Medicine 2024, October

Anesthesiologist - who is this and what are his duties?

Anesthesiologist - who is this and what are his duties?

From time immemorial, people have sought to reduce the pain that occurs during the "invasion", for example, during surgery, in the human body. Currently, this function is entrusted to such a specialist as an anesthesiologist

Larcher spots in the assessment of post-mortem changes

Larcher spots in the assessment of post-mortem changes

There are a number of signs that allow you to judge at what point the time of death has come. One of these signs is the appearance of Larcher spots. You can learn more about what these spots look like and how they help forensic doctors determine when a crime was committed in this article

Treatment of elbow sprains: general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs, traditional methods of treatment, rehabilitation

Treatment of elbow sprains: general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs, traditional methods of treatment, rehabilitation

According to the ICD, sprain of the elbow joint belongs to the group of pathological conditions indicated by the general code S53 ("Dislocation, sprain and overstrain of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the elbow joint"). This is an extremely uncomfortable condition, due to the anatomical features of the area. A person who has been injured notes numbness in the affected arm, which appears simultaneously with a tingling sensation. This is due to impaired blood flow. How to help the victim?

Where is the human appendix located and what function does it perform

Where is the human appendix located and what function does it perform

The article will tell you why a person needs an appendix, where it is located, what are the symptoms of its inflammation and in what cases it should be removed

Human lower leg: the possibilities of prosthetics

Human lower leg: the possibilities of prosthetics

This article discusses the features of prosthetics of such an anatomical region as the human lower leg

Mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph. Main features

Mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph. Main features

According to Sheldon's theory, all people can be divided into three types according to morphological characteristics: mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph. This is one of the most simple and detailed classifications of body types that currently exist

RMP (blood test): indications, transcript

RMP (blood test): indications, transcript

Diseases of the intimate sphere almost always negatively affect the he alth of the whole organism. This is especially true for sexually transmitted diseases. The danger lies not only in the fact that treatment always takes a lot of time, effort and nerves, but also in the fact that many intimate ailments can be hidden for a long time, almost without manifesting themselves. These include syphilis, which RMP blood test will help to establish infection

Massage of the collar zone for a child: various techniques, step-by-step instructions on how to do the procedure, indications and contraindications

Massage of the collar zone for a child: various techniques, step-by-step instructions on how to do the procedure, indications and contraindications

The current generation of children leads a very sedentary lifestyle, which can affect the he alth of the spinal column and the body as a whole. The collar zone is the most vulnerable and requires attention. Lack of movement causes swelling and s alt buildup, which is the first step towards back pain. Able to cope with such problems in a child massage of the collar zone

Abdominal ultrasound - what is it? How to prepare for an abdominal ultrasound?

Abdominal ultrasound - what is it? How to prepare for an abdominal ultrasound?

It is possible to detect pathologies in the abdominal cavity, as well as in the pelvic organs, using a procedure such as abdominal ultrasound. What kind of research method is this and how it is carried out - this is what will be discussed in the article

The benefits and harms of binaural beats

The benefits and harms of binaural beats

There is still a lot of unidentified and unexplored in the world. Once upon a time, people attributed mystical properties to the most common objects and phenomena for us. Although a lot has been explained for a long time, even today there are such things - for example, binaural beats. What is it?

What is in the lower abdomen on the left? Causes of pain

What is in the lower abdomen on the left? Causes of pain

Sudden pain in the lower abdomen can unsettle, violating all plans. Of course, you can take any pain medication without understanding the reason for feeling unwell. As a rule, such actions lead to deterioration, progression of the disease

Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye: reviews, address

Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye: reviews, address

Private clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye was established in 2001 on the basis of the medical unit of one of the leading enterprises producing aircraft engines. Today it is the best medical facility in the city, equipped with modern equipment

Perinatal Center, Rostov-on-Don: reviews and prices

Perinatal Center, Rostov-on-Don: reviews and prices

The Perinatal Center (Rostov) serves patients and newborns in inpatient and outpatient departments. All types of assistance are provided under compulsory medical insurance, voluntary he alth insurance policies and on a commercial basis. The clinic is considered a high-tech medical institution, equipped with the necessary equipment and a full staff of qualified personnel

What is the normal blood sugar level?

What is the normal blood sugar level?

