With the onset of summer, the danger of wasp and bee stings is growing. Sometimes they can cause serious consequences up to anaphylactic shock and even death. Therefore, questions about what to do with wasp stings become very important, when you need to urgently go to the doctor (or call him at home), and when you can do it yourself and folk remedies. The difference between bee and wasp stings is as follows. When a wasp stings, it, by injecting a poisonous substance, does not leave a sting in the skin. The bee, on the contrary, leaves the sting with the container-contents, and at the same time, it almost always dies. For allergy sufferers, a bee sting, therefore, may not be so dangerous if the sting is removed in a timely and accurate manner. Aspen is much scarier.

Reaction to bee stings, wasps
In about 1-2% of people, such bites can lead to anaphylactic shock, that is, to a serious reaction characterized by swelling, changes in blood pressure, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness. As a result, a person candie if he is not given medical attention. So if a wasp sting occurs, treatment for such people may be vital.
First aid and bite prevention
In order to avoid an unpleasant collision with these insects, it is necessary to use repellents in nature, especially in places where they accumulate.

If, nevertheless, there was a bee sting, its consequences largely depend on the provision of competent quick assistance. First you need to carefully remove the sting with tweezers. What to do with wasp stings? As with bees, you need to apply something cooling to the sting. Ice or a cold compress will help reduce blood flow to the area and reduce inflammation accordingly. In no case should you apply, as some advise, damp earth! This can lead to infection of the wound. Please note that alcohol is unacceptable to use, as it increases puffiness. In the absence of ice or cold water, an antihistamine is mandatory (better than the second generation).
What else to do after a wasp sting? Locally it is desirable to apply any ointment containing hormones (glucocorticoids). After that, the edema will begin to subside within an hour. Such measures are suitable for people without special allergic reactions. Unfortunately, the doctor may not be nearby. What to do with wasp stings for people with a pronounced reaction? Allergy sufferers should always carry with them the so-called anti-shock first aid kit, the main component of which is an adrenaline solution. It must be entered as soon as possible.
Folk remedies can also bring relief
Traditional medicine has its own answers to the question of what to do with wasp stings.
- Make a weak solution of soda (a teaspoon in a glass of water), soak a tissue in it and apply to the bite.
- A compress with lemon juice will help relieve pain and swelling.
- Apply halved onion, garlic, apple to the wound.
- You can use psyllium leaf, aloe or kalanchoe to reduce pain.
- Also used for emergency measures for insect bites are compresses of crushed or chewed parsley leaves.

How to avoid being bitten?
In order not to be bitten by a wasp or a bee, it is advisable to avoid places where these insects accumulate. Do not wave your arms or make any sudden movements. In summer, when going out into nature, it is better not to use cosmetics, perfumes with pronounced sweet or simply pungent odors that can attract these stinging creatures.