It is always a pleasure to watch when progressive steps are taken towards the development of high-level medicine, accessible to every citizen. It can be noted that recently a number of private clinics have appeared that provide a wide range of specialized services of excellent quality and at an affordable price. It's just great when any resident of the country can be examined using modern high-precision equipment, and a qualified specialist has enough professionalism to interpret the diagnosis and prescribe adequate and effective treatment.
Decades of work for people
The international network of medical centers called "On Clinic" enjoys an excellent reputation and has its branches in Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. This medical brand has been repeatedly awarded high awards for the quality of services provided and the high level of organization.
In Russia, the first private medical institution with the name "He Clinic" appeared about 20 years ago, and since then a tremendous experience in this field has been accumulated. The presence of a huge number of branches throughout the CIS suggests thatthe level of services provided was highly appreciated by the citizens.

This article is dedicated to one of the significant branches of this network of medical institutions - "On Clinic Kharkiv". This medical institution was opened in 2007 and became the first center of the famous brand in Ukraine. The specialization of this institution is the treatment of proctological, urological, gynecological, dermatological, trichological, gastric and other diseases. This medical institution also has ultrasound, a laboratory, physiotherapy and all the necessary devices for high-precision professional diagnostics. Let's take a closer look at the organization of the On Clinic Kharkiv center, and also find out what types of services this medical institution provides and how satisfied patients are with the level of preparedness of doctors and the quality of their work.
Department of Proctology
The presence of hemorrhoids and other diseases of the rectum is a very delicate and very unpleasant topic. With such a problem, not every patient is ready to go to the doctor. As a rule, the visit takes place already at the moment when the disease is running to the limit. The proctology department of On Clinic Kharkiv provides medical care for hemorrhoids, anal fissures and fringes, warts, papillomas and polyps of the anus, as well as desarterization of rectal nodes. Three doctors work in this unit of the medical institution: Podporinov S. D., who has the highest category and experience of 20 years, Kutepova E. V. - surgeon-proctologist, candidate of medical sciences with an experience of 10 years, and SkripnichenkoK. V. – Surgeon-proctologist of the first category with 10 years of experience.
The best recommendation about the quality of the professional activity of On Clinic Kharkiv doctors is reviews. Non-surgical treatment of hemorrhoids, which this medical institution is famous for, is short-term, bloodless and painless. Doping with latex rings, as well as coagulation under the influence of infrared radiation, can eliminate acute symptoms of the disease after the first procedure. The presence of a female proctologist in the clinic attracts a large number of patients who do not dare to entrust their intimate problem to a male doctor.
The Proctology Department of "On Clinic Kharkiv" reviews are generally positive. Patients note the high level of training of specialists, modern equipment, but some are dissatisfied with the cost of services and the quality of organization. The price of the first appointment, which includes instrumental and palpation examination, diagnosis and determination of the necessary treatment, is 220 hryvnia, a repeat visit will cost the patient 150 hryvnia.
Department of Urology
This unit can help with erectile dysfunction, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, ejaculation disorders, male infertility, premature ejaculation, as well as warts and papillomas of the genital type.

Profile diagnostics and penile plastic surgery are also performed here. The department has two urologists of the 1st category - Reprintsev V. L. and Borisov S. A., urologist-sexopathologistKrutko D. I. and urologist-andrologist Minukhin A. S. Each of the specialists has more than 10 years of professional experience.
Best of all describe the work of these specialists "On Clinic Kharkiv" reviews. Urologist Reprintsev VL, as well as other professionals, has extensive experience and relevant qualifications. Quite a lot of patients are dissatisfied with the high price level and the prescription of a large list of expensive drugs. The cost of the first appointment with a full examination is 260 hryvnia, the second one - 150 hryvnia, for solving problems of infertility - 400 hryvnia.
Gynecology Department
In this department of the institution, every woman can receive qualified medical care for pathologies of the cervix, menstrual dysfunction, inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases, ovarian dysfunction, as well as in the presence of genital warts and papillomas. Also in the clinic you can get vaccinated against cervical cancer, consult about modern contraception. In this institution, a gynecologist-endocrinologist and a hirudotherapist are receiving.
A woman, if necessary, can undergo a full diagnosis of a gynecological profile. A medical abortion service is provided. The best recommendation for the quality of services provided by this department of On Clinic Kharkiv is reviews. Gynecologist Lukash T. I. The first category with more than 25 years of experience has a lot of positive recommendations. The department also receives two ultrasound doctors Kuchina M. V. and Korostii I. V. with many years of diagnostic experience, as well as a youngspecialist - obstetrician-gynecologist Braslavets A. A.

