Blood sugar control is a mandatory procedure for those suffering from diabetes, as well as for those with a predisposition to this disease. With age, the effectiveness of the work of insulin receptors decreases. Therefore, for individuals after the age of forty, doctors recommend monitoring the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream. Children with a predisposition to the disease also need to monitor this indicator. Biomaterial is taken for analysis on an empty stomach. There are two ways to determine the concentration of sugar in the blood: in plasma and whole blood. The first is a liquid substance that remains after all the elements of blood have been removed from it. Tolerable values for whole blood glucose and fasting plasma glucose are different. In the latter case, it is somewhat higher.
General information
Glucose is actively involved incarbohydrate metabolism, providing cellular tissues with the necessary energy. Its main sources are:
- crops;
- sweets;
- fruit;
- bread;
- pasta;
- vegetables;
- sugar.
Carbohydrates, having entered the body with food, are broken down to glucose, and their excess is deposited in the form of glycogen or polysaccharide. In the intestines, glucose is absorbed into the blood, and then, in order for it to get into every cell, a hormonal substance called insulin is needed. Each entry of glucose into the blood is accompanied by the release of insulin into it. Therefore, after a meal, an individual's sugar rises for a short time, and then it normalizes. However, it should not fall below an acceptable level, otherwise the body will not have enough energy. For any type of medical examination, as well as during medical examination, a blood test is taken for this indicator on an empty stomach. The norm of glucose depends on age and on where the biomaterial was taken from: from a vein or from a finger.
Indications for analysis
Revealing blood sugar levels is necessary in order to track how the body absorbs and uses glucose. Some pathological conditions are accompanied by a change in the concentration of sugar in the bloodstream:
- diseases of the pituitary gland;
- sepsis;
- diabetes diabetes;
- pregnancy;
- shock states;
- liver disease;
- obesity;
- hypothyroidism;
- and others.
The study is also shown for the purpose of diagnostics, monitoringconditions of patients with diabetes mellitus receiving hypoglycemic therapy. Individuals at risk should have their glucose levels monitored every six months. These include faces:
- overweight;
- taking glucocorticoids;
- having close relatives with diabetes;
- thyrotoxicosis survivors.
As well as women during pregnancy who have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes or have had miscarriages for unknown reasons.
If an individual has the following symptoms, then the doctor will definitely recommend this analysis:
- increased appetite but weight loss recorded;
- decreased immunity;
- fatigue;
- constant thirst and dry mouth;
- headaches;
- in persons over 50 years of age, vision loss;
- polyuria, especially at night;
- unreasonable itching in the groin area;
- formation of boils;
- sores, wounds or scratches that do not heal for a long period.
Types of fasting blood tests for sugar
Laboratory methods for determining the concentration of this indicator are the most accurate and reliable. The biomaterial is taken from a finger or from a vein on an empty stomach. In the first case, the concentration of glucose in capillary blood is determined. The norm of glucose on an empty stomach from a finger in both males and females is in the same range. In children, acceptable rates depend on age. The analysis is taken in the morning, usually before eight o'clock,since during this period the body has not yet begun its work in full force. Later, all processes in the individual's body are actively launched, including the synthesis of hormones that increase the concentration of sugar in the bloodstream. The biomaterial is taken on an empty stomach, since even a small amount of water drunk contributes to the activation of the digestive system. The pancreas, liver, stomach begin to work, which is reflected in the level of sugar, that is, it rises. Thus, donating blood for sugar on an empty stomach means excluding food and water intake at least eight hours before donating. In the second case, the amount of sugar in the venous blood plasma is also determined on an empty stomach. The norm of glucose from a vein is slightly higher than from a finger. This analysis is recognized as the basic and most accurate, since pure plasma is examined without the admixture of blood cells. The results are ready in a few hours or the next day, depending on the workload of the laboratory.

At home, they conduct a study on an empty stomach from a finger using a glucometer. A special device included in the kit is used to pierce a finger, a drop of blood is applied to a test strip, which is inserted into the turned on device. After a short period of time, the result appears.
No special preparation required. The main thing is to lead a habitual lifestyle and not starve, since during this period the body actively extracts glucose reserves from the liver. Fasting will negatively affect the results of the study of fasting blood glucose, the norm will be exceeded. Compliance with the followingrecommendations before biomaterial delivery will make the analysis more accurate:
- Don't starve for a few days, eat normally.
- Three days to stop drinking alcohol.
- Stop taking certain medications in three days: oral contraceptives, salicylates, corticosteroids, thiazides, ascorbic acid (as agreed with your doctor).
