For a long time, mankind has known the positive effects of acupressure on the body. It relaxes the muscles and has a positive effect on the condition of the organs. The most demanded are knowledge about the points for massage on the back. Let's analyze what it is, how to use it correctly to achieve a positive result.

What is acupressure?
Acupressure is an influence on certain places on the human body, there are about 700 of them. But not all of them are used. To date, it has been revealed that the points are interconnected by channels through which positive energy flows. When the patency is disturbed, a person becomes ill. They are called meridians, present in the body:
- 12 paired channels;
- 2 unpaired;
- 15 secondary meridians;
- 8 wonderful.
Due to the correct action on the back massage points for women and mencan affect a variety of diseases, such as osteochondrosis, chronic muscle fatigue. The list contains all back ailments. Massage is one of the most effective methods of treatment, as it easily affects the site of pain.
How to find points on the back
Back pain is a common problem among young people and the elderly. Experienced massage therapists can easily find the points that need to be kneaded. A beginner first needs to find his most susceptible finger, with which he will later carry out the procedure. Next, you need to correctly determine the places for massage on the back with the help of inspection.
The main points are connected by medians, they can be found on the body thanks to anatomical landmarks. They are parallel to the spine on both sides. When a finger hits the right point, a certain number of feelings arise in a person:
- goosebumps;
- low pain;
- shiver.
In China, they invented their own method for determining points on the body. The name was given to her by an individual cun. Calculating them is not so difficult, the distance between them can be considered the width of the thumb or the distance between the phalanges of the bent middle finger. It is worth remembering that the points for back massage in women are found with the right hand, and in men - with the left.
Before starting the procedure, the reaction of the body is checked. For this, the first massage is done for the minimum allowed time. If the pain after it does not go away after 5-7 minutes, this indicates that it is undesirable to do it. During the first timewhen massaging the painful points, it is not recommended to knead and press hard, this can harm.

Indications for acupressure
Doctors are increasingly trying to prescribe this procedure. Acupressure helps to cope with back pain, and also has a positive effect on the condition of internal organs. Based on the indications for the appointment are:
- osteochondrosis;
- various back pains;
- chronic muscle fatigue;
- diseases of the joints.
This list is quite large, and there is no need to list everything. It should be understood that there are about 700 points in the body that are responsible for the work of the whole organism.

Despite all the benefits, acupressure has a number of diseases, in the presence of which it is undesirable to do it. If a person is sick with tuberculosis, skin infections or a fungus, then such patients are strictly prohibited.
It is not recommended to act on the massage points on the back for diseases such as:
- increased risk of blood clots;
- presence of acute respiratory diseases;
- malignant tumors;
- chronic osteomyelitis;
- hyperemia;
- kidney failure.
Complications may occur if the person drank alcohol or ate heavily during the procedure. It is also undesirable to influence the points for back massage in women during pregnancy or menstruation.
Preparing formassage
Before starting, it is necessary to prepare the body, for this rubbing is carried out. If you plan to influence the points for massage on the back, this does not mean that you need to rub only them, you need to prepare the entire back.
At the first visit, it is carried out at a speed of 25-30 strokes per minute. With subsequent massage trips, you can increase the speed of rubbing up to 55-60 times. You need to carry out the procedure with the back of your hands.

Acupressure back massage technique
The main technique is to relax the muscles and massage the points on the back. The main subject of influence is the fingers. The masseur himself chooses a convenient way of influence, it can be a finger or a knuckle. Next, the back is examined and problem areas are identified. Since their location is not identical, experienced massage therapists use not only anatomical landmarks, but also intuition.
If pain points on the back were accurately identified during the massage, then a feeling of numbness or slight pressure will appear, this is considered normal. Actually, this feeling should appear when pressing on a painful place.
It is necessary to learn the massage technique constantly due to the fact that there are a lot of points on the back, and each is responsible for certain diseases. The main ways can be distinguished:
- Stroking pain points. In this case, the massage therapist strokes the affected area with a fingertip in a circular motion. Often this technique is used to massage small areas of the body, this is the neck,face.
- Rubbing. This is the final stage of the massage, it is done with the index finger or thumb, the impact is on the points using a clockwise movement.
- Pressing the dots. With the help of the thumb, the massage therapist acts on the painful area with small circular movements, gradually increasing the speed and force of pressure. If you need to influence several points at once, use two thumbs or thumb and forefinger.
- Capture. This technique refers to the intense influence on the points. A three-finger grip is performed, and a small love spell is performed. The pace must be increased over time, such an impact causes a feeling of numbness.
- Vibration. With the finger of the hand, the massage therapist, without lifting it from the point, acts with oscillatory movements on the necessary place.
- Calming. With the help of this technique, all of the above techniques are performed, only at a slow pace and without intense impact. It is aimed at soothing pain points.
- Stroking along the medians on the back. The influence occurs on the channels in the human body.
It is necessary to influence the points gradually, each time increasing the time of work with one place. Approaches are desirable to do up to 8-10, increasing the intensity of exposure to the middle, and at the end to reduce it.

