Symptoms of bile stasis and overcoming them

Symptoms of bile stasis and overcoming them
Symptoms of bile stasis and overcoming them

Fatty food, its non-systematic intake, as well as the frequent use of carbonated water and alcohol not only clog the vessels with bad cholesterol and cause an ulcer, but can also provoke cholestasis. This disease is characterized by untimely excretion of bile. As a result, there are frequent pains on the right side. In addition, there may be other symptoms of bile stasis.

Main symptoms

The first manifestations of cholestasis are a sharp violation of the absorption of nutrients and digestion of food. Itching of the whole body often occurs when there is stagnation of bile. Symptoms on the skin can also appear as age spots (their occurrence is explained by an excess of melanin). Perhaps the appearance of the so-called xanthomas, i.e. yellow swollen spots. They are mainly localized on the back, neck, under the breasts or around the eyes. Also, with cholestasis, yellow plaques on the eyelids may occur.

bile stasis symptoms
bile stasis symptoms

Sometimes a person's skin turns completely yellow, which is called "jaundice" by the non-medical term. Other symptoms of bile stasis are:

  • Change in stool. Mostlythey lose their color and become very pale (this is a consequence of the removal of fat from the body). The smell of feces becomes quite unpleasant and pungent. The stool is more liquid. Its frequency increases and the volume also becomes larger.
  • A complete blood count will show a decrease in the concentration of vitamin K. Symptoms of bile stasis can also be recognized by "night blindness". This phenomenon occurs due to a decrease in vitamin A, which is responsible for vision.
  • Frequent fractures. Sometimes they can occur even with minor injuries. This is all the result of a lack of vitamins D and E.
  • Weight loss due to diarrhea and dehydration.
  • Changes in the work of the cardiovascular system.

According to experts, frequent nausea, vomiting, fever are symptoms of bile stasis. Most likely, they are manifestations of the disease that provoked cholestasis.


bile stasis in children symptoms
bile stasis in children symptoms

In addition to the patient's complaints, when establishing a diagnosis, data from ultrasound and cholangiography are taken into account. In some cases, a biopsy of liver cells is performed.

How to cure?

bile stasis symptoms on the skin
bile stasis symptoms on the skin

To overcome the disease and get rid of the symptoms is possible only after accurately identifying the cause of the stagnation. In the case of helminthic invasion, drugs against parasites are used. If a certain neoplasm or stone is found, then the surgical method of treatment will be the best. You can get rid of itchy skin with the help of remedies such as Colestipol,plasmapheresis, cholestyramine. Regardless of the cause of cholestasis, all patients are advised to follow a diet. In most cases, doctors prescribe sedative, antispasmodic, choleretic drugs, as well as drugs that increase tone. Stagnation of bile in children, the symptoms of which are not always clearly visible, is best treated with folk methods, in particular decoctions of immortelle, aloe, yarrow. It is worth trying the mineral water treatment. It is best taken warmed up to 35-40 degrees.
