GTT analysis: what shows, decoding of indicators, norm and deviation

GTT analysis: what shows, decoding of indicators, norm and deviation
GTT analysis: what shows, decoding of indicators, norm and deviation

The test for the detection of tolerance to a substance such as glucose is gaining more and more popularity. It is of great importance for every person, especially for a woman who is expecting a baby. The analysis demonstrates violations in the metabolism of carbohydrates, if any. Many questions arise around the analysis of GTT (glucose tolerance test): how is it done, for what and to whom is it prescribed, for how long and what does it indicate? Let's figure it out.

General characteristics of the study

Test at home
Test at home

Glucose is a very important simple carbohydrate, it enters the human body with food. From the small intestine enters the blood. The substance acts as a source of energy for all body systems, so it is important to maintain the norm.

It is especially important for a pregnant woman to maintain normal glucose levels, because all this affects the development and condition of the fetus. It is normal for a person to have 5 grams of the blood, this ensures the normal operation of all systems, does not entail deviations and disorders.

Why is a GTT test prescribed during pregnancy? During the period of bearing a child, some systems begin to work in an altered mode, which means that glucose tolerance decreases. So-called "bad" results may not be the same at all - low blood sugar levels are normal. This is also due to the fact that the pancreas of the fetus is included in the work, which means that sugar is processed not only in the woman's body, but also in the baby's systems.

What do the results say?

GTT analysis
GTT analysis

GTT analysis shows the level of sugar in the body and helps to diagnose a number of diseases. If the level is low, then there is probably a disease of the liver, kidneys or pancreas. The reason for this result may be a diet that eliminates the consumption of sweets, which causes glucose levels to drop sharply and the brain begins to work more slowly.

High glucose levels in most cases diagnose diabetes. But other deviations are possible, for example, in the work of the endocrine system, liver, inflammatory processes in the body. Each of the diseases has a number of symptoms, which, together with the results of the GTT analysis, indicate the presence of a pathology. For pregnant women, the study is at the discretion of the physician and may include all women or only those who have an indication.

Who is being tested?

Research in Diabetes
Research in Diabetes

Analysis canassign to any person if there is evidence, but we are interested in women in position. In this case, the following factors are important:

  • The presence of excess weight, which was both before pregnancy and gained during it.
  • The presence of a genetic predisposition to diabetes (the disease was recorded in close relatives).
  • If the previous child weighed more than 4 kg at birth.
  • There have been cases of stillbirth.
  • Missed pregnancies have occurred, especially at long terms.
  • Presence of cysts or cystic formations on the ovaries.
  • Detection of sugar or acetone in urine tests.
  • Previously diagnosed with diabetes.
  • Blood glucose tests show a result above 6 mmol/L.
  • Before pregnancy, drugs were taken - glucocorticosteroids.

If at least one of the factors is noticed in a girl during pregnancy, the doctor sends her for a GTT test to rule out pathologies and dangers to the child.

When is the test scheduled?

In the event that a woman is diagnosed with diabetes or there is a high risk of developing this disease, the analysis is carried out at any time. In addition, it is repeated monthly to exclude the development of complications and abnormalities in the development of the baby.

If there is no diabetes mellitus, then during pregnancy, the GTT analysis is carried out at an early stage - 14 or 16 weeks. During this period, the baby's body does not reject insulin and mechanisms of immunity are not developed, which allows for treatment. If the result is negative, thenre-examination is carried out already at 26-28 weeks.

Preparing for the test

Preparation for the examination
Preparation for the examination

We have determined in which cases GTT analysis is prescribed during pregnancy and why it is needed at all. Now let's move on to the preparation process, because the study is different from the usual blood collection, which means that the preparation stage is different. The quality and correctness of the results depend on how well a woman is prepared.

