Effective wart remover. Wart Control Reviews

Effective wart remover. Wart Control Reviews
Effective wart remover. Wart Control Reviews

In most cases, a wart is a benign skin growth. Its occurrence is provoked by the activation of HPV (human papillomavirus).

Warts can vary in color and appear as small nodules, papillae, and can also look like chicken scallops or cauliflower. The appearance of the neoplasm depends on its type. It is worth saying that this disease occurs in people of all ages.

HPV infection can be transmitted to a he althy person from a carrier of the virus. At the same time, it enters the body through wounds, bruises, cracks and other damage to the skin.

wart remover
wart remover

Medical scientists have isolated almost a hundred types of HPV. Some of them are absolutely harmless, while others appear as warts with increased oncogenicity.

Papillomavirus has its own incubation period, which lasts from one and a half months to two years. The specific period will depend on the state of the person's immunity. If his defenses cope with their duties, then HPV will not manifest itself. The appearance of warts on the skin is the result of the activation of the virus afterphysical and mental overload, constant stress, prolonged illness. Hormonal imbalance also contributes to the appearance of neoplasms.

Do I need wart removal?

This question is of particular concern to those people who have encountered this disease for the first time. It is worth saying that such an outgrowth is a benign neoplasm, which is why it is not necessary to treat it at all. If the immune system suppresses the virus, the warts will disappear on their own. Particular attention should be paid only to those manifestations of HPV that are in the genital area. Such warts can affect the occurrence of cervical cancer.

However, often the growths on the skin cause aesthetic inconvenience and cause he alth problems. In this case, they must be removed. Sometimes warts can change their shape and color, as well as have a heterogeneous color or fuzzy borders. And in this case, it is better to get rid of them. This must also be done when, in the course of professional activity, there is a risk of damage to the neoplasm, as well as in case of psychological inconvenience.

Currently, there are various methods for removing warts. But before choosing one of them, you should consult a dermatologist. Only a specialist can advise the most appropriate way to fix the problem.

Using a laser

Is there an effective modern wart remover? Yes. This is laser therapy. This procedure has two varieties. It can be performederbium or carbon dioxide laser.

The wart with this therapy is removed in layers. In this case, local anesthesia is used. The manipulation lasts no more than one or two minutes. It is important that at the end of it, no traces remain at the place where the neoplasm was located. That is why laser therapy is used when the removal of warts on the face and other exposed areas of the body is required.

Negative results appear only in case of violation of the technology of the procedure. Then, hardly healing burns can remain at the site of the wart. In the future, they leave traces on the skin in the form of scars, scars, as well as hyper- or hypopigmentation. But, nevertheless, laser therapy is the most versatile remedy for removing warts. Compared to other methods, it is less painful, more effective and more convenient.

In addition, laser therapy is completely bloodless, sterile and prevents the re-formation of growths in the places of their removal. Reviews of patients who have undergone this procedure indicate rapid healing of wounds, which allows you not to limit your usual lifestyle.

wart removal methods
wart removal methods

The material remaining after the removal of neoplasms, as a rule, is sent for histological examination, providing the results as soon as possible. Conducting these tests is extremely important for the patient. The fact is that over time, any wart can turn into a malignant neoplasm, which threatens with the most adverse consequences.

In some conditionspatient laser therapy as a means to remove warts is not used. So, this procedure is contraindicated for such problems:

- high blood pressure;

- herpes in the acute stage;

- colds;- increased body temperature.

With extreme caution, the described wart remover should be used for pregnant women. Such cases require a doctor's consultation to determine the degree of risk to the fetus and mother, possible contraindications.

It is worth saying that laser therapy is an effective remedy for removing warts in children. This is because the procedure is bloodless, sterile, harmless and relatively painless.

Application of liquid nitrogen

Cryosurgery is another way to remove warts. This method is a procedure in which local exposure to low temperature is performed. The basic principle of cryodestruction is freezing.