Glucose is one of the main energy materials of our body. When people talk about sugar, they mean it. The proper functioning of body cells, including the brain, is possible if sugar is normal. Since we get glucose only from the food we eat, sometimes its amount can be more, and sometimes less

His posterior thigh muscles: structure, functions and exercises

His posterior thigh muscles: structure, functions and exercises

Muscles are of great importance for a person. Everyone knows that it is on them that almost half of the body weight rests, they support it in an upright position and make the lower limbs move. In addition, the development of these muscles affects athletic beauty. But due to the complex structure of this section of the limbs, certain difficulties arise in the preparation of training complexes

Puncture of the spinal cord: indications, description of the procedure, consequences and possible complications

Puncture of the spinal cord: indications, description of the procedure, consequences and possible complications

Puncture of the spinal cord is a specific examination that is prescribed for pathologies of the central nervous system. It is carried out, as a rule, in a hospital and has its own contraindications. The article describes the description of the procedure, how to prepare for it, and what complications the patient can expect

What is a dural sac?

What is a dural sac?

Unfortunately, people who do not have a medical education are often confused and do not understand the meaning of some terms. Let's fix this a little

Nikolai Amosov: biography, photos and interesting facts

Nikolai Amosov: biography, photos and interesting facts

Nikolai Amosov is one of the most famous doctors in history. Actively promoted physical labor as the meaning of life. The biography of the doctor can be found in the article

Bracelets measuring pressure: an overview of the best models, characteristics

Bracelets measuring pressure: an overview of the best models, characteristics

Bracelets capable of measuring blood pressure and pulse rate are not only a necessary sports accessory. This is a modern and accurate medical device that allows you to monitor the state of the body in real time. They can be used not only by professional athletes, but also by people suffering from changes in blood pressure, everyone who strives to lead a he althy lifestyle and worries about their he alth

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty: description, indications, complications and reviews

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty: description, indications, complications and reviews

Bags under the eyes can hardly be considered a decoration of a woman. Nevertheless, a huge number of the fair sex is faced with similar problems. Sagging skin under the eyes gives the face a tired look. Is there any way to fix the defect? Modern plastic surgery helps to remove bags. But what about women who are not ready for a full-scale operation? There is a solution - a new procedure called transconjunctival blepharoplasty

Pathological hemolysis of blood: causes, symptoms and methods of treatment

Pathological hemolysis of blood: causes, symptoms and methods of treatment

Hemolysis of blood is a process accompanied by the destruction of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and the release of hemoglobin. Of course, this phenomenon is completely natural, since on average red blood cells live for about 110-130 days. However, in some cases, premature destruction of red blood cells can lead to various complications, and sometimes death

How and in what time period does alcohol disappear from the body?

How and in what time period does alcohol disappear from the body?

The only true cure for hangover symptoms is time. So how long does it take for alcohol to leave the body? How to speed up this process? Read the answers in this article

What should be in the first aid kit

What should be in the first aid kit

Any good housewife will always have the necessary medicines and first aid at home. They may be stored in different ways. Someone starts a special box, someone - a shelf or locker. The main thing is that at the right time everything is at hand

What is scanning and how is it used in medicine?

What is scanning and how is it used in medicine?

Methods for diagnosing the internal state of the body with image acquisition give the most complete picture. Pathology will not hide from medical devices, timely treatment will save you from serious complications in the future

Nipple thermometers: review, reviews

Nipple thermometers: review, reviews

The article will talk about baby thermometers in the shape of a pacifier. The rationality of the purchase, the pros and cons of such devices, as well as their safety will be considered

Deactivation - what is it? How, by what means and methods is the decontamination of mercury or radiation carried out?

Deactivation - what is it? How, by what means and methods is the decontamination of mercury or radiation carried out?

Decontamination is the process of cleaning the environment from harmful substances, in particular from radioactive particles. Disinfection is extremely important for maintaining human he alth. Decontamination must be carried out quickly and efficiently

How to donate blood for hemoglobin: ways to determine the level and donation rules

How to donate blood for hemoglobin: ways to determine the level and donation rules

It is unlikely that anyone will want to dispute the importance of hemoglobin, since its role is huge. This once again proves the true superiority of mother nature over human attempts to take over her. Does everyone know how to donate blood for hemoglobin? Although the rules are simple, they should not be ignored, otherwise the results can be severely skewed. At the same time, you should not draw any conclusions on your own - the interpretation of the results of the analysis is the prerogative of the attending physician and no one else

A phthisiatrician is a doctor who treats tuberculosis

A phthisiatrician is a doctor who treats tuberculosis

Phthisiatrician is a doctor who treats one of the most dangerous diseases - tuberculosis. Given the enormous social significance of this profession, only highly qualified specialists should work in this area

