How to remove bruises under the eyes? Learning effective methods

How to remove bruises under the eyes? Learning effective methods
How to remove bruises under the eyes? Learning effective methods

Bruises under the eyes can occur for three reasons. First, it is a hereditary predisposition. Such people have thin skin, so all the vessels shine through it. Secondly, bruises on the face can occur as a result of physical overwork and fatigue. This is one of the symptoms that signal that the body needs rest. The third cause of bruising is trauma to the soft tissues of the face, as a result of which cells and blood vessels are damaged. In any case, bruises are not an aesthetically pleasing phenomenon. And everyone who has such manifestations on his face for one reason or another tries to get rid of them as quickly as possible. How to remove bruises under the eyes is the topic of our today's article. From the material presented, you can learn different ways to solve this problem.

how to remove bruises under the eyes
how to remove bruises under the eyes

Hematoma on the face. How to get rid of it quickly?

Bruising occurs almost immediately as a result of falling or hitting a hard object with the face. By themselves, they pass within a few days, or even weeks. Is it possible to speed up this process? How to remove a bruise under the eye quickly? Important immediately upon receiptinjury to start healing procedures. The first thing to do is to apply cold to the hematoma. It can be snow, ice, a metal object, a wet towel. Keep such a compress should be at least half an hour. Next, treat the site of injury with agents that prevent blood from clotting and thereby prevent bruising (this is "Heparin ointment", "Troxevasin", "Rescuer").

how to remove a bruise under the eye
how to remove a bruise under the eye

From bruises under the eyes helps pharmacy bodyaga. It is applied in the form of compresses. At home, for the treatment of hematoma, you can use grated raw potatoes, a chilled cabbage leaf, gruel made from aloe. The main condition in the treatment of bruising is its timely onset. If time is lost, then no means will save you.

How to remove bruises under the eyes resulting from overwork and exhaustion of the body?

helps with bruises under the eyes
helps with bruises under the eyes

The most effective way to solve this problem is proper rest and sleep. But we can not always afford these joys when we want and how much we want. But we always want to look fresh and beautiful. How to be in this situation? How to remove bruises under the eyes? Let's consider several methods to solve this problem.

  • Cosmetic products containing collagen (tightens the skin), caffeine (removes excess fluid), manganese (stimulates blood circulation), green tea extract (reduces swelling).
  • Lotions from decoctions of medicinal herbs,helping to eliminate cyanosis of the skin (chamomile, sage).
  • Facial massage. This procedure is performed after washing and consists of stroking the skin around the eyes, light tapping with fingertips, and squinting exercises.
  • Hardware massage. This procedure is performed in a beauty salon. It promotes the outflow of fluid from the eye area.

You can't argue with nature?

What about those who have thin skin and dark circles under their eyes are always clearly defined? It turns out that in this case, you can get rid of them. How? You can remove bruises under the eyes using all the recipes given in the article above. In addition, people with thin skin and blood vessels can take drugs from time to time that help strengthen blood organs: Ascorutin, Aescusan.

how to get rid of bruises under the eyes quickly
how to get rid of bruises under the eyes quickly

We hope that these tips will help you solve such a problem as bruising under the eyes. But remember, before using any method, consult a medical professional.
