Dysentery is the most common gastrointestinal infection. The causative agent of this disease are bacteria - Shigella Sonne. Pathology is accompanied by severe diarrhea and often leads to dehydration. The Shigellvac vaccine will help prevent this dangerous disease. What categories of patients are indicated for such a vaccination? And how reliably does it protect against dysentery? We will consider these issues in the article.
Composition and action of the vaccine
The main component of the Shigellvac vaccine is lipopolysaccharide. This substance is obtained from the causative agent of dysentery - Shigella Sonne. It is purified from impurities and combined with additional ingredients - chloride, dihydrogen phosphate and sodium hydrogen phosphate. Phenol is used as a preservative component. This is how they get the vaccine.

After the introduction of the vaccine in the patient's bodyactive production of antibodies against Shigella Sonne begins, and after 2-3 weeks a stable immunity is formed. Such a vaccination protects a person from dysentery for 1 year.
The drug is certified and meets all necessary standards. Vaccine series "Shigellvak" - 145-0415 (according to the Register of Certificates of Conformity). This vaccine was registered in 2015 and is used to prevent dysentery.
The vaccine is a colorless liquid. It smells like carbolic acid (phenol). The drug is poured into 0.5 or 0.25 ml ampoules.
The instructions for the Shigellvac vaccine allow the use of the drug for the prevention of dysentery in children over 3 years of age and adults. Usually vaccinations are done in summer and autumn. During this period, the risk of infection with Shigella increases.
Vaccination against dysentery is not included in the vaccination schedule. The drug is administered only according to indications. However, this vaccination is mandatory for the following groups of patients:
- employees of medical bacteriological laboratories;
- medical staff of infectious diseases rooms and departments;
- food related workers;
- Children over 3 years old going on a summer vacation to a camp or attending a kindergarten;
- people traveling to regions with a high incidence of dysentery.

In addition, there are epidemiological indications for vaccination. For example, in case of accidents in the sewerage and water supplynetwork dramatically increases the risk of infection with shigella. In this case, the introduction of the drug is necessary for all people living in the disaster area.
If there is an outbreak of dysentery in the region, the entire population is vaccinated.
The vaccine "Shigellvac" reliably protects against dysentery. However, not all patients can do such a vaccination. An absolute contraindication to vaccination is an allergy to any ingredient of the drug. In this case, immunoprophylaxis should be abandoned. Also, "Shigellwak" is forbidden to enter children under 3 years old.
Vaccination against dysentery should not be given to pregnant women. In this case, vaccination can be carried out only after childbirth.
The introduction of the vaccine against dysentery "Shigellwak" is categorically contraindicated in infectious diseases and exacerbation of chronic pathologies. Vaccination can be done only 30 days after full recovery. Therefore, before immunoprophylaxis, the doctor measures the patient's body temperature in order to exclude contraindications to vaccination.

Unwanted effects
The vaccine "Shigellvac" refers to inactivated vaccine preparations. It does not contain live bacteria. Such immunoprophylaxis agents rarely cause side effects. However, in the first days after the introduction of the vaccine, the body actively produces immunoglobulins. This may be accompanied by the following reactions:
- increasetemperature (up to +37.2 degrees);
- small malaise and headache;
- hyperemia of the skin and soreness in the injection area.

Such symptoms disappear on their own and do not require special treatment. However, if a severe fever occurs after vaccination and a pronounced deterioration in well-being, then an urgent need to consult a doctor.
After the administration of the drug, it is recommended to stay in the medical facility for 30 minutes. This is necessary so that the doctor can provide timely assistance with a possible allergic reaction.
Introduction method
This vaccine can be administered either subcutaneously or intramuscularly. An injection is made in the shoulder area. The dosage of the drug for adults and children is 0.5 ml (1 ampoule). If necessary, the vaccination is repeated after 12 months.
Shigellvac can be administered on the same day as other inactivated vaccines. If the patient was vaccinated using weakened strains of bacteria, then dysentery immunoprophylaxis can be carried out after 1 month.

Storage and price
Vaccine ampoules are recommended to be placed in the refrigerator. They can be stored at temperatures from +2 to +8 degrees. In this case, the liquid must not be allowed to freeze. The drug is suitable for use within 2 years from the date of issue. An expired vaccine must not be used.
The price of 5 ampoules of the drug is from 3000 to 3500 rubles. The vaccine is dispensed from pharmacies only formedical institutions. Do not use this product on your own at home.
Patient feedback
Reviews about this vaccine product are rare. After all, the Shigellvak dysentery vaccine has been used relatively recently. Most of the patients had this vaccination at the time of issuing a medical book or before traveling to countries with a hot climate where dysentery is common. Children and teenagers were also vaccinated before leaving for summer holiday camps.
Judging by the feedback from patients, such immunoprophylaxis is well tolerated. Temperature jumps and malaise after vaccination were not observed. There were no cases of Shigella infection within a year after vaccination.
Some parents are afraid to vaccinate their children against dysentery. However, such fears are completely unfounded. A vaccine containing purified bacterial lipopolysaccharides is fairly harmless. Therefore, if the child has no contraindications, and at the same time there is a risk of infection with shigella, then the vaccine should be done. After all, dysentery in childhood is very difficult to tolerate and often leads to dangerous complications.