Many people have heard of hermaphrodites, but not everyone knows about the types of sexual hermaphroditism. The disease implies that a person has developed genital organs of both sexes. What is the peculiarity of such a pathology? We will talk about this in the article.
False hermaphroditism
What is this? What does hermaphroditism look like in humans? Photos of those who suffer from the disease are posted in the article. It is worth noting that false hermaphroditism is a disease in which the sex glands are formed correctly, but the external genitalia have signs of bisexuality. In this case, there is a contradiction between the internal (chromosomal, gonadal) and external (according to the structure of the genital organs) sex. False hermaphroditism is male and female.

Male hermaphroditism
What does hermaphroditism look like in men? They can observe testicles, but the external structure of the genital organs is rather female. The figure develops according to the female type. But not only the physiology, but also the human psyche is changing. He feels more comfortable being a woman.
There are some anomalies though. Wrong in the first placedeveloped urethra. This anomaly is called hypospadias. The testicles are also misplaced (cryptorchidism).
Sometimes the disease is called androgen insensitivity syndrome, which is characterized by a 46XY male karyotype. If the phenotype has external genitalia that are similar in appearance to men, they speak of Reifenstein syndrome.
Female hermaphroditism
A woman has ovaries, but the external structure of the genital organs is similar to that of men. In addition, the woman's musculature is strongly pronounced, her voice coarsens and hair growth increases throughout the body. She feels more comfortable being a man.
The disease is characterized by the presence of a female karyotype 46XX and ovaries. But the external sexual structure is different. Given the enzymatic deficiency that provokes a violation of potassium-sodium metabolism, the patient may complain of high blood pressure and frequent edema.

Violation of the development of the gonads. Turner Syndrome
Specialists may encounter Turner syndrome, which is caused by a genetic mutation on the X chromosome. Such an anomaly provokes a deformation of the genes (in the process of expression) that control ovarian function. As a result, there is a violation of the formation of the gonads (they remain in their infancy or are absent). Patients often suffer from kidney and heart diseases.
In some cases, mosaic variants of chromosome transformation can be found. Such an anomaly disrupts the functioning of the ovaries. The development of somatic cells is difficult. People with Turner syndrome are short and have other external anomalies.
Pure gonadal agenesis syndrome
Anomaly appears as a result of point mutations of X or Y chromosomes. This term is understood as the congenital absence of the gonads.
Patients are of normal growth, but secondary sexual characteristics are not fully developed. External genitalia - female, infantile. The genetic sex is not determined, the gonadal sex is absent. Women at the stage of puberty do not begin menstruation, which becomes the reason for a visit to the doctor.

Underdeveloped testicles
It is worth highlighting two forms of the disease.
Double-sided. In this case, the testicles are underdeveloped on both sides, but the production of full-fledged spermatozoa is impossible. The internal structure of the genital organs according to the female type. External organs have signs of both female and male. Given the impossibility of testosterone production by the testicles, the amount of sex hormones in the blood is minimal.
Mixed. The reproductive organs may develop asymmetrically. There is a normal testicle on one side, the reproductive function of which is preserved. The other side is represented by a connective tissue cord. In adolescence, the patient develops secondary sexual characteristics according to the male type. By examining the chromosome set in the process of diagnosing the disease, experts reveal mosaicism.
True hermaphroditism
In the body there are both male sex glands - testicles, and female - ovaries. One of the organsunderdeveloped and does not produce germ cells. In a separate case, the glands may merge. But such a situation can be observed in exceptional cases. It is associated with the abnormal development of the reproductive system during the prenatal period.
There are no more than 200 cases of true hermaphroditism in humans in the world (photo in the article).

It is difficult to pinpoint the factors that influence the onset of the disease. A number of studies, in rare cases, link the disease with translocation and mutation of chromosomes. This also includes double fertilization of one egg, which leads to the emergence of bisexual gonads. Pictures of people suffering from the disease are often frightening or bewildering.
Symptoms of hermaphroditism in humans:
- Improper development of the penis.
- Testicles do not descend into scrotum.
- The urethra is displaced, and is located not on the head of the penis, but in another area of the body.
- Curvature of the penis.
- Intensive development of the mammary glands.
- High voice, inappropriate for passport age.
- Infertility.
- Puberty that happened prematurely.
This is how hermaphroditism manifests itself. Photos of human organs in such cases are in all medical encyclopedias.

