How to improve the blood supply to the brain? Areas of blood supply to the brain

How to improve the blood supply to the brain? Areas of blood supply to the brain
How to improve the blood supply to the brain? Areas of blood supply to the brain

A he althy brain blood supply system is the key to adequate thinking, a high-quality and fulfilling human life. A variety of factors can provoke problems, from injuries to weather phenomena, if a person suffers from pronounced weather dependence. Medications, pathologies, diet, lifestyle and bad habits, heredity and other individual characteristics can affect the quality of the vascular system. Blood clots, toxicosis, cholesterol plaques, infections, high blood pressure, and strong nervous experiences are of particular risk. Such factors (and many others) can cause a deterioration in the quality of blood flow, and hence the nutrition of brain tissues. To prevent such a development of events, to stop unpleasant consequences, drugs, folk remedies, and other measures should be used that allow you to stay he althy longer.

What to use?

Wheninsufficient blood supply to the brain, the most effective and safest way to solve the problem is to contact a qualified doctor. The doctor will examine the patient, formulate a conclusion, and, if necessary, prescribe additional examination measures. The drugs chosen by the specialist will help get rid of the unpleasant consequences that led to impaired blood flow, but will not provoke additional side effects.

drugs to improve blood circulation
drugs to improve blood circulation

Modern pharmacy shelves are rich in drugs that improve the blood supply to the brain, so there are plenty to choose from. Among the range there are expensive goods, and available to the general public. True, it is extremely difficult to navigate this spectrum on your own, and an unsuccessful selection of a medication can become a source of additional he alth hazard. It is for this reason that drugs that affect cerebral blood flow are sold strictly by prescription.

Categories and classes

The following categories of drugs are on sale to improve the blood supply to the brain:

  • blood thinners;
  • dilating vessels;
  • nootropics.

It is necessary to choose the optimal category after conducting instrumental and laboratory studies. This will help determine for what reason the blood supply to the vessels of the brain has deteriorated. You should not try to choose a remedy for yourself, there is a high probability of a deterioration in the patient's condition, and poorly selected medicines will causethe occurrence of unpleasant side effects, sometimes dangerous not only for he alth, but even for life.

Influencing blood vessels

Quite often, doctors prescribe drugs for the blood supply to the brain, dilating the blood vessels. Under the influence of such medications, the blood flow becomes more abundant, the fluid flows to the tissues that need it, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Such a tool prevents starvation, malnutrition, improves the functioning of cellular systems, stimulates energy metabolism. Under the influence of these changes, the functionality of the brain returns to normal.

Among other categories of medications for restoring blood supply to the brain, calcium antagonists are especially popular. The compounds belonging to this group have been used for a long time, considerable experience has been accumulated, and the third generation of such drugs is now on sale. Under the influence of active components, the muscle tissue of the arterial walls relaxes, the vessel becomes wider. But the drug does not affect the veins. Soon after taking the pill, the blood flow in the brain increases, its structures receive the necessary connections for adequate work.

Appearances and passwords

Calcium antagonists in violation of the blood supply to the brain show a good result, but the danger of their use is due to systemic effects on the patient. This means that such drugs are prescribed only after a full examination has been carried out, which allows to determine all the dangers associated withthe use of medications. There is no universal dosage prescription, standard course duration - the doctor selects these values strictly individually, focusing on the specifics of the case.

From the names of the first generation, the means "Kordipin", "Verapamil", "Diltiazem" are known. The second generation is a wide choice of names, including the popular "Nimodipine". The names from the category of dihydropyridines belong to the third generation. Stamlo and Norvask are on sale. Quite often, doctors with poor blood supply to the brain recommend taking Amlodipine.

Nature to help man

There are also medications that positively affect the quality of blood flow, which are based on plant, natural ingredients processed under industrial conditions. Drugs can be used not only for direct treatment, but also as a preventive measure - however, only after consulting a doctor. The names belonging to this class are produced by manufacturers who know how to treat a brain whose blood supply has been affected for various reasons. An important factor is the minimum of side effects. A number of funds are sold without a medical prescription.

When figuring out how to improve blood flow to the brain, it makes sense to look at formulations based on periwinkle, extracts extracted from ginkgo biloba. Periwinkle, as shown by specific studies, has an antispasmodic effect, stimulates metabolism, prevents the formation of blood clots, makesblood flow is better. Among the pharmacy names, it is worth noting "Vinpocetine" and "Cavinton". You should not use them at your own discretion, first you need to consult a doctor to choose the appropriate program and duration of the therapeutic course.

lack of blood supply to the brain
lack of blood supply to the brain

Ginkgo biloba to normalize blood flow

Drug manufacturers, looking for ways to improve the blood supply to the brain, drew attention to this plant, which has long been known in folk medicine. Medicinal compounds created on its basis have a complex effect on the patient's body, relieve spasms, activate blood circulation in small vessels, and increase the permeability of the vascular walls. Proper use allows you to remove the swelling of brain tissues and protect the vascular walls from free radicals. Useful components contained in the plant strengthen organic tissues, have a positive effect on overall he alth.

restoration of blood supply to the brain
restoration of blood supply to the brain

From among the popular names that normalize the blood supply to the brain, it should be noted:

  • "Tanakan";
  • "Bilobil";
  • "Doppelhertz".

