Infection of a person with a dangerous parasite - Bancroft's thread, occurs mainly in tropical countries. Previously, doctors encountered this type of helminth quite rarely, but now the cases of its detection have become more frequent. This is due to the fact that during the holiday season people tend to go on vacation to exotic countries, where Bancroft's thread is introduced into the body. The disease is curable, but difficult to diagnose. At the first symptoms of the disease, the patient should consult a doctor.
Description of the helminth
Bancroft's threadworm is a roundworm that infects the lymphatic system, skin, serous cavities, and other body systems. This disease causes elephantiasis - a condition in which there is severe swelling of the lower extremities. Filaria parasites live in countries with a warm climate, therefore, in Russia, threadBancroft is rarely seen.
Roundworms can infect both humans and animals. Bancroft's thread is a thin helminth that looks like a thread. According to official data, up to 120 million people in the world are now carriers of the parasite. But mostly the disease is common in countries located in the tropics.
There are 2 hosts involved in the life cycle of Bancroft's thread: the main and the intermediate. In humans, larvae develop in the body and adult worms parasitize. There are several varieties of filariae. The helminth got its name in honor of a British parasitologist named Bancroft.

Life cycle of filaria
The full development of the helminth follows a rather complicated scenario. The main hosts of Bancroft's thread are humans, cats, monkeys, and dogs. They are the main carriers of helminthiasis, as adult roundworms parasitize in their body. Intermediate hosts of Bancroft's thread are blood-sucking parasites, for example, mosquitoes, horseflies, midges, mosquitoes. They infect humans and animals with filariae.
Bancroft's string (wuchereria bancrofti) or wuchereria is introduced into the human circulatory system. Usually its concentration increases in the dark. Filaria larvae parasitize blood-sucking insects. Mosquitoes and midges can become infected when they bite a sick person. From his blood, the larvae of Bancroft's thread enter the insect's digestive tract. When a person is infected, parasites rush into his blood. In it, the larvae molt andturn into mature individuals. Then the helminths migrate to the lymphatic system, where they can live up to 20 years. In the body of a sick person, colonies of male and female parasites appear. This is what the life cycle of Bancroft's thread looks like.

The body structure of the parasite
Filaria has been living in the human body for many years and during this time manages to lay millions of eggs. Roundworms are characterized by an increased ability to reproduce. Bancroft's thread is a thin thread-like parasite. Females have a body length of 10 cm, while males are only 4 cm. Filaria diameter is 0.1-0.4 mm.
The body of parasites is covered with a cuticle on top - a dense shell to protect it from adverse environmental influences. The threads of Bancroft are white, outwardly they are very similar to threads. Roundworms have internal organs, and the empty spaces in their body are filled with water. Under the cuticle of the helminth, muscle traction is hidden, which allows them to move freely inside the person. Filariae feed on fats and proteins, which they extract from the body of the main host. The digestive system of Bancroft's thread consists of a mouth, tube and anus.
Causes of infection
Infection of a person occurs through the bite of an insect vector. After introduction into the body, the pathogen settles in the lymph nodes of the armpits or groin. Helminth interferes with the flow of lymph, which leads to serious consequences for the body. The disease usually affects the legs, chest or scrotum in men. Due to the violation of the lymphatic flow, the above-mentioned organsswell to gigantic proportions.
The tropical climate is ideal for the reproduction and vital activity of the Bancroft thread. The disease is common in the region of the islands of the Indian archipelago, in Central America and Africa. In Russia, the disease is practically not found.
Transmission of helminthiasis occurs through the bite of an insect carrier, a direct method of infection from person to person is not possible. Bancroft's thread is found in both children and adults. Increases the likelihood of infection low immunity, damaged skin and the habit of walking without clothes.

The disease can occur in 3 stages, so its symptoms may change. The sooner a person realizes that he has helminthiasis, the less serious the consequences for the body will be. In the early stages, the disease is usually mild, but the infected person may already notice a painless swollen lymph node or an incomprehensible rash on the body.
At the stage of carriage, the manifestations of the disease become more serious. Lymph nodes become inflamed, new organs are involved in the process. The main symptom of the onset of stage 3 is elephantiasis. If the disease is not treated, it can lead to irreparable he alth problems in humans. The disease can negatively affect the following organs:
- brain;
- sexual organs;
- joints;
- light;
- lymph nodes;
- mammary glands;
- heart;
- skin;
- eyes.
Helminths are most often concentrated inlower body, so the main complication of the disease is elephantiasis of the legs. The structure of Bancroft's thread allows it to migrate between lymph nodes located near different organs.
Early Stage
Some symptoms suggest that a person has helminthiasis. If the disease is detected immediately, then complications are likely to be avoided due to the unstarted stage of development. Bancroft's thread causes the following symptoms:
- eye redness and tearing;
- incomprehensible skin rash;
- enlarged lymph nodes;
- increased body temperature;
- enlargement of the liver in size;
- allergic bronchitis;
- skin swelling;
- inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
- mastitis.
In women, the disease can affect the uterus and ovaries, and in men, dropsy of the genital organs often begins. Bancroft's thread can give complications to the lungs. Usually seals begin to appear on the diseased organ. The person may cough, experience chest pain, and experience shortness of breath. Symptoms are often complicated by allergic reactions. Patients develop a rash, the skin may swell and redden.
Carrier stage
The patient develops inflammation of the lymphatic vessels. Nodes can grow up to 7 cm, and in some cases even more. At this stage, periods of deterioration in the patient's condition are replaced by temporary remission. An infected person has the following symptoms:
- hyperthermia;
- strong weakness;
- painful swellingnear lymph nodes;
- nausea, vomiting;