Other symptoms. Chromosomes
When the intrauterine development of the fetus is disturbed, an incorrect laying of its genitals occurs. Among the main reasons arename a mutation, which is a sudden breakdown in the genetic system. Most often this happens at an early stage of fetal development due to the influence of various factors, such as:
- Irradiation.
- Poisoning by chemical poisons during pregnancy. These include poisoning with food poison, drugs that are not recommended for women in position. It also includes alcohol, drugs.
- Biological influence. It means infection of a pregnant woman with toxoplasmosis, viral diseases.
Failure of the hormonal system
This situation can be observed both in a woman and in an embryo. Illness can be provoked by:
- Adrenal disease.
- Incorrect functioning of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, which is responsible for controlling the development of the gonads.

Disease diagnosis
In the process of research, the doctor determines further treatment, taking into account a number of nuances:
- The course of pregnancy in the mother. This takes into account the influence of infections, toxic substances.
- Improper development of the genitals.
- Having complaints about sexual problems.
- Infertile patient.
General inspection
Inspection underway to detect abnormalities. Men may develop mammary glands, women may develop excess musculature. Most often, this is how hermaphroditism is initially manifested in humans.
Also, the doctor must exclude the presenceother diseases. To do this, blood pressure is checked, growth is measured, an examination of the skin is carried out, hair growth and the distribution of adipose tissue are assessed.

Specialist consultation
At the reception, an examination of the external genital organs is carried out to identify anomalies in their development. In men, the prostate gland is examined, the scrotum is probed.
You also need to consult a geneticist, endocrinologist and gynecologist. To distinguish true hermaphroditism from false, experts resort to the definition of sex chromatin - karyotyping. It is worth noting that at the final stage, to determine true hermaphroditism, it is necessary to perform a diagnostic laparotomy, biopsy of the gonads.
The study studies the number and composition of chromosomes. In this way, the genetic sex can be determined.
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs
In this case, the abdominal organs are diagnosed for anomalies in the structure of the reproductive system. Particular attention is paid to the presence of ovaries or testicles that have not descended into the scrotum.
The study allows you to get a conclusion that indicates the exact structure of the human genital organs.
Laboratory studies
If necessary, the doctor may prescribe tests to determine the hormones in the urine and blood. The list of tests should be determined by the doctor. These may include thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, and sex hormones.
Treatment. Hormon altherapy
Given the causes of hermaphroditism in humans, the doctor may prescribe sex hormone or thyroid drugs. Glucocorticoids may also be used during treatment. In some cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed to regulate the functioning of the pituitary gland.
The main task of the therapeutic measure is the identification of the civil sex of a person, the establishment of a hormonal background. Treatment is reduced to the correction of organs surgically and hormonal therapy. In some cases, it is advisable to use combined oral contraceptives.
A disease that was caused by a congenital anomaly of the adrenal glands, it is advisable to treat with glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid hormones.
Male patients are prescribed long-acting testosterone preparations.
Given the desire of the patient, you can resort to surgical correction of the anomaly. Men are offered plastic surgery on the external genital organs, which includes straightening and enlargement of the penis, descent of the testicles into the scrotum and other necessary actions. Underdeveloped testicles are surgically removed. If the operation is neglected, they can degenerate into a malignant formation.
In women, all testicular tissue is removed, the clitoris is resected and the vagina is plastically resected. You can solve the problem of hairy skin with the help of epilation. Hormonal drugs should be taken throughout the reproductive period.
Possible consequences
Identify such complicationshermaphroditism:
- Tumours develop from testicles that do not descend into the scrotum.
- Incorrect positioning of the urinary canal can lead to impaired urination.
- The inability to have a full sexual life.
- A person may suffer from some sexual disorders.
Features of the disease
In most cases, congenital hermaphroditism occurs in humans. Only occasionally anomalies of the genitals occur in children against the background of precocious puberty. The occurrence of the disease in adults may occur due to the use of hormonal drugs.
It is worth noting that the presence of hermaphroditism in people sometimes provokes mental and mental abnormalities.
Most often, patients with true hermaphroditism cannot have children. But in rare cases, babies are born.
For the period of rehabilitation, the patient should be under the supervision of an endocrinologist who prescribes hormone therapy. In parallel, you can get advice from a sexologist and a psychologist.