The thyroid gland is one gland that has internal secretion. It is she who helps to maintain the body in a normal state. Its characteristic feature is that it has no output streams.

Any disease in the last stages requires the intervention of a surgeon. The patient may be recommended surgery to remove the thyroid gland. Its consequences can be very different. The specialist must evaluate all sides, and, as they say, choose the lesser of two evils. After it, the body will recover and rebuild for a long time. Symptoms such as physical and mental fatigue, as well as changes in metabolic processes are not excluded.
Most of the population has thyroid dysfunction. But this does not mean that you need to immediately resort to surgical intervention. Removal of the thyroid gland, the consequences, which can be quite serious. With a slight increase in the thyroid gland, you need to take a course of taking medications, after consulting with your doctor. Usually thyroid diseasesuffer people who live in areas with a clear deficiency of iodine. Therefore, for prevention, you should take its drugs to protect yourself from a serious illness.

Self-treatment in this case is prohibited, because it can lead to a deterioration in the condition, or even worse - start the development of the disease. Folk remedies and decoctions can also negatively affect the state of the body. Before taking any medication, you should consult with an experienced endocrinologist.
For women, thyroid disease is more dangerous, as it can develop diseases that affect the reproductive function of the body. With any changes in the body, pain in the female organs, the functions of the gland should be immediately examined.

Removal of the thyroid gland - the consequences can be serious
If you are concerned about pressing pains in the neck - immediately consult a doctor. After all, even the smallest tumor and tissue growth can lead to difficulty breathing and pain when swallowing food. If you notice the appearance of these signs, then the only way out is an operation to remove the thyroid gland. In order to subsequently exclude the development of a tumor, it is worth examining the biopsy material. If the tumor is benign, then the operation can be postponed for the time being. But you will have to follow a special diet, exclude harmful factors, spend more time in clean air.
After the operation,involving the removal of the thyroid gland, the consequences can be quite mild and almost imperceptible. A person can live quite normally, as the hormonal balance will be maintained thanks to medications. But you should not forget to visit a doctor who will monitor the condition of your body. Failure to follow all the rules can lead to negative consequences. To prevent thyroid disease, you need to use iodized s alt and iodine-containing foods, such as seaweed. However, only the attending physician can decide whether to take iodine or, on the contrary, limit it.