  1. Three days before the analysis, it is not recommended to load yourself with serious physical activity, you need to live in your usual mode and not strain. If you increase the level of physical activity, the level of sugar in the muscles will drop, which will affect the result.
  2. A few days before the study, you should not eat fatty foods and carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed, because this will increase the level of sugar in the body. You can’t eat at all before the analysis in the morning, you need to perform the procedure on an empty stomach.
  3. Calm and measured life, excluding stress and the manifestation of negative emotions. Also, you can’t go for an examination with a temperature, infectious diseases, because then the result will definitely be distorted.
  4. Hungry stomach, as mentioned earlier, is one of the main conditions, otherwise the significance of the analysis will be reduced to zero. 10-14 hours before the test, it is strictly forbidden to eat, as well as to smoke, drink alcohol.
  5. Medication should be avoided if possible. After all, what is it, a GTT blood test? This is a test that reflects the level of sugar -any external factor, including pills, can affect him. Let your doctor know about your course of treatment so that it is taken into account when evaluating the result.

Survey Procedure

The process of passing the analysis
The process of passing the analysis

Girls who undergo such a procedure for the first time ask themselves the question: how to take a GTT test? First of all, you need to take a solution with glucose with you. It can be given out at the antenatal clinic during the analysis, or you can bring it with you, then you need to purchase it at the pharmacy. Sold in the form of a powder of 50, 75 or 100 grams, the amount of the substance will be specified by the doctor. You need to dilute the required amount of glucose in one or two glasses of water.

The solution tastes very sweet, so it can cause nausea, this is normal, because the woman has not eaten 10-14 hours before. You need to overcome your feelings and drink the solution completely. This is followed by blood sampling. Then, an hour later, blood is taken again if 50 grams of glucose is drunk. If you drink 75 or 100 g, then you need to take blood 3 times every hour.

This type of examination is more accurate and complete than a glucotest with an indicator and strips. Under the supervision of a doctor and subject to all recommendations, the analysis will not cause harm to the child and mother, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Transcript of results

Normal sugar level
Normal sugar level

The most popular use is 75 g of glucose, this examination will show the full result and will not cause harm. The interpretation of the result should be carried out only by a doctor. Normanalysis of GTT during pregnancy on an empty stomach should be 5.5 mmol per liter, after 60 minutes the indicator can reach 10 or less, and after 120 minutes 7.2 or less.

Then, when the results are more than 7.8, but less than 10.6 mmol per liter, then there is a need to re-examine with a volume of 100 g of glucose. Note that re-analysis should not be carried out earlier than 14 days later.

In the event that there is a significant deviation from the norm of the GTT analysis - 10.6 mmol / liter or more, then the woman is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.

If 100 g of glucose is consumed, then curves and graphs are built that reflect changes in sugar every 30 minutes. This allows you to detect hidden diabetes and the presence of other threats. It will be more informative to compare the results of the 1st trimester with other periods of pregnancy.


Having received a full description of the analysis, we see that it is very specific, which means that it has its own contraindications. GTT analysis is not recommended:

  • If the diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" is made and there is no doubt about it. In this case, there is no point in confirming it again by conducting a GTT.
  • In the presence of fractures and other cases when the mobility of a woman is limited or completely absent.
  • With hepatitis or pancreatitis. Any such disease will affect the result, it will be false.
  • In the presence of diseases of the stomach and intestines, which entail a slow absorption of sugar in the body.
  • Presence of infectious diseases and temperature -influenza, tonsillitis, SARS and others, due to which the test will have to be postponed.

Meaning of analysis during pregnancy

blood donation
blood donation

Sugar tolerance testing during pregnancy is important, it helps to identify hidden threats that can harm both the expectant mother and her baby. Also, with the help of the survey, any form of diabetes is detected. The analysis is carried out easily and cannot harm in any trimester. It can be done regularly, the main thing is to keep time between studies. If you follow the above recommendations and the advice of a gynecologist, the results will be accurate, correct and complete. Most importantly, remember that the interpretation of the results should be carried out exclusively by a specialist, he takes into account all the factors that could have influenced the result.

If you didn’t do an analysis before the 3rd trimester, then you shouldn’t start, after 32 weeks the result will be inaccurate and it will be impossible to predict something.
