Surgeon Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich: biography, where he works, contacts

Surgeon Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich: biography, where he works, contacts
Surgeon Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich: biography, where he works, contacts

This year marks the seventy-one year anniversary of the great man - Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich. This amazing doctor, who received over the rarest surgical talent, is known almost all over the world. The operations performed by his hands are overwhelmingly successful, and many of them are unique. Today, our article is entirely dedicated to the surgeon who saves human life every day, seven days a week.

Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich where the address works
Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich where the address works

Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich: biography

The future luminary of medicine was born on April 2, 1946, in a small town (Uzbekistan). The boy's mom and dad were quite famous people who devoted their entire lives to pedagogy. Renat became the third and youngest child in the family, as a child he was constantly spoiled by his brother and sister.

Since Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich (we gave a photo of the surgeon in the article) chose medicine as his life's work, he graduated from the most famous in the USSReducational institution of the corresponding profile - the First Moscow Medical Institute named after I. M. Sechenov - and immediately began to work as an ordinary doctor in a small area. A year later, a talented young doctor began to work in the admissions department of Reutov and in parallel in several metropolitan clinics.

In the seventy-fifth year of the last century, the hero of our article first showed interest in vascular surgery. In the eighties, he was already a promising senior fellow. Therefore, it was he who was sent for an internship in the United States. He returned back to a completely different Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich. Where to work after that - the surgeon no longer thought, he forever connected his future with cardiac surgery, which brought him worldwide fame.

At about the same time, he was given a great honor and trust from more experienced colleagues - he received a very important appointment to a leadership position. The hero of our article became the head of the department of cardiovascular surgery. In his new position, he began to develop many of the latest trends in medicine and more than once was the first among other doctors in the country to undertake complex operations with unpredictable results.

In the ninety-sixth year of the last century, Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich became widely known thanks to a successful operation on the heart of the President of the country. During this period, the surgeon repeatedly gave interviews and often appeared on television, drawing public attention to the problems of cardiac surgery.

Five years ago this amazingly talented man became a full memberPublic Chamber of the Central Federal District, elected by an overwhelming majority.

Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich reviews
Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich reviews

A few words about the surgeon's childhood

Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich always spoke very warmly about his loved ones. His parents strongly supported the youngest son's passion for biology, bionics and cybernetics. The idol of the future surgeon was the famous academician N. M. Amosov, who actively developed new areas of medicine in those years.

Love and understanding have always reigned in the family, all the children were friends with each other and helped each other with household chores. In his memoirs, the surgeon repeatedly mentioned that he was very upset by the departure from the city of his childhood. He said in an interview that he quite often comes to the places where he spent his childhood and youth to see friends and relatives.

University studies

After the tenth grade, Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich did not doubt for a second the choice of his future profession and applied to the higher educational institution of Andijan, which graduates physicians. Our hero failed to finish it, because he was forced to suddenly move to Moscow. To continue his education, he had to arrange a transfer to the First Moscow Medical Institute named after I. M. Sechenov. Here he studied the last two courses.

It is interesting that even during his studies, the future surgeon was actively interested in practice. For example, he was one of the first volunteers who went to rescue work after a powerful earthquake in Peru. He helpeddismantled the rubble and provided first aid to people who were lucky enough to survive this terrible moment.

Interestingly, the surgeon himself recalls with great gratitude his work as a local therapist. In some interviews, Renat Suleymanovich said that it was this time that taught him to sympathize with his patients. And without this, according to this amazing person, it is impossible to become a real doctor.

The beginning of the career of a surgeon

Unsurprisingly, the talented doctor was cramped within the district doctor, so he became interested in traumatology and started working in two more clinics in addition to his main job.

Three years after graduation, he entered the residency and continued his scientific research in traumatology. Until now, he considers this stage of his professional activity the most interesting. After all, the surgeon Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich was among the first specialists who worked in the field of replantation surgery. As part of Professor Krylov's group, he performed the most complex operations to splice blood vessels and nerve endings to people with severed limbs. This work required extensive knowledge of medicine and great precision. Renat Suleymanovich managed to develop this direction, but he saw his future in vascular surgery.

Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich contacts
Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich contacts

Development of cardiac surgery in the USSR

Having shown himself to be a talented and versatile surgeon, Akchurin began to specialize in cardiac surgery in the early 1980s. Thisthe work revealed his true talent and became a real vocation, however, many technologies in our country were not yet developed, so Soviet surgeons had to use the help of their foreign colleagues.