- Stop eating and drinking eight hours in advance.
- On the eve of exclusion of physical activity, therapeutic and diagnostic manipulations, visits to the solarium, saunas or baths, smoking.
- Try to avoid stressful situations, as the release of adrenaline provokes an increase in excess of fasting blood glucose.
- Do not brush your teeth on the day of blood donation, as the substances contained in them can increase sugar levels.
- Before entering the laboratory office, sit quietly, calm down.
Preparatory measures for donating blood for sugar during pregnancy do not differ from those described above. The only point is that with a very pronounced early toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting, one must refrain from donating the biomaterial. Otherwise, the concentration of glucose on an empty stomach will differ from the norm in pregnant women. When you feel better, you can take an analysis.
Algorithm for taking blood from a vein
When performing this manipulation, the nurse must follow the following procedure:
- Prepare a container for sampling biomaterial.
- An individual assumes a horizontal position if he hasdizziness, or sitting in a chair.
- The patient holds out his hand, palm up. The he alth worker places a roller under the elbow.
- A rubber tourniquet is applied to the forearm and a pulse is felt in the vein.
- The place where the needle will be inserted is treated with an alcohol solution. During this period, the individual is asked to work with the hand to fill the vein with blood.
- A needle is punctured at an acute angle. The cut should be pointing down.
- The nurse slowly pulls the plunger of the syringe up until blood appears inside it. On average, they take no more than five milliliters.
- The biomaterial sample is poured into the prepared test tube. The needle is removed and placed in a special container, and the syringe is placed in a container with disinfectants.
- A cotton pad moistened with an alcohol solution is applied to the puncture site. To avoid bruising, the patient is advised to bend the arm at the elbow for at least five minutes.
- The tube is labeled and sent to the laboratory.

The algorithm for taking biomaterial from children practically does not differ from that described above. However, in this case, factors such as:
- During manipulation, parents should distract the baby because of his fear of injections.
- Blood sampling can be taken from the forearm, back of the hand, head, elbow vein.
- Twenty minutes before the test, the child should be in a calm state.
Vacuum blood sampling has some advantages over the conventional method:
- contact of a medical worker with biomaterial is excluded;
- vials are made of unbreakable material;
- decreased number of nurse actions.
The process of sampling biomaterial using vacuum tubes is basically the same as the usual way. The difference is observed only in the process of puncturing the vein.
Fasting and post-meal glucose levels (mmol/l)
For self-control, you need to know the allowable values, they are higher with age. The following are the minimum and maximum blood sugar levels for fasting glucometer monitoring by age:
- three to six - 3, 3-5, 4;
- from six to eleven - 3, 3-5, 5;
- up to fourteen - lower limit 3, 3; top - 5, 6;
- from fourteen to sixty - the lower limit is 4, 1; top - 5, 9;
- from sixty to ninety - the lower limit is 4, 6; top - 6, 4;
- over ninety – lower limit 4, 2; top - 6, 7.
Babies are not measured with a glucometer due to instability of blood sugar.
Any, even a small deviation from the norm requires a visit to the doctor. For persons over 40 and pregnant women, slight fluctuations in indicators are possible due to a hormonal imbalance.
Allowed range for fasting fingertip sampling in the lab:
- adults - 3.3 to 5.5;
- pregnant - 3.3 to 4.4;
- children - from 3, 0 to 5, 0.
When taking from a vein for:
- adults - minimum level 3, 6 maximum - 6, 1;
- pregnant women - at least3, 3 and no more than 5, 1;
- children from fourteen years old - from 3.5 to 5.5;
- fasting glucose rate in primary school children - from 3.3 to 5.5;
- newborns - 2.7 to 4.5.
Normal post-meal glucose levels vary between he althy individuals and those with diabetes. Below is information about the allowable values after a meal:
- in a practically he althy individual after sixty minutes - 8, 9; two hours later - 6, 7;
- in a diabetic - an hour later - 12, 1 and above; after two - 11, 1 or more;
- in pregnant women - an hour later - from 5.33 to 6.77; in two - 4, 95–6, 09;
- in children - an hour later - 6, 1; after two - 5, 1;
- in patients with diabetes - an hour later - 11, 1; after two - 10, 1.
It is quite difficult to establish an acceptable level in the blood of children. This phenomenon is due to the fact that sugar fluctuations during the day occur quite sharply. In the first months of life, he is not at all stable. The attending doctor will tell the norm in each case.
Indicators according to the results of analyzes may not coincide with the norms, but be either higher or lower.
