Establishment of almost any diagnosis begins with the delivery of a general blood test. Its information is especially useful for diagnosing diseases in children. So, deciphering the general analysis helps to establish a violation of the norm of leukocytes in the blood of a child, reports on the number of erythrocytes, platelets, ESR, hemoglobin.

Answering the question of how to decipher a blood test is not so difficult. The first thing a doctor usually looks at is the level of red blood cells. These components play an important role, because it is thanks to them that the breathing process is ensured. They carry oxygen to every organ and every cell of the body, and take carbon dioxide with them. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin. The rate of these red blood cells depends on age. So, children from one year old should have no more than 3.6-4.9 × 10¹² erythrocytes per liter of blood. Decreased blood levelsTaurus indicates a lack of iron, protein or B12. Too many red blood cells can signal dehydration, chronic heart disease, or not getting enough outdoor exercise.

Blood clotting is provided by platelets. These components exclude prolonged bleeding. Their rate in a child under one year old is 100-420 × 109per liter. An increase in platelets is usually transient and indicates an infection, the use of certain drugs, or an iron deficiency. If the indicator is clearly elevated for a long time, then this may indicate thrombocytosis. An insufficient amount of these particles is a very dangerous phenomenon, because even a minor wound can lead to a large loss of blood. Thrombocytopenia may indicate a history of infectious diseases or intoxication.
The main function of white blood cells is protection. These are the elements that react very quickly to hypothermia, infection, fatigue, allergic and inflammatory processes. The norms of leukocytes in the blood of a child depend on age. So, from the first birthday to 6 months, their number ranges from 8 to 25, from 6 months to a year - 6-12, and from a year - 5-12. An increase in the rate of leukocytes in the blood of a child is called leukocytosis. The cause of this phenomenon is mainly the inflammatory process, although a slight increase in their number occurs afterphysical activity, and even a hearty lunch. A decrease in the rate of leukocytes in the blood of a child is called leukopenia. It occurs with diseases of the spleen, endocrine system, with prolonged use of drugs, etc. To establish an accurate diagnosis, the doctor evaluates not only the level of leukocytes, but also the ratio of their main components (lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, basophils).
To find out how pronounced the inflammatory process is, the analysis of ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) will help. Its rate is 4-12 mm / h. A high reading may indicate intoxication or kidney disease.

A general blood test of a child also involves the detection of hemoglobin levels, which are responsible for the life support of individual cells. Normally, it is 110-135 g / l. A lower amount in the blood indicates bleeding or anemia. Excessive - for thickening of the blood, which, in turn, is caused by vomiting, dehydration, intestinal obstruction, etc.