The whole procedure consists of several stages. At the first stage, tissue is frozen with liquid nitrogen. This is necessary in order to remove warts. Patient reviews indicate that the surface layers of the skin at the site of freezing become cold, dense, insensitive and white in color. There is a tingling sensation, a slight burning sensation, and in rare cases, slight pain.

wart removal reviews
wart removal reviews

In the rapidly cooled tissue layers, intracellular and intercellular fluid is formed, turning into ice crystals. In this case, the destruction of vital structures occurs. In the cells, the movement of protoplasm is suspended. The membranes are also destroyed. In cryodestruction, the speed of freezing is important. The higher it is, the deeper layers of unhe althy tissue this procedure can affect. On average, the duration of manipulation is in the range from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

The advantage of using liquid nitrogen for wart removal is the absence of the following: bleeding in the area of necrosis, the need for local anesthesia, scars and scars in the area of the operation.

The use of this method to remove warts in children is undesirable. This is due to the likelihood of developing some complications associated with the technological features of the procedure.

Using electric current

There are various methods for removing warts. One of them is electrocoagulation. During the procedure, warts on the face and other parts of the body are removed. The removal of the neoplasm is carried out using a special device - a coagulator. After the procedure, a dry crust appears on the skin, which soon disappears, leaving no visible marks. It is worth saying that the electrocoagulation method relieves the patient of warts of any size in one go.

The procedure is a process during which the destruction of large tissue molecules occurs. This becomes possible under the influence of high (up to 80 degrees) temperature, which is created on the coagulator loop. Dead cells curl up. They form drya dense scab under which the healing process takes place. The layer of dead cells is completely torn off after the appearance of new tissue.

When electrocoagulation is performed, local anesthesia is used. The procedure itself does not take long. The time of its implementation can be from several seconds to one minute. The specialist touches the electrocoagulator loop heated to the desired temperature to the entire surface of the wart, cauterizing it.

After the procedure, it will be necessary to treat the coagulation site for 8-10 days with a solution of potassium permanganate (5%). This manipulation is carried out by the patient himself until the moment of rejection of the formed crust. It is not recommended to remove the scab yourself.

Electrocoagulation prevents relapses and prevents the spread of neoplasms and malignant tumors at the site of the operation.

This method has some contraindications. So, electrocoagulation is not carried out with such problems:

- exacerbation of herpes;

- presence of malignant tumors;

- patient intolerance to any kind of electroprocedures;

- presence of coagulopathy (pathology of the blood coagulation system);

- severe general condition;- hypersensitivity to local anesthetics.

wart removal pen
wart removal pen

As a rule, patients leave positive feedback about electrocoagulation. This is facilitated by the speed of the procedure and its painlessness. It is also attractive that wounds heal for a very short time in the area where, with the help ofelectric current, the warts were removed. Reviews of those who removed the neoplasm using this method indicate that there are no visible marks in the area of the operation.

A few patients complain about the manifestation of some side effects, which are pain, burning and itching at the location of the tumor. Such a reaction may be due to a violation of the technique of the procedure or appear when local anesthesia is intolerant.

In general, electrocoagulation has many advantages. Among them are the high efficiency of the operation, and its safety, and minimal blood loss, as well as relative cheapness. That is why this method, invented at the very beginning of the last century, is still in demand today. With its help, neoplasms located in easily accessible places, for example, on the fingers, are removed. However, electrocoagulation is ineffective as a means to remove plantar warts. In this area, neoplasms are protected by a thick layer of skin, which makes exposure to high temperatures difficult.

Advice from folk healers

The problem can be fixed at home. Home remedies for wart removal are available, effective and relatively harmless.

Most often, alternative medicine recommends methods that are based on psychotherapeutic influences that activate the body's defenses. Such methods may include the following: lubricating the wart with a cut apple or potato, and then burying them in the ground. It is believed that afterthe product will decompose, the neoplasm will disappear.

Healers also recommend tying the wart with silk thread or fine twine.

facial wart removal
facial wart removal

To eliminate unaesthetic growths on the skin, according to reviews, you need to use medicinal plants. A very effective remedy for removing warts is celandine. To eliminate the build-up, take the juice of this medicinal plant. It contains substances with keratolytic and anti-inflammatory effects.

To the means that produce a similar effect, include acetic and salicylic acid. However, it should be borne in mind that this method cannot be used when removing warts in children. The drugs described above have a high level of toxicity, and it is very difficult to calculate their dose for a child.

Substances with anti-inflammatory action also include decoctions or juices of medicinal plants such as aloe and wild rose, calendula and Kalanchoe, mountain ash and garlic, alder and bitter wormwood. They are also recommended to be used to fight warts at home. To ensure a positive effect, these funds should be used for a long period. They can also be used for children. Reviews of this treatment method are mostly positive.