In patients with diabetes, the concentration of glucose changes quickly and dramatically. For them, the allowable limits are somewhat higher than for he althy individuals. Limit values on an empty stomach and after a meal, the doctor sets for each patient individually, depending on his condition and the degree of compensation of the disease.
Causes of high blood sugar
Pathological conditions in which the norm of glucose inblood on an empty stomach from a finger and from a vein:
- thyrotoxicosis;
- diabetes mellitus;
- adrenal disease;
- pituitary tumor;
- infectious diseases in the acute stage;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- extreme stress.
In addition, an increase in blood sugar provokes the intake of certain medications: diuretics, hormones, antihypertensive drugs, incorrectly selected doses of hypoglycemic tablets and insulin, as well as the delivery of biomaterial after a meal. Among the main reasons for the increase in fasting glucose levels from normal is diabetes mellitus. Individuals suffering from this disease are required to regularly monitor the concentration of sugar in the blood, eat right and take appropriate medications. This pathology is fraught with severe complications. An excess of glucose in the analyzes indicates a failure of carbohydrate metabolism. Abuse of pastries, sweet, carbonated drinks increases sugar, and in some cases provokes irreversible processes from the pancreas. If this is revealed for the first time, the doctor will prescribe additional studies, for example, a glucose tolerance test and the determination of glycated hemoglobin.
Causes of low blood sugar
Both high and low blood sugar levels are unfavorable for he alth. Factors contributing to its decline:
- drinking alcohol;
- excessive exercise;
- low carbohydrate intake from food;
- starvation;
- overdose of drugs taken to treat diabetes;
- neoplasms in the pancreas.
Any deviation of glucose from the norm on an empty stomach is an alarm signal.
Transcript of results
If a decrease in sugar levels below acceptable levels is detected, then this condition is called hypoglycemia. It has symptoms such as:
- hunger;
- weakness;
- constant sleepiness;
- tremor;
- arrhythmia;
- pallor of the dermis;
- anxiety;
- muscle hypertonicity;
- aggressiveness;
- and others.
The reasons for this state are as follows:
- excessive physical activity;
- insufficient carbohydrate intake;
- neurohumoral pathologies;
- excess insulin synthesis;
- Incorrect doses of hypoglycemic medications;
- hypothyroidism;
- cirrhosis;
- diseases of the pancreas;
- poisoning by substances of a toxic nature;
- stomach tumor.
In some cases, there are no pronounced symptoms and the decrease in sugar occurs gradually. In a severe form of hypoglycemia, the patient needs a rapid rise in sugar, i.e., the intake of carbohydrates that begin to be absorbed in the oral cavity, intramuscular administration of drugs.
When fasting glucose is too high, hyperglycemia develops. In a practically he althy individual, the normal content of sugar in the bloodstream rises after eating. However, if it remains stablehigh, then the doctor suspects the presence of pathological conditions such as:
- pancreatitis;
- diabetes mellitus;
- various endocrine disorders;
- stress;
- premenstrual syndrome;
- errors in nutrition.
Increase in sugar is accompanied by the following clinical picture:
- vision deterioration;
- itching and various rashes on the dermis;
- frequent urination;
- uneven breathing;
- fatigue;
- thirst;
- and others.
If the analysis showed that the amount of glucose is above the permissible values, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. He will prescribe additional examinations and make the correct diagnosis. It is important to remember that the rate of blood glucose from a vein on an empty stomach will be twelve percent higher than from a finger. Doctors warn that self-interpretation of the results and taking medications without consulting a specialist is fraught with serious consequences. For example, a condition such as stress contributes to the active release of adrenaline, due to which the level of sugar rises. However, this phenomenon is not a pathology and does not require specific treatment.

Mandatory interpretation of the doctor's glucose tolerance test, passed on an empty stomach. It makes it possible to assess the dynamics of changes in sugar levels. Thus, regardless of the results of the research, a doctor's consultation is mandatory.
Adult blood sugar
The rate of fasting blood glucose in women varies withdepending on age, its unit of measurement is mmol/l:
- from 18 to 30 - the lower limit is 3, 8; top - 5, 8;
- from 39 to 60 - lower limit 4, 1; top - 5, 9;
- from 60 to 90 - lower limit 4, 6; top - 6, 4;
- 90 and more – lower limit 4, 2; top - 6, 7.
The main reason for its fluctuation is the instability of the hormonal background in different periods of life. Permissible values of this indicator in the blood on an empty stomach in the age category from 18 to 90 and above are the same for both sexes. In addition, when interpreting the results, the doctor necessarily takes into account the increased physical activity of the stronger sex. Sports loads affect the performance, but if the rules for preparing for the analysis are followed, the results of the study will be reliable. Thus, the rate of fasting glucose in men also depends solely on age.