Sometimes doctors recommend stopping at Ginkoum. The names "Memory", "Vobilon", "Gingium" have a good reputation. Duration of application - from a quarter of a year or more. The use of these drugs is not combined with anticoagulants, including aspirin, since this combination can provoke hemorrhage in the brain tissue. The first noticeable improvements in the blood supply to the brain are usually recorded after a month from the start of regular use of the medication.

Nicotinic acid

Improving the arterial blood supply to the brain with such medicines will not work, since nicotinic acid does not have a significant effect on large vessels, but the capillaries under its influence become wider. It is known that the active compound has a positive effect on the quality of the walls of blood vessels, lowers the concentration of harmful forms of cholesterol in the circulatory system. Of the popular names worth mentioning:

  • Acipimox;
  • "Enduratin";
  • Nicofuranose.

How to apply?

It is possible to improve the blood supply to the brain using a medication of the same name with the compound on which it is based - almost any pharmacy has the drug "Nicotinic acid". The name "Nikospan" has a good reputation and reviews. Sometimes doctors recommend opting for it.

circulatory system of the brain
circulatory system of the brain

To improve the blood supply to the brain, medicines based on nicotinic acid are used in courses. Preparations on sale are represented by solutions for injective administration. They should be used under medical supervision, otherwise there is a high probability of side effects. As the primary course progresses, the doctor evaluates the body's response, all improvements in the patient's condition, on the basis of which he decides on the need to continue (already in the formtablets) or stop.

Strengthening the vascular walls

If a course for the blood supply to the brain begins, it is absolutely necessary to take measures to strengthen the body as a whole. Not only medicines are on sale, but also dietary supplements, and the doctor will probably recommend adhering to a special diet that has a positive effect on vascular tissue. The more elastic, stronger, stronger this element of the circulatory system, the better human he alth, better blood flow, lower risk of hemorrhages, blood clots.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, courses of vitamins and mineral compounds are usually taken. Ascorutin and Blueberry Forte, which are a source of vitamin P, are popular, and the minerals necessary for blood vessels can be obtained from Nootropic, Lecithin and Microhydrin preparations. The sources of dihydroquercetin are the drug of the same name, Flucol and Flavit. All of the listed items (and many others) are not only an additional element of the therapeutic program, but also a good method of disease prevention. You can use vitamins without medical instructions, although a specialist consultation will not be superfluous. If it is not possible to consult a doctor, then you should carefully examine the instructions and take the remedy in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.


To improve the blood supply to the brain, the doctor may prescribe "Glycine". Perhaps, in our time, if not all, then almost all residents of the countries where it is produced have tried this drug, and there are very many suchlots of. Nootropics help activate metabolic processes in brain tissues, increase resistance to oxygen deficiency and stimulate the ability to remember. Under the influence of powerful means, intelligence increases. Some of the compositions presented on the pharmacy shelves are made from the brain cells of animals, enriched with amino acids of natural origin. Of the popular names, Piracetam should definitely be noted.

Quite often, doctors suggest stopping at one of the following list of drugs:

  • Cerebrolysin;
  • "Actovegin";
  • Microhydrin.

Will it help or not?

Very strong and effective, although frankly not cheap, is the drug "Phenotropil", but it can only be used under the supervision of a doctor, and they will not be sold in a pharmacy without a prescription. Cortexin, Pantogam, products containing glutamic acid have proven themselves well.

drugs that improve blood flow to the brain
drugs that improve blood flow to the brain

The listed medicines show themselves well in a wide range of pathologies, conditions associated with insufficient blood supply to different areas of the brain. The blood supply returns to normal, the manifestations of VVD disappear. These drugs are also prescribed for coma, chronic ischemia, asthenia, vascular dementia, and an acute form of blood flow disturbance. Drugs are often prescribed if mental retardation is observed. True, it is not worth using medicines at your own discretion, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the patient, only after that begin treatmentappropriate means.

