In anatomy lessons, schoolchildren study in detail the structure of the human intestine in pictures. And this is not surprising, because this organ is not only the last link in the digestive system that ensures the removal of food, but also performs a number of important functions for the human body. So, it supplies the necessary nutrients, provides a person with immunoglobulins. The total length of the intestine is approximately 7-8 m. This size of the organ does not surprise people who have studied the human structure. The intestine is divided into separate sections, which have their own special (albeit similar) structure and functions.
Small intestine
Immediately from the stomach comes the so-called small intestine. Its total length is 4-5 m, but it is placed inside the abdominal cavity in loops. The small intestine is divided into duodenum, longitudinal and jejunum. At the beginning, the small intestine is approximately 3-4 cm in diameter, and at the end - 2-2.5 cm. The duodenum contains special openings - exits for the ducts of the gallbladder and liver. Nature made sure that the structure of man was correct. Intestinesthanks to this, it can easily break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins. During the day, the human body produces about 3 liters of intestinal alkaline juice, which helps to cope with the digestion of food.

The structure of the human intestine suggests the presence of peculiar villi inside the small intestine. They themselves contain small lymphatic and blood vessels into which minerals, vitamins and other essential substances are absorbed.
Special emphasis should be placed on the protective function of the small intestine. It concerns not only the production of immunoglobulins, but also the protection of a person from poisoning. The thing is that the walls of the intestine contain lymph nodes that neutralize toxic substances.
Large intestine
The removal of undigested food helps to ensure the ideal human structure. The gut plays a key role in this process. The department entrusted with this important mission is called thick. It consists of three more sections: the blind, colon, and rectum. Their total length is 1.5 m. The first of them continues the tube of the small intestine, but a damper is placed between them, which prevents food from returning back. The total length of the caecum is 8 cm.

It contains a very small (0.5 cm) process called the appendix. There are a large number of lymph nodes in its walls, and it itself is a natural antimicrobial barrier. E. coli, an important component of the immune system, multiply in the appendix. When the process is removed, the structure of a person is disturbed, while the intestine ceases to fully protect the body. Immune system problems may occur.
Rectum and colon
The intestine contains the colon, in which feces are formed. Unlike thin, it does not contain villi. It contains more mucus, which helps the stool to move easily to the next section - the rectum. This section is not entirely straight, as it contains an extended part called the ampulla. The intestine ends with the transition of the rectum to the anus. The frequency of the stool depends on many factors, but in the normal state it is 1 every 2-3 days, or daily.