You can remove warts with the help of medicines. They are of several types. The first can be attributed to such agents that contribute to the death of tissues in the area of their application. Such drugs are locally necrotizing. The second type of medicines for removing warts is keratolytics. They destroy the neoplasm that has arisen. To eliminate warts, external antiviral agents and those medicines that enhance human immunity are used.

The list of necrotizing drugs includes Solcoderm and Vartek, Nycomed and Kondiline, as well as Kondilin. Keratolytic drugs - Viru-Merz and Kollomak. Medicines that bring the immune system back to normal - "Immunal" and "Anaferon", "Derinat" and "Cygapan", "Estifan" and many others. The use of these drugs will significantly reduce the risk of recurrence of warts.

The use of any drug requires prior consultation with a specialist. Each pharmaceutical product has a number of contraindications that must be considered before using it.

Radio wave surgery

Medicine uses a fairly highly effective modern method of removing warts. When using it, neoplasms are eliminated with the help of a special apparatus "Surgitron".

Radio wave surgery is a fairly effective way to remove warts. Patient reviews speak of complete atraumaticity, protection of a person from blood loss and the speed of wound healing in the postoperative period.

This method is distinguished by its painlessness. This is possible due to the action of high frequency waves. They coagulate nerve endings and block muscle spasm. Due to this, any effect on sensitive receptors is excluded. In order for the patient to feel comfortable, a drug belonging to the group of local anesthetics is injected before the procedure.

The neoplasm is incised. It is carried out without pressure on the tissue, which completely eliminates mechanical damage to cells. In this regard, the radio wave surgical method for removing warts reduces the risk of affecting he althy tissues. In addition, after using the drug "Surgitron", patients do not notice the occurrence of any complications in the form of swelling and inflammation. Postoperative wounds heal quite quickly due to the action of radio waves, which destroy all pathogenic microorganisms in the area of their action.

When using the drug "Surgitron", the doctor does not excise the neoplasm. He cuts it off. In this case, he althy tissue is practically not affected. After the radio wave operation, patients note the complete absence of scars and the formation of a layer of skin at the site of the wart, which does not differ in color from normal. This is especially true if the growths were removed on the hands or on the face.

Operations using radio waves are not performed if the patient has a pacemaker installed, there are ailments such as glaucoma, diabetes, epilepsy, a cancerous tumor or suspicion of its presence, any inflammatory pathologies.

Drug that eliminates neoplasms by freezing

"Cryopharma" - a wart remover, which was invented by Japanese pharmacists. Produced by Wartner. As noted in the reviews, the tool allowsremove growths that have appeared on various parts of the body. The drug is sold as an aerosol in a bottle, which is equipped with special applicators for convenience.

plantar wart remover
plantar wart remover

Wartner wart remover is intended for home use. The procedures are quite simple. It is enough to press the applicator to the surface of the build-up. Immediately, the wart freezes down to its base. In this case, patients may complain of a slight tingling or burning sensation. The treated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin becomes white, which indicates the effect of freezing.

Means for self-removal of warts "Cryopharma" is applied to the growth for several days. According to the instructions, the wart should fall off in two weeks. In its place, a new he althy skin is formed. In the event that the Cryopharm medication could not remove the build-up after the first procedure, the drug should be applied again. It will not affect human he alth in any way. One package of the product of the Japanese company "Wartner" is designed to eliminate twelve warts.

Wartner Cryo

Another line of products designed to eliminate warts, produced by the same company, is called Wartner Cryo. These drugs are available in two types. It's a freezer and also a wart remover pen.

Such drugs eliminate neoplasms in different ways. The first type of medication freezes neoplasms. The wart removal pen breaks down the layers of growth withthe gel it contains. The course of treatment is four days. In this case, the gel is applied twice a day. It is worth mentioning that Wartner Cryo and Cryopharm are analogues.


There is a drug for warts, the release form of which is a patch. This is Salipod. It contains salicylic acid and sulfur.

wart remover wartner
wart remover wartner

Before applying the patch, you need to make a warm bath, after which the skin should be wiped dry. The patch is applied to the neoplasm for 2 days. Salicylic acid, which is part of the drug, can have an antiseptic and keratolytic effect, as well as ensure the penetration of sulfur into the deeper layers of the skin. The patch is contraindicated only for children.
