Latent infections are sexually transmitted, the causative agents are ureaplasma, chlamydia, various viruses, mycoplasmas, etc. An analysis for latent infections shows that the incubation period of these diseases lasts from five to thirty days, but sixty percent of the sick have them are asymptomatic. This also includes cytomegalovirus, herpes, papillomavirus. As a rule, they proceed without causing discomfort to a person. However, hidden infections are not as harmless as they might seem at first glance.
Most of them can lead to serious systemic disorders if timely and correct treatment is not carried out. As a rule, people come to the doctor when the disease develops into an acute form, or do not go to the doctor at all. Of course, everyone wants to consider themselves he althy, but, unfortunately, this is far from the case, so it is worth undergoing a comprehensive examination every six months, during which hidden infections can be detected.

Clinical picture
Analysis for latent infections reveals diseases that may not appear for several months. Mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis affect the internal genital organs, but the person is unaware of this, since such ailments are completely asymptomatic. Sometimes it happens that the signs appear slightly - in the form of mild itching or burning, rashes on the skin in the genital area. A timely blood test for latent infections can prevent many problems. The fact is that these viruses affect the immune system, joints (arthritis, arthritis occur), eye membranes (cause keratitis, iritis, conjunctivitis), they provoke intestinal dysbacteriosis.
Latent infections: diagnosis
To detect such viruses, it is necessary to pass PCR and DNA tests, in addition, it is necessary to conduct serological and bacteriological studies. The sampling procedure requires some preparation, which the attending physician can tell in more detail. The most sensitive and reliable test is DNA diagnostics. Blood is donated if necessary to be checked for syphilis, HIV infection, hepatitis B and C.

Analysis for latent infections allows you to determine the presence of the disease, as well as methods for its treatment. Timely diagnosis is the key to successfully getting rid of the problem and its possible consequences. It is necessary to start treatment as early as possible, otherwise the effect of viruses on the body systems may be irreparable. Therapy should be complex: antibacterial drugs, immunomodulators, enzymes, hepatoprotectors, as well as physiotherapymethods - ultrasound, laser, currents.
In order for the analysis for latent infections to be negative, timely prevention should be taken care of. Its methods include, first of all, measures aimed at strengthening immunity. Casual sexual intercourse can become a source of infections, so be careful and protect yourself with reliable means. Personal hygiene and regular check-ups with a doctor are also important.