What is a thready pulse

What is a thready pulse
What is a thready pulse

Reducing the heart rate is a bad sign for a person of any age. There is an extreme stage of complications - a thready pulse, when resuscitation is required in a clinic. In this condition, it is almost impossible to feel the tremors, only an experienced specialist using electronics will be able to make the correct diagnosis.

Basic concepts of heart rate

Any pulse, thready or fast, is described as a periodic fluctuation of shocks from the pumping of blood by the heart muscle. To analyze the state of a person, the concept of "filling waves" is used, the spectrum of which is displayed on the information display of electronic devices. The resulting form of research allows you to compare indicators and make the correct diagnosis of abnormal heartbeats.

pulse is thready
pulse is thready

The rhythm of heart contractions is felt due to the movement of the walls of blood vessels. There are certain places on the human body where you can confidently determine the number of blows:

  • Femoral artery - the location is determined easily by palpation. In overweight people, a projection of the passage of the vessel is found, it will be on the border of the middle and medi althirds of the inguinal ligament.
  • The carotid artery is the largest blood vessel. You can find it on the hollows of the neck on both sides.
  • Temporal - the artery is noticeable by external examination and can be easily determined even by an inexperienced beginner.
  • Radiation - can be found in the area of the cubital fossa.

Feeling the thready pulse is not recommended with the thumb. Vessels pass through it, creating the rhythm of the heart's own beats. This introduces errors in measuring the other person's thrusts. The index finger serves as a means of verification when there is no blood pressure monitor at hand.

Method of taking measurements

Threaded pulse is often measured in the region of the radial artery. The finger of the right hand is applied to it, pressing the vessel to the bone. When the beats begin to be felt with sufficient force, the stopwatch starts. A consecutive count determines the number of beats per minute.

thready pulse
thready pulse

Not recommended for test subject at this point:

  • talk;
  • breath quickly, after running he needs to calm down;
  • the person should be relaxed, legs extended, you can lie down.

To measure the pressure and the number of strokes is obtained by a home blood pressure monitor with an additional function, the indicators will be more accurate. It is easier to fix the appearance of arrhythmia and carry out preventive treatment.

Interpretation of results

If the readings fall between 60 beats and 80 beats per minute, then they conclude: a normal pulse. Filiform is evaluated at a frequency that is difficult to determine by palpation. Less than 50 beats signals bradycardia - it should not cause much concern, but you need to see a doctor immediately. A further decrease in heart rate may cause it to stop.

what does thready pulse mean
what does thready pulse mean

Exceeding the mark of 100 beats is the basis for a diagnosis of tachycardia. If the pulse rhythm is observed to be constant with the same fullness, it is allowed to reduce the measurement time to 30 seconds. With uneven heartbeats, the score is kept for at least a minute.

Reasons for a decrease in heart rate

There are people who can reduce the frequency of heart muscle beats with the power of thought. Similar situations are observed in an ordinary person. Excessive excitement and stressful situations first cause an increase in the frequency of strokes, and then relaxation occurs up to fainting.

thready pulse what to do
thready pulse what to do

Threaded pulse is observed with the following complications:

  • long-term therapy with potent drugs accumulated in the body;
  • chemical poisoning, overdose of sedatives or alcohol;
  • abundant blood loss leads to its weak movement through the vessels;
  • heart failure: acute or chronic;
  • fainting, coma;
  • chronic diseases.

Heartbeat readings

Doctors analyze not only the beat rhythm. To indicate what a thready pulse means, use additional parameters:

  • Voltage - set according tothe magnitude of the rise and fall of shocks. The indicator helps to assess the condition of the heart muscle.
  • Filling - estimates the amount of blood moving through the vessel.
  • Frequency per minute - is the main parameter for assessing the pulse. In each age and case may be different. So, in newborns, it can be 130 strokes, and this is the norm.
  • The amplitude determines the relationship between a person's inhalation and the frequency of strokes.

If deviations are detected at the beginning of air entry into the lungs, then this condition is defined as paradoxical. When the contraction of the left ventricle is disturbed, assumptions are made about the alternating variant of the beat.

Help with slow heartbeats

If a thready pulse is found in a person, they know what to do in the intensive care unit. It is better to call an ambulance immediately, we are talking about a person's he alth. It is not recommended to give the patient any medications, even those previously prescribed by the doctor. The slowing of the rhythm is often provoked by long-term use of drugs. One of these is the drug for the stomach "Omeprazole".

a thready pulse is observed when
a thready pulse is observed when

Restore the normal state of the circulatory system by following the rules of a he althy life. This includes:

  • rational and timely nutrition;
  • quitting alcohol, smoking and other bad habits;
  • good rest;
  • reducing nervous tension, avoiding stressful situations.

You can normalize cardiological parameters through physicalworkouts. The walls of blood vessels, the heart muscle are strengthened with each new dose of internal transformations received after exercise. If it is impossible to perform power elements with ordinary sports, water procedures are resorted to. Swimming eliminates the load on the spine from work, movements are performed smoothly, without jerks and dynamics. This is how people recover after strokes, heart attacks.

The circulatory system works in optimal modes on special simulators. The body is positively affected by fresh air while walking.