The famous American cardiac surgeon Michael DeBakey invited Renat Suleymanovich for an internship at his own medical center. The talented surgeon used this opportunity one hundred percent, therefore, upon returning home, he received a serious and responsible position as head of the department of cardiovascular surgery at the A. L. Myasnikov Institute of Clinical Cardiology.

In this status, the main character of the article did a lot for the development of various areas of medicine. First of all, modern doctors and patients are grateful to him for heart operations performed without opening the chest and with a minimum number of incisions. This greatly simplifies and shortens the rehabilitation period of patients, many of them can leave the clinic and return to their usual way of life just a couple of days after surgery.

Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich where he works
Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich where he works

Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin: the main heart of the country

Despite the fact that R. S. Akchurin was quite well known in narrow circles, the press found out about him only in 1996. This year, he became a man who not only had a heart operation, but actually saved the life of the president of our country.

B. N. Yeltsin had serious heart problems and needed a complex operation, but the surgeons did not make any predictions and were cautiousrelated to the prospect of operating on the President of the Russian Federation. After several medical consultations, it was decided not to waste time and do coronary bypass surgery in the very next few days. It was Akchurin who was supposed to lead the team of doctors and directly perform all the manipulations on the operating table.

Interestingly, he very correctly avoided any questions from journalists about the upcoming operation. In all the interviews, he was focused and restrained, and only after B. N. Yeltsin got better after coronary bypass surgery in November, his surgeon decided to give the media some details of his work.

Akchurin's contribution to Soviet and modern medicine

It is difficult to list those areas in medicine that the hero of our article has not bypassed. Let's highlight only the most unique of them:

  • reconstructive microsurgery;
  • plastic microsurgery;
  • treatment of coronary heart disease through surgery;
  • heart transplant;
  • plastic limb surgery.

In general, our talented hero has about three hundred published works in twenty areas, many of which have become a real breakthrough in the international medical community.

Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich photo
Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich photo

Awards Akchurin R. S

Renat Suleymanovich was awarded government awards more than once. He received the first of them back in the days of the Soviet Union for development and achievements in traumatology. According to the latest data, the doctor's piggy bank has more thantwelve orders, medals, prizes and awards of international level.

For example, at the end of the last century, he was awarded the International Order of Paul Harris.


It can be said that the hero of our article is an academician four times. Long track record includes membership in the following organizations:

  • RAMN;
  • Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan;
  • Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In parallel, this unique doctor is the initiator, developer and permanent leader of a special program that works on the development of high-tech medicine, which is very important for vascular surgery.

Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich biography
Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich biography

Private life

Some excessive publicity and importunity of journalists make Renat Akchurin Akchurin carefully hide his personal life. The contacts of his relatives and friends are never given to the press. Everyone knows that a surgeon rarely talks about his life outside of work. In addition, he does not have much free time to devote to his family.

It is known that Akchurin is married and had two sons. The youngest of his children left this world thirteen years ago. The doctor never touches on this topic, so we cannot give the details of this story either.

In one of the interviews, Renat Suleymanovich mentioned that he loves tourism very much. And the way it was back in Soviet times - a big company with tents and a guitar. Also close to and hunting are not alien to him, and music, which occupies an important place in his daily life.

Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich: where does he work (address)

People with heart problems and in need of urgent surgical intervention come to Moscow from all over Russia and neighboring republics to get a consultation with a famous surgeon. For about twenty years Akchurin Renat Suleymanovich has been working in the cardiocenter, the address of which is perceived by many patients as a place where hope for a happy and he althy life is born.

The cardio center is located on the third Cherepkovskaya street, house 15 A. You can get here by metro, you need to get off at the Molodezhnaya station. Also, patients can take another line to the Krylatskoye station, from which it is only about two kilometers to walk to the Cardiocenter.

Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich
Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich

Patient testimonials

How to put into words gratitude for saving your own life? Hard to say. Perhaps, any emotions will not be enough to explain what gift the surgeon made to the patients with his golden hands.

If you set a goal, you will definitely find a huge amount of laudatory reviews about Renat Suleimanovich Akchurin. They always write about him enthusiastically, easily and with gratitude. Former patients of the surgeon tell in their comments about how sensitive Akchurin is, how he knows how to find an approach to each patient and, with a heavy workload of six to eight operations per week, manages to devote time to everyone who lies in hisoffice.

Therefore, if you were lucky enough to get an appointment with this amazing surgeon, then you can be calm - your heart is now in good hands.
