How to remove swelling from the eyes after tears: popular and effective methods

How to remove swelling from the eyes after tears: popular and effective methods
How to remove swelling from the eyes after tears: popular and effective methods

Our eyes are very sensitive. They are daily exposed to various influences - wind, dust, radiation from monitors. All this affects them in one way or another. But the so-called consequences of sadness are most noticeable. And therefore, everyone, at least for reference, needs to know how to remove swelling from the eyes after tears.

how to remove swelling from the eyes after tears
how to remove swelling from the eyes after tears

Creams and ointments

An eye cream with caffeine in the composition will help to cope with trouble. Such a remedy normalizes blood circulation in the tissues, so that the swelling of the eyes quickly passes. Vitamin E, which is sold in capsules, also helps. Additionally, it moisturizes the skin and eliminates wrinkles.

There are also emergency methods. It is often categorically not recommended to resort to them, since they can harm not only the skin, but also the eyesight. Emergency methods include vasoconstrictor ointments, which are excellent for eliminating swelling and bruising under the eyes. If the view is completely sad, then the use of a cream for varicose veins and even hemorrhoids is allowed. The effect will be noticeable after a few minutes.

Of the more useful methods, it is worthnote the attention of washing. You can make a scrub - with chamomile essential oil, rice bran, parsley, pomegranate seed extract and sage. With the resulting mass, gently massage the face and eyelids for several minutes, then rinse first with well-warmed water, and then with cold water.

cold compress
cold compress

Medical patches

This method should also be noted with attention, talking about how to remove swelling from the eyes after tears. Chinese transdermal patches are impregnated with a special gel containing components that cope with edema. With their help, you can not only eliminate swelling, but also dark circles under the eyes, as well as wrinkles.

It is worth saying that all components are of plant origin, so the patch will not cause any harm. On the contrary, it can be used to moisturize, cool, restore the skin. When the patch is applied to the skin, a “greenhouse effect” occurs, due to which the nutrients penetrate without obstruction.

With the help of improvised means

Not everyone has caffeinated patches and creams. And how to remove swelling from the eyes after tears in this case? Very simple - with the help of improvised means that every person has at home. These are medicinal herbs, potatoes, oatmeal, milk, egg white, cucumbers and zucchini.

And you can also put tea bags on your eyes, previously brewed in mugs of boiling water. You need to wait a minute or two, then take them out and wait until they cool down. But not completely - the bags should be warm. Extra brew neededsqueeze, then put them on closed eyelids and lie down for 10-15 minutes. Suitable not only black tea, but also green. Chamomile bags will also help to solve the problem with swollen eyes. The main thing - after the procedure, do not forget to apply a moisturizer to the skin.

You can make compresses and more difficult. Take natural leaf tea, brew it in a small amount of liquid, then put the leaves on two gauze and put it all over your eyes. You get the same tea bags, only homemade and more natural.

eye swelling
eye swelling


There are many other ways that will help a person understand how to remove swelling from the eyes after tears. Hot compress is one of the effective methods. You can bake potatoes in the microwave and attach the tubers to your eyes. Only the temperature should be 38-42 degrees. This will dilate blood vessels, increase blood flow to the upper layers of the skin, relax muscles and remove old skin cells.

Cold compress is such a lotion, the temperature of which is 15-18 degrees. In no case should you use something ice-cold. For example, apply frozen chicken to the eyes. A cold compress of grated cucumber and apple will help perfectly. The first component perfectly moisturizes, soothes and tones the skin, helping to restore its he althy appearance. The apple also contains vitamin A, which has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

tea bags for eyes
tea bags for eyes

Other methods

If none of the above is doneIf you want, you can resort to contrast washing. Take hot water in one bowl and cold water in the other. And alternately lower the face first into one and then into the other.

Gymnastics and massage will help. It is necessary to rotate the eyeballs for a minute - first clockwise, and then back. Then - often and quickly blink. And complete the “training” by closing your eyes for 2-3 seconds with alternate relaxation (also do for a minute).

By the way, diuretics also help get rid of puffy eyes. No pills needed. A couple of glasses of green tea with lemon will come in handy. As well as milk with honey or rosehip broth. And it’s also worth it to quickly freeze ice cubes with chamomile or green tea. Then they will need to wipe the skin around the eyes and eyelids. Also a good way to relieve swelling and tone the skin.