- headache;
- puffiness;
- photophobia;
- inflammatory process of the organs of vision;
- changing the color of the iris.
Sometimes this type of helminthiasis leads to complete loss of vision. Lymph nodes swell more and more, rupture of subcutaneous capillaries is possible. Parasites can accumulate, forming seals. Lymph enters the cavity of internal organs not intended for this. Seals with parasites inside are grouped in the head, back or under the ribs. In some cases, these subcutaneous bumps begin to fester and burst open.
Stage of blocked lymphatic ducts

If the disease is not treated, then a person begins to have elephantiasis. His organs are growing in size, he has difficulty moving and suffers greatly. The main symptoms of the last stage, in which blockage of the ducts occurs:
- ascites, that is, the accumulation of lymph in the abdominal cavity;
- elephantiasis of any organs and parts of the body, most often the legs;
- purulent abscesses;
- pneumonia.
Dead worms accumulate in the lymphatic ducts and clog them. Fluid can no longer circulate normally throughout the body, so it begins to collect in various parts of the body. Most often, people suffer from the legs. There may be areas on the skin that will have a different color. Often, papillomas and warts appear in patients. Soover time, a person without treatment completely loses his he alth and becomes disabled.
Main and intermediate hosts of filariae
Carriers of Bancroft's thread, the photo of which is presented in this article, are insects. Intermediate hosts of filariae are mosquitoes, midges, horseflies and other blood-sucking. They develop roundworms. The main hosts of the parasite are humans, as well as animals: cats, dogs, monkeys.
If infection with Bancroft's thread is suspected, the doctor visually examines the patient. He interrogates the patient and looks for indirect evidence of infection. To establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, the patient will have to undergo the following studies:
- Mazotti's provocative test;
- dermoscopy;
- blood test;
- ophthalmoscopy;
- general clinical tests;
- biopsy of lymph nodes and skin;
- detection of antibodies by ELISA.
Often, when establishing a diagnosis, the help of an infectious disease specialist is required. Sometimes a patient needs to consult an ophthalmologist.

There are several methods to get rid of helminthiasis caused by Bancroft's thread. The first is medical, the second is surgical. First, the patient needs to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. If the presence of roundworms in the body is confirmed, then the patient is hospitalized. You should not refuse this offer, since only in a hospital setting will it be possibleestablish normal lymph flow. If elephantiasis affects the lower limbs, then the patient will first need to buy compression stockings.
During drug treatment, patients are prescribed antibiotics Albendazole, Diethylcarbamazine, Doxycycline. A good effect is given by drugs against helminths: "Nemozol", "Sanoxal". If the disease caused an allergy in a person, then antihistamines are also prescribed.
A disease that has progressed to stage 3 is difficult to treat. In this case, some medications will no longer be enough, so the patient undergoes an operation. The intervention is carried out in order to remove roundworms from the patient's body. If the disease has affected the organs of vision, then it is necessary to perform an operation on the eyes. The consequences of infection with Bancroft's thread are not yet fully understood by doctors, so hospital treatment is recommended for patients.
Getting rid of elephantiasis of the lower extremities is impossible without reducing the load on the legs. If the patient can still work, then it is recommended that he take short rest breaks as often as possible. If possible, the person should lie down and raise his legs above his head. During a night's rest, a special roller is placed under the lower limbs. Doctors recommend patients loose clothing and comfortable shoes. It is very important for the patient to trust his doctor and not self-medicate, decoctions and herbal ointments will not help this disease.

Infection prevention
People traveling to exotic countries should be very careful. There is no specific prophylaxis against Bancroft's thread. Countries where this disease is common are fighting its vectors, but these actions do not bring much success.
People traveling to the tropics should take repellents and insecticides with them. If it was not possible to take the drugs, then be sure to buy them on the spot. No remedy can completely protect against Bancroft's thread, but it reduces the chance of infection.