Phosphorus in the blood: the norm in the analysis, increased and decreased

Phosphorus in the blood: the norm in the analysis, increased and decreased

The composition of human blood includes proteins, mineral s alts, glucose and other vital elements. One of them is phosphorus. The deviation of the quantitative value of this element up or down may indicate pathological changes in the body. To determine the level of phosphorus in the blood and find out whether it is increased or decreased, a general analysis will help. In our article, we will focus on the norms of this inorganic phosphate for adults and children

Complications after laparoscopy: rehabilitation, possible consequences, medical advice

Complications after laparoscopy: rehabilitation, possible consequences, medical advice

Complications after laparoscopy are rare. However, as with any operation, they can occur. Both the patient and the surgeon can provoke them. Read more about complications after laparoscopy - in the article

When and how is the best time to sunbathe?

When and how is the best time to sunbathe?

Sunbathing is best taken according to the rules, then you can count on a good result. And it lies in an even, beautiful tan. With the right approach, you will not have to endure the pain of burned covers and in a panic look for the first available means to alleviate it. We offer to take a kind of course for a beginner tanning. He will tell you how to care for your skin before and after the "ultraviolet session"

Certificate from the therapist about the state of he alth: sample, procedure for obtaining, expiration date

Certificate from the therapist about the state of he alth: sample, procedure for obtaining, expiration date

A certificate from a therapist about the state of he alth has a certain form. In fact, there are even several of them. In this article, we will consider the most common type, which is modeled after "086 / y". This document is printed on a special form. Help contains detailed information about the current state of he alth

Private clinics of Rostov-on-Don: overview, services, specialists and reviews

Private clinics of Rostov-on-Don: overview, services, specialists and reviews

If you urgently need to be examined or receive treatment from qualified specialists, you can contact one of the private clinics in Rostov-on-Don. In order to make it easier to choose one of them, we will now tell you in detail about the best paid medical institutions in the city

Inhalation with "Berodual" and saline: proportions for children and adults

Inhalation with "Berodual" and saline: proportions for children and adults

Often, in diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, a person is tormented by spastic coughing attacks. For their relief, doctors recommend inhalation therapy using non-hormonal medications, for example, with Berodual

Sick leave codes and their decoding. Disability codes on sick leave

Sick leave codes and their decoding. Disability codes on sick leave

Sick leave is an official document that confirms the fact that an employee has suffered any injury or illness. It is on the basis of the information indicated in it that the accountant of the organization in which the person works calculates cash payments. Most of it is encrypted. There are many sick leave codes. The accountant is engaged in deciphering them

Osteopath in Moscow: patient reviews, list with names and rating of the best

Osteopath in Moscow: patient reviews, list with names and rating of the best

Back pain, dizziness, sexual dysfunction, menstrual cycle changes are experienced by many patients. With these and some other problems, an osteopath can help. In Moscow, reviews left about the best specialists in this field will help you navigate in order to contact a real professional. In this article, we will talk about the doctors who have earned the most trust from patients

Roitberg Grigory Efimovich: biography

Roitberg Grigory Efimovich: biography

Grigory Efimovich Roitberg is a famous Russian and Soviet scientist, cardiologist. It deservedly can be called the organizer of he alth care. This is a successful entrepreneur who has received many prizes and awards for the achievements that he managed to make in his life

Air analysis in the apartment: procedure and results

Air analysis in the apartment: procedure and results

The cause of malaise (headache, nausea) can be not only colds, lack of sleep or hard work, but also the air in the apartment. As a rule, no one thinks about this factor, but in vain. And the problem of harmful air concerns not only residents of megacities - furniture or new wallpaper can lead to serious poisoning if the materials are of poor quality and contain a high content of hazardous chemical compounds or bacteria

Moving around the Proetz: description of the procedure, pros and cons

Moving around the Proetz: description of the procedure, pros and cons

Currently, one of the most effective ways to cleanse the nose and nearby sinuses from exudate is the Proetz movement method. The treatment procedure is non-invasive and has a minimum of contraindications. At the same time, according to doctors' opinions, flushing by the Proetz movement method is a highly effective way to cleanse cavities from pathological contents

Non-invasive prenatal test: doctors' reviews, diagnosis and indications

Non-invasive prenatal test: doctors' reviews, diagnosis and indications

Today there are many different methods of laboratory research, one of which is a non-invasive prenatal test. Reviews of qualified specialists about him note high accuracy and information content, but women are very reluctant to go for him. This is due not only to psychological pressure, but also to injuries, because during the examination, the expectant mother is pierced with a special device