Maternity hospital, Khimki: address, doctors, services, reviews

Maternity hospital, Khimki: address, doctors, services, reviews
Maternity hospital, Khimki: address, doctors, services, reviews

The mesmerizing process of having a baby has always been shrouded in mystery. In ancient times, little was known about him and was often associated with mysticism. Many nationalities even had unusual rituals that helped the child to be born and facilitated the condition during childbirth. Basically, these were chants, prayers and special conspiracies. The actions accompanying childbirth also differed from each other. But throughout the centuries, women in labor have always tried to help. For this, in Russia, for example, midwives were invited, they followed the course of events. Women gave birth in bathhouses, well-heated and cleanly cleaned. The midwives made the expectant mother step over thresholds or walk around the table, bowing to every corner. It was believed that this helps to improve labor activity. Yeah, there was a time…

Modern childbirth

And time flows, everything around changes, including the attitude to childbirth. Although the process itself has not changed at all. The midwives were replaced by professional doctors who have extensive knowledge in obstetrics, and they also heard about new trends and directions. Now women sometimes give birth at home and even in water.

maternity hospitalkhimki
maternity hospitalkhimki

They give birth differently, despite the presence of specialized institutions. Although in our century, maternity hospitals are equipped with various equipment that helps to learn a lot of new and useful things about the condition of a woman and a child. Doctors have access to the most sophisticated equipment with which to thoroughly study the course of pregnancy.

Pregnancy management

For observation by a doctor, a woman is registered in the antenatal clinic from the first months of pregnancy. Early treatment helps to avoid many problems. Khimki Central Clinical Hospital, Moscow Region. there is a women's consultation where doctors can dispel doubts about pregnancy, especially if a home test gave a positive reaction. At the reception, a card is drawn up, and from that moment it becomes a kind of diary with notes on the development of the fetus.

maternity hospital khimki address
maternity hospital khimki address

Every little thing about the state of housing conditions, about the peculiarities of living, the presence of children, about the state of he alth is recorded here. And of course, this card will record the results of tests performed, such as blood type and Rh factor, as well as for the presence of infections and viruses. All this gives a clear picture of the he alth of the expectant mother.

He althy Pregnancy

The antenatal clinic and the obstetric department in Khimki is located at Leninsky Prospekt, 14. Qualified specialists work here, among whom there are also candidates of medical sciences. Doctors are attentive to the problems of women's he alth and with the help of the latest achievements will be able to help with manyproblems.

leninsky avenue 14
leninsky avenue 14

This is infertility, inflammation, miscarriage, hormonal disorders. The departments have the latest equipment for the treatment and prevention of gynecological diseases that can interfere with conception and normal intrauterine development.


It seems that it was recently when the first and only obstetric department was opened in Khimki at that time. And more than 40 years have passed. And all these years, obstetricians have been working tirelessly in the maternity hospital in Khimki, helping little babies to be born. Their number is beyond counting. In the maternity hospital itself, which is located on Leninsky Prospekt, 14, several departments are organized. One of them is obstetric, where experienced obstetricians take ordinary births with a normal presentation of the fetus. Women without pathologies come here. The maternity hospital in Khimki is one of the few today where partner births are practiced. The essence of this phenomenon lies in the fact that there is a partner next to the woman in labor. By the way, this is not necessarily a husband.

Partner births

Any other person trusted by the woman in labor can be chosen as a partner. And you can go for the first-born with your mother - this is not forbidden. The doctors of the maternity hospital in Khimki agree with the statement that the presence of a partner facilitates the process of childbearing. A partner will help with moral support and tips. It is important for a woman in labor that there is a loved one nearby who understands, hears and sees her. Who can at the most crucial momentsay: "I'm here, I'm with you." Husbands are still not always ready for such an extreme, so even a grandmother can be more useful.

Obstetrics and pathology

There is a maternity hospital in Khimki and a department that admits women with various pathologies. After all, pregnancy is not always and not for everyone proceeds smoothly and easily. Highly qualified doctors provide assistance here in case of complicated childbirth or an unfavorable prenatal condition. Such pathologies endanger the he alth, and even the life of mother and child.

maternity hospital in khimki
maternity hospital in khimki

Women with abnormal fetal or placental presentation, polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, anemia and late toxicosis are admitted to the pathology department. The maternity hospital in Khimki has the necessary equipment to make childbirth as comfortable as possible. In this department, obstetricians-gynecologists carry out the necessary procedures for diagnosing the condition of a woman and a fetus.

Laboratory studies

Ultrasonography is recommended in the presence of any disease. Experienced doctors of the maternity hospital in Khimki determine with the help of ultrasound the presence of even minor changes during pregnancy. Such a study is especially necessary for women over 35 years of age or those who have serious hereditary or acquired diseases.

Moscow region
Moscow region

Dopplerography, a special diagnostic examination, is being performed at the maternity hospital in Khimki on Leninsky Prospekt. The essence of this method is to study the blood flow in the vessels. When it is violated, it is diagnosedpathology. The delivery rooms and the operating room of the maternity ward are equipped with the most modern equipment. The qualifications of doctors are so high that women often come here whose previous births were not so successful. They get good service, he althy kids and friendly smiles.

The best maternity hospital in the Moscow region

All ultrasound procedures are absolutely safe and do not affect the condition of the mother and fetus. In addition, in the department, doctors can also perform cardiac monitoring of the fetus. This is a necessary procedure that assesses the condition of the baby by simultaneously recording the fetal heart activity and contractile activity of the uterus.

maternity hospital in khimki on leninsky avenue
maternity hospital in khimki on leninsky avenue

These procedures are carried out by the attending or duty doctor of the maternity hospital, and this can be done at any time of the day. The attentive attitude of doctors to women in labor has made the Khimki maternity hospital one of the best in the Moscow region. Doctors do everything necessary for the birth of a he althy child. His first cry is the most desired within these walls.

Proper nutrition and stress management

Maternity hospital doctors pay a lot of attention to the correct behavior during childbirth, the hygiene of the woman in labor and the baby. Significant efforts are being made to educate women in this area. They give mandatory recommendations on how to properly organize nutrition, because it should be as balanced as possible. The baby needs vitamins and minerals for normal development. With their deficiency, the viability of the child decreases, and the woman herself gets a lot of problems. Specialists of the obstetric department also conduct psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth.

maternity hospital khimki doctors
maternity hospital khimki doctors

Young women entering the hospital for the first time often lose control of their emotions, making childbirth more difficult. To prevent this from happening, in the maternity hospital they help control behavior and teach how to properly cope with a stressful situation. By the way, epidural anesthesia is widely used in the maternity hospital.

Natural feeding and living together

In 2009, the maternity hospital opened its doors after a major overhaul. Much has been rebuilt, redone, and new equipment is already in operation. Now the wards are designed for 2-4 people, the mother is here with the child. This is important, because for the baby, the birth itself is already the strongest stressful situation, and the opportunity to feel mother's warmth is necessary for him.

Moreover, neonatologists orient mothers to breastfeeding, so staying together is necessary and useful. If the birth is difficult or a caesarean section was performed, there will also be an opportunity to rest. While the young mother is recovering, doctors and nurses will take care of the baby. When receiving their babies, clean and he althy, parents often thank doctors for their professionalism and friendly attitude. A lot of people are going to the maternity hospital in Khimki, whose address is Leninsky Prospekt, 14, for the second and third time. Maybe there are no luxury rooms, but there is always attention and understanding for everyone.
