Sometimes people or animals that differ from the usual image in their appearance are considered strange and avoided. Albinos are just that case. Who are albinos and how do they differ? Let's find out.
Meeting a person with completely discolored skin, white hair and eyes with a pronounced red tint, you can be scared. And after such an unexpected meeting, the question arises in my head: where does such an anomaly come from, what is behind it, is it possible to get infected and is there a treatment?
Albinism - what is it?
So who are the albinos? These are people or animals that have a genetic mutation in them. In short, the body lacks a coloring pigment called melanin. Melanin is an ancient Greek word meaning "black". It turns out that the concentration of this pigment is disturbed in a living creature, which leads to complete or partial discoloration of the skin, hairline and eyes.

Melanins are complex molecules produced by skin cells called melanocytes. The chemical process that occurs in cells triggers a special protein - tyrosinase, and its formula is written in the structure of DNA andis inherited. As a result of a genetic failure, a mutation appears in the body. One such type of mutation is the albino gene, which results in a complete lack of enzyme production in the body.
So, to summarize, albinos are living beings whose body has a gene mutation that leads to the full or partial production of melanin. It is inherited from both parents. Although according to statistics, with a defective gene received from both parents, every fourth baby is born with an albino.
Albino children
How can you identify an albino child? Usually these children are very light-skinned, it seems that the skin glows. Hair may look gray, eyebrows and eyelashes are completely white. The eyes are light blue or have no color at all, and then they look red. The reason for red eyes lies in the fact that the pigment is absent in the iris and, as a result, the capillaries that fill the cornea are translucent. Even in the same family, albino children, whose photos are shown below, may be carriers, but not all have manifestations of albinism.

It must be said that albinism takes many forms and can be either complete or partial. At the same time, complete albinism is not so common, according to statistics, 1:20,000 people. Complete or, as it is called, orbital-integumentary albinism, affects all parts of the body, and the child is very different from other children. With partial or ocular albinism, only the eyes are affected.
Albino children due to being very different fromtheir peers often suffer the most. They are called "white crows" and may be shunned or even harmed. Black children are especially affected. Strong identities lead to all sorts of myths and misunderstandings on the part of others.
Albino myths
Most often, myths spread where there are not enough literate people. Unfortunately, African tribes are prone to this and most people tend to fall under the influence of priests and magicians.
It is believed that parts of the body of an albino person serve as a talisman or are offered as victims of various religious rituals. And hair woven into fishing nets can allegedly bring an incredible catch. This leads to the fact that albino children are often affected, they are the most vulnerable half of the population.
Albinism is the most common on the African continent. The reason lies in social and cultural traditions. Marriage among the same tribe results in the transfer of the mutant gene from both parents to the child. Albinos have to create their own communities, which leads to marriages within them, albino children with such connections are born much more often.
Problems in albinos
Colorless people have much more he alth problems than ordinary people. The eyes are the first to suffer. A person with ocular albinism complains of photophobia, sensitivity, both nearsightedness and farsightedness can develop. Lack of pigment leads to various eye anomalies, which are almost impossible to correct.
Skin in people with albinismalso very sensitive and exposed to strong sunlight. To date, many protective creams are being produced, without which people with very fair skin simply cannot do without. As a result of the lack of melanin, the skin does not tan, which can lead to skin cancer.
Albinos in the animal kingdom
White tigers, the splendor of a white peacock, the beauty of a majestic white lion - all this evokes emotion and captures with extraordinary beauty. And rarely does anyone think that this is a gene mutation, these animals are albinos. It is rare to find such creatures in nature, most of them spend their lives in zoos or national reserves.

What does the anomaly among animals lead to? The problem is that albino animals just need protection. They are highly visible to predators due to their bright white coloration. It is very difficult for such an animal, and especially a predator, to hunt, and as a result, such individuals starve. The coloration of the animal usually takes part in attracting a mate, and discolored males are left without a mate.
Albino people and animals
For people, albino animals are a magnet that attracts with its purity and whiteness. Often the natural coloring of animals scares and makes you stop. But the white color in itself speaks of purity and tenderness. Therefore, man has always sought to bring out animals of pure white color. For example, laboratory mice and rats are necessarily white.

In naturenot only complete albinism occurs, but partial discoloration also occurs. Albinos, the photo of which is given above, are distinguished by a strange color. This partial discoloration both captivates the eye, and at the same time causes pity. Such a creature can only survive thanks to human care.
Albino Rabbit
Love for the white color led to the fact that people began to cross different breeds of animals. This is how the albino rabbit was bred, which is now distributed throughout the world. The breed was obtained in Germany by crossing a Belgian with a chinchilla. As a result of a long selection among albinos, the now famous White Giant breed was bred.

In nature, white rabbits are very rare. Their snow-white coloring attracts the attention of predators too much, especially in the gray forest. Hiding with this coloration is almost impossible, the bright white color attracts attention from a distance.
Albinos as pets
Many people know and fear black cats. Even songs are composed about them, various legends circulate about them and various signs are associated. But what do you think of snow-white kittens? Albino kittens are very cute.
It should be recalled that the acquisition of such a pet entails a number of he alth consequences. Like most albinos, he may experience eye problems, as well as deafness and reduced immunity. What causes problems? Melanins, which are responsible for the color of the animal, are associated not only with processes in the skin, but are also involved in other systems.vital activity. Deafness can be due to a lack of enzyme or its complete absence.

The eyes of an albino cat can be either red or blue. With blue eyes, deafness usually develops, this is due, as already mentioned, to a lack of an enzyme that is involved in the structure of the animal's inner ear.
In nature, white cats are almost never found. As a result of low immunity and problems with hearing and vision, such animals quickly die.
Albinism as a disease
Let's try to summarize everything that has been said. People suffering from genetic diseases are vulnerable and need sympathy and understanding. But the disease (albino is the result of a malfunction in the body) brings a lot of inconvenience, and sometimes suffering. This problem is inherited from parents to children, and the child gets sick only if both parents are carriers of the mutant gene.
Children often suffer from peer attacks. Teenage boys are especially susceptible to attacks. Girls can also make up, and only glasses and red eyes can tell about a mutation. These people need to use sunscreen to protect their skin. And basically the problem of albinism is social.

With animals, everything is exactly the same, the mutational gene is inherited. But in nature, such individuals usually do not survive for a long time. Found by people in natural conditions, such animals are usually transported to zoos, where they spend the rest of their lives. This mutation is also used forobtaining certain breeds. For example, white rabbits, cats and even individual breeds of dogs. And once white tigers were specially bred to work in the circus. But such animals especially need care and proper care.
The disease is not treatable, it is associated with a gene mutation, and the myths that it is possible to get sick with it are just a fairy tale. People need to understand that everyone who differs from us in skin or eye color needs compassion and our participation. They should not be hermits and closed only in their own world. Love and respect generates reciprocal feelings.