Maintain blood quality at its best

In order for the blood supply to the brain areas to be of high quality, the doctor can prescribe drugs that change the consistency of the most important fluid that flows in our body. Anticoagulants allow you to increase the fluidity of the substance, which makes blood circulation better. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe them to yourself on your own - side effects, including life-threatening ones, are possible. But the correct use can prevent ischemic attacks. With an increased risk of blood clots, a course of antiplatelet agents is prescribed. The most popular drug from this group is acetylsalicylic acid and preparations made on it, primarily Aspirin.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes a course of Trental, Plavix or Dipyridamole. The drug "Ticlopidine" has proven itself quite well. To prevent the use of this group of medicines as a cause of complications, a comprehensive examination of the body should be carried out beforehand. The duration of admission varies, much depends on the condition of the patient. Sometimes the doctor recommends stopping at Warfarin or Fragmin. Pharmaceutical names "Fraxiparin", "Clexane" have a good effect on the quality of too thick blood. To prevent negative reactions of the body, you will have to visit the doctor with enviable regularity during the course, donate blood for biochemistry. If there is increased bleeding, the medication is canceled. The help of a specialist is necessary if the patient vomits, the masses contain an admixture of blood, as well as when observing black feces.

Homeopathy to improve blood flow

One of the most popular products presented in modern stores is Golden Iodine. The drug is recommended by the manufacturer if there is noise in the ears, a headache, memory weakens, gait becomes unstable, since such signs make it possible to suspect circulatory problems in the brain.

Correct lifestyle

Perhaps this is the simplest, safest and most inexpensive, and at the same time the most beneficial approach for the body as a whole to improve the quality of blood flow in all tissues and organs, including the brain. The first thing you should pay attention to is the diet. A high-quality, balanced diet is the key not only to the good functioning of the circulatory system, but also to the body as a whole. Of course, you won’t be able to feel the instant effect, but the result is noticeably more stable than when taking drugs. To choose the right diet, it makes sense to take the help of a nutritionist. The specialist will recommend checking the blood for sugar content, regularly measuring pressure during the day, doing an analysis for cholesterol and a coagulogram. Already on the basis of the information received, they select which diet is optimal, which foods should be completely excluded from the diet.

arterial blood supply to the brain
arterial blood supply to the brain

With high blood pressure, it is important to strictly limit s alt - no more than 4.5 g per day. They impose strict restrictions on salinity, smoked meats, and canned food. With high cholesterol, foods rich in animal fat are banned. With an excess of glucose, the intake is reducedfast carbohydrates, instead of eating cereals, pasta. If the blood is too thick, reduce the intake of vitamin K found in cabbage, green tea, lettuce, eggs, soy, milk.

What will benefit?

If a person is generally he althy, a diet to improve the blood supply to the brain is built, focusing on animal, vegetable amino acids. To do this, the diet should include legumes, low-fat meat, seafood, fish, fruits, vegetables. Cereals and nuts will benefit. From oils, preference is given to vegetable, and from sweets - dark chocolate. To enhance the effect of the diet, you can use biologically active supplements - mineral, vitamin complexes, Omega-3.

It is equally important to control what and how much a person drinks. Often blood supply problems are due to the formation of blood clots. The risk of such a phenomenon is lower if a person drinks clean non-carbonated water in abundance. The daily norm is 1.5-2.5 liters, specific indicators depend on weight.

Workout: all for he alth

To restore the functioning of the circulatory system, it is recommended to do smooth, slow exercises. Sharp motor activity is prohibited. Starting position - sitting, standing. It is necessary to perform all tasks with a flat back. Start by turning your head - left and right by 45 degrees. After that, they make rotational movements and tilt their head forward, backward, left, right.

Such gymnastics allows you to relieve muscle tension, which negatively affects vascular activity, improves the quality of blood supply to the brain. Especiallythe benefits of a simple complex are palpable if a person is sick with osteochondrosis. You should perform the described program every day, in one approach up to 15 times. If the lifestyle is inactive (for example, office work), it is reasonable to repeat approaches at least three times a day.

What else to look out for?

In order for the quality of the work of blood vessels in the brain to be as high as possible, it is necessary to completely abandon bad habits - both tobacco and alcoholic beverages. Both of these substances increase the risk of heart and vascular diseases. Up to 80% of all patients with vascular pathologies had a habit of smoking and alcohol. To increase the effectiveness of any chosen therapy, it makes sense to adjust the lifestyle, make everyday life more active. The richer a person moves, the more active the metabolism in the tissues, the better the vessels work, the better the blood. This applies to all organs and tissues, the brain is no exception.

If a person is at risk for developing diseases that can lead to vasoconstriction, it is necessary to conduct responsible prevention. This applies to those suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, atherosclerosis. It is important to prevent development, treat osteochondrosis in time, otherwise the consequences of a neglected case can be deplorable.

Danger lurks at every turn

Taking action to improve the quality of blood circulation in the brain is not just important, but vital. If cells suffer from a lack of nutrients, tissues become sparse, bonds between differentzones, so work with nerve impulses is inefficient. In everyday life, this is manifested by headaches, poor memory, problems with coordination, drowsiness.

poor blood supply to the brain
poor blood supply to the brain

In acute form, oxygen starvation can cause cell necrosis. The foci are large and small. It is possible to develop one such zone or several at once. This situation can provoke paralysis.
