Symptoms of overheating in the sun in children. Treatment, prevention

Symptoms of overheating in the sun in children. Treatment, prevention
Symptoms of overheating in the sun in children. Treatment, prevention

Undoubtedly, a walk on a sunny day is very useful for a child, because it provides the body with much-needed vitamin D. At the same time, there is a chance of getting a heat stroke. Since the symptoms of overheating in the sun in children are not always noticeable, mothers should be as careful as possible.

Causes of the problem

All causes of overheating can be divided into two groups:

- related to the environment;

- associated with changes in physiological processes.

Together, they can significantly harm he alth. Due to the lack of stable thermoregulation, children under one year old easily overheat, so there can be many reasons, in particular:

  • long stay in a car that is under the sun;
  • walking without panama on a hot day;
  • sunshine on the child's body for a long time;
  • not enough drinking;
  • too warm clothes.
symptoms of overheating in the sun in children
symptoms of overheating in the sun in children


The symptoms of overheating in the sun in children depend on the stage of overheating. So, most often, parents notice a high temperature in a baby, warm red spots on the body, nervousness.

Child refuses to eat, but requires a lot of water. If treatment is started on time, the problem will be solved quickly. If no measures are taken, the situation escalates, the second stage begins. Symptoms of overheating in the sun in children in this case are as follows:

  • dry mouth;
  • bluish complexion;
  • heat;
  • sunken eyes.

The younger the child, the faster the first stage passes into the second, and the second into the third. The child's life is in danger. Symptoms of overheating in the sun in children in the third stage resemble agony:

  • cold limbs;
  • pale skin;
  • hypothermia;
  • coma.

Possible consequences

If you do not help the child cope with overheating in time, then there is a fairly high probability of even death. According to statistics, it reaches 30%. In addition, the consequences of overheating in the sun can be:

  • heat and sunstroke;
  • fainting;
  • weakening of immunity (as a result - viral and bacterial diseases).
consequences of overheating in the sun
consequences of overheating in the sun

First Aid

If trouble happened, then there is no time to waste. How to treat overheating in the sun? First you need to place the victim in a place convenient for him. For example, in a cool room or in the shade. If possible, you should put the child in a bath filled with water with a temperature 2-3 degrees lower than the body of the victim. It is strictly forbidden to lower the baby into too cold water. If it is impossible to use the bathroom, you need to wrap the baby in a towel or diaper soaked in cool water. A damp towel should also be placed on the head. The child should drink more. If the baby does not resist, then you can give him some s alted water. You can bring a child to life thanks to ammonia. If the victim's condition is serious, call an ambulance immediately.

How to prevent overheating?

As mentioned above, children are particularly susceptible to heat and sunstroke. You can prevent overheating by observing the following basic rules:

how to treat overheating in the sun
how to treat overheating in the sun

1. Do not walk outside in the heat, it is better to wait until the evening.

2. Dress your baby in light, light-colored clothing.

3. The head of the child must be protected by a headgear.

4. Make sure your baby has enough to drink.

5. The diet should be dominated by light (not fatty) food.