Back massage for severe pain
It is not recommended to engage in self-treatment of the back, because all the main points and nerve plexuses are collected near the spine. Bettercontact an experienced massage therapist who can easily determine the right places of influence. Knowing them, he will relieve sharp pain and prevent future occurrences.
If we consider in detail the points on the body for back massage, it becomes clear that they are not located on the spine itself, but run along it. Actually, the ridge is not affected. Before starting, you need to prepare:
- the patient needs to take a comfortable position lying or sitting;
- Masseur's hands should be warm;
- then grinding is carried out.
The main course of back massage begins with the lumbar area.
After the impact on the painful areas of the patient begins. The influence on them passes gradually, the massage therapist controls the reaction of the body. With a positive reaction, the intensity of kneading points increases. To achieve the result, you need to complete the full course of massage prescribed by your doctor.
Massage for general relaxation
It is used for medicinal and relaxation purposes. A number of places that will help relieve accumulated tension are located on the back. Points for head and neck massage also require periodic exposure so that there is no stagnation of energy in the body and it can easily flow through the main channels.
- The first point is in the upper back, at the point where the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders join. It is necessary to massage by pressing a finger on a point with a delay on it for a while.
- The following places are located on opposite sides of the spine between the shoulder blades. The points are close to the spine, sobefore starting pressure, make sure that the impact does not fall on the ridge itself. You need to retreat 2 cm from it.
- After we proceed to pressure on the point, which can be found with the elbow. We lower the hand along the back, and you can see that it is near the spine at the level of the elbow. You need to massage the point on both sides of the ridge.
- Press is also applied to a place just below the armpit, on the side of the muscle from the armpit to the back.

Cervical region and head
There are not so many points on the neck, but influence on them helps to get rid of a number of problems:
- takes away headaches;
- increases the efficiency of the thyroid gland;
- improves memory;
- relieves migraines;
- improves facial skin condition;
- helps restore vision and hearing.
There are many important places on the head that have a positive effect on human he alth.
- In China, doctors believed that the main point where a large number of diseases are concentrated is on the head, in the region of the parietal cavity. By massaging it, you can improve the overall functioning of the body and ensure a sound and he althy sleep.
- To improve vision, there is a biological point in the inner corner of the eyes, it helps restore vision, and also relieves frontal headache. Above it, at the beginning of the eyebrows, there is a place responsible for the condition of the bladder.
- The next point is between the eyebrows, you can determine it if you drawline from the tip of the nose. It will help relieve seizures in children, and for adults to cope with migraines, dizziness and insomnia.
- A point in the temple area will help get rid of sinusitis, improve the functioning of the stomach, correct speech disorder. It is located between the edge of the eyebrow and the top of the ear, in the temporal cavity.
- The point that will help get rid of cervical myositis, speech disorders is 1–1.5 cm above the corners of the lips.

Trigger points
They happen to people who experience constant heavy loads, lead a sedentary life or are injured. These places are a small tubercle on the body. The muscles in this place are in constant tension and bring a lot of discomfort. Such points cannot be cured with conventional medicines, this requires a direct effect on them. In this case, massaging the trigger points of the back will help a lot.
How to massage yourself
You can master this technique at home, but this process on your own will take a long time. It is not enough to read the literature and look at the pictures. The main thing is constant practice, each person's body is individual and the location of the points is rarely the same.
However, it is possible to learn the basics. You can easily get rid of a headache or relieve sinusitis, reduce back pain and improve the general condition of your body. You can also study erotic back massage with erogenous eight points, this technique will help improve anddiversify your intimate life.
In general, more and more people are convinced of the usefulness of massage. And it is hard to dispute its positive effect on the human body, since in ancient times, healers healed patients using this technique. Nowadays, in every city there are special centers where experienced masseurs will help to cope with back pain. You should not endure it, because thanks to acupressure it is possible to forget about it for a long time.