Doctors suspect diabetes when:
- Exceeding the maximum age limit for glucose in blood taken on an empty stomach. The analysis is repeated twice.
- Exceeding the mark of 11 mmol/l after a meal or when taking biomaterial at any time of the day.
To determine the level of glucose, capillary or venous blood is taken.
Pregnancy blood sugar test
While waiting for the baby, the expectant mother repeatedly takes a glucose test. It is an important source of energy for both the woman and the fetus. For analysis, venous or capillary blood is taken. Excessduring pregnancy, fasting glucose norms indicate the development of diabetes mellitus. Risk factors for the occurrence of this disease in expectant mothers are:
- obesity;
- having a history of two or more miscarriages;
- the birth of large children, as well as with malformations;
- polyhydramnios;
- age over 30;
- deadborn;
- genetic predisposition;
- pregnancy fading;
- treatment of infertility with hormonal agents.

In different laboratories, the permissible values of glucose in pregnant women on an empty stomach from a vein may differ slightly depending on which units of measurement are used. If a pregnant woman enters the risk group, after registration, in addition to the analysis for sugar, she will have to pass a glucose tolerance test, in case of overestimation of the permissible values. In all other cases, pregnant women take such a test in the middle of the term. If, according to the results of these analyzes, the permissible levels are not exceeded, then there is no reason for excitement. If the pregnant woman has an excess of glucose on an empty stomach from a vein, the study is repeated, since the reasons for the increase may be factors not associated with abnormal phenomena:
- changes in hormonal levels and metabolic processes;
- physical activity, which includes walking;
- fatigue;
- infectious diseases;
- bad dream.
The above reasons can distort the result of the analysis even forhe althy woman, so re-examination is urgently needed.
Blood sugar in women over 40
Fasting glucose levels in women change with age. The determination of this indicator helps in diagnosing not only diabetes, but also other pathological conditions, for example, connective tissue, liver, stroke, etc. In women of advanced age, the sugar concentration after a meal increases significantly, or rather, after two hours, but on an empty stomach it remains within acceptable values. All women over the age of forty are at risk for diabetes and therefore should be tested for glucose. In addition, it is recommended to monitor its level during pregnancy and for overweight people. For example, the maximum fasting blood glucose is normal for the fair sex at the age of sixty or more is 6.2 millimoles per liter, and up to fifty - only 5.5.
- eating a lot of high-calorie foods;
- decrease in tissue sensitivity to insulin and decrease in its synthesis by the pancreas;
- unbalanced diet;
- presence of concomitant diseases, for the treatment of which drugs are used that negatively affect the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Women over 60 are most often diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, which is characterized by the following symptoms:
- swelling of the neck and face;
- pain inheart;
- decrease in visual acuity;
- loss of sensation in limbs;
- appearance of abscesses on the body;
- appearance of signs of diabetic foot.
In addition, excess glucose on an empty stomach in women is possible due to the disease pancreatitis, which occurs without characteristic signs and disguises itself as other pathological conditions, gradually destroying the pancreas. It is quite possible to reduce the concentration of sugar with the help of a diet. Should be excluded from the diet:
- animal fats;
- bananas;
- figs;
- sweets;
- alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
- fast food;
- juices.
To maintain glucose at an acceptable level and in order to normalize metabolic processes, it is recommended to include in the diet:
- herbal teas;
- mineral water;
- seafood;
- fish;
- vegetables;
- beef;
- rabbit meat.
The risk of excess fasting glucose in older women lies in the development of various complications. In addition, increased sugar gradually weakens the immune system and the body becomes vulnerable to infectious and viral diseases. To prevent such conditions, it is necessary to respond in a timely manner to any deviations of blood glucose from normal values and visit the doctor regularly.
How to regulate blood glucose levels?
No type of sugar adjustment is allowed on its own. After passing the analysis, and especially if it is exceededthe norm of glucose from a vein on an empty stomach, it is recommended to consult a specialist. He will individually select a scheme of pharmacotherapy and dietary nutrition, depending on the state of he alth of the individual. In pre-diabetes, a diet is indicated.

In type 2 diabetes, drugs are prescribed based on alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, benzoic acid derivatives, sulfonylurea, etc. A mandatory element of therapy is a diet with a strict restriction of certain foods. In the first type of the disease, insulin preparations are prescribed, the strictest diet with the obligatory calculation of bread units and physical activity.