most beneficial use of lycopene is with food. Especially with such common in Russia, relatively affordable tomatoes. Tomato dishes are he althy and tasty, but do not forget about the contraindications that we presented to you.