The cost of a gynecologist's appointment with a general examination, ultrasound and consultation - 250 hryvnia, video colposcopy - 150, examination by a gynecologist-endocrinologist in the complex - 300, pregnancy management in the complex - 300 hryvnia. for an appointment, repeated consultations with specialists - 200. Reviews of this department are generally positive, but some patients are dissatisfied with the high level of prices and the quality of services provided.
Department of Dermatology
The dermatological division of "On Clinic Kharkiv" has positive reviews. Patients can receive qualified medical care for psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, acne, warts, lichen, fungal skin lesions, as well as examine moles and neoplasms using modern diagnostic methods. The study of skin ailments is carried out in a physical way and with the help of a digital dermatoscope, it is also possible to perform all the necessary laboratory tests. Specialists use advanced treatments such as phototherapy and radiotherapy.
The department employs two dermatovenereologists of the highest category with more than 20 years of experience - Podporinova Z. A. and Dunaeva N. A. The most eloquent recommendations about these On Clinic Kharkiv specialists are reviews. Removal of a mole in this institution is carried out only after it has been examined for neoplasms using radio frequency equipment. In general, patients are satisfied with the quality of the services provided, however, they note the high cost and insufficientadvanced quality management. A dermatologist's consultation with a physical examination and a sensitivity test costs 160 hryvnia, a comprehensive examination - 220, psoriasis diagnostics - 150.
Trichology Department
This department was opened in the clinic in 2010 and immediately aroused considerable interest among the residents of Kharkov. Here they will help to establish the cause and cure alopecia, alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis and neurodermatitis of the scalp. Department of trichology "He Clinic Kharkov" reviews are positive.

For five years of work, doctor Podporinova Z. A. helped a large number of patients correct their he alth problems, gain beauty and confidence. Comprehensive examination with diagnostics and monitoring in dynamics costs UAH 180.
Department of Gastroenterology
The modern rhythm of life often adversely affects the state of the human digestive system, and each of us, unfortunately, is not immune from troubles in this area. The Department of Gastroenterology "He Clinic Kharkov" patient reviews are positive. Doctor of the highest category with experience Frolova E. Yu. and doctor of the first category Orlenko D. B. noted by patients as highly qualified professionals. The department will help to cope with such ailments as various pathologies of the esophagus, dyspepsia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, intestinal inflammation, colitis, dysbacteriosis, flatulence, acidosis, etc. Primary appointment with a gastroenterologist with examination andthe final diagnosis costs 200 hryvnia, a second visit to a specialist costs 150.
STD treatment
Sexually transmitted diseases are one of the most unpleasant reasons for visiting a doctor. However, they should not be left unattended, it is fraught with big he alth problems. In the medical institution "On Clinic Kharkiv", the address of which is indicated at the end of the article, you can be examined for infectious diseases of the genital area and receive qualified medical care. For men, it is possible to take a triple analysis (mycoplasma, chlamydia and ureaplasma), examine prostate juice, bacterial culture and get advice from a urologist-andrologist.

For women, a cytological analysis, a study of secretions, HPV, PCR, femoflor-screen to detect 13 infections and a consultation with a gynecologist are provided. The cost of tests and consultations of doctors is given in the list of medical services of the clinic.
Diagnostic methods are necessary in order to make the diagnosis as accurately as possible. Therefore, doctors will certainly resort to these studies. The diagnostics of On Clinic Kharkiv, which is briefly described in this article, is represented by high-precision modern equipment and highly qualified endoscopists Korotkikh A. N. and Korotkikh O. S., whose work experience is more than 10 years. Patients can undergo such types of diagnostics as dermatoscopy, folliculometry, colposcopy, echosalpinography, vascular test, dopplerography, biotensiometry, gastroscopy,colonoscopy, rectoscopy and anoscopy.
Ultrasound is very revealing in the study of the causes of many diseases of human internal organs. Therefore, doctors often resort to ultrasound and rely on its results when making a diagnosis. For the qualitative conduct of this study, the level of equipment and the qualifications of a specialist are of great importance.

Doctors working in On Clinic Kharkiv, namely Cherevashenko M. G. and Krivenko T. A., are highly professional. The department is equipped with high-precision modern equipment that allows performing transabdominal, transvaginal and transrectal ultrasound examination of any complexity with the maximum level of comfort for the patient and great information content for the doctor. The best characteristics of the work of the specialists of this department of "On Clinic Kharkiv" are reviews. Ultrasound in this medical institution, according to patients, is produced at the proper level, but the cost of such a procedure does not satisfy everyone who applied. Everyone can get acquainted with the price list for services on the official page of the clinic or at the reception.
Physiotherapy gives good results in the treatment of many diseases, and in combination with drug treatment contributes to the patient's speedy recovery and long-term remission of the disease. This department, equipped with modern equipment, is well represented in On Clinic Kharkiv. Reviews of doctors working here allow us to conclude thatpatients are satisfied with the quality of services and the results of treatment. The following types of procedures are provided for those who applied to the clinic:
- magnetic laser type therapy;
- physiotherapy system BTL for magnetic, laser, ultrasonic effects, as well as phonophoresis and electrophoresis;
- narrow band phototherapy;
- physiotherapy system "Rod PRO" for rectal electrical stimulation, photostimulation and vacuum aspiration;
- laser comb.

The appointment of certain physiotherapy procedures is made by a doctor. These manipulations are used in the complex treatment of gynecological, proctological, dermatological and urological diseases. The effectiveness of physiotherapy depends on the individual case of the patient, so the reviews can be varied - some are satisfied with the results, others note the futility of these measures. However, almost all those who applied for help note the rather high cost of these services.
Years of hard work and professionalism
Summing up, we can say that the medical institution "On Clinic Kharkiv" is one of the leading in the city and enjoys a good reputation among doctors and patients. A big plus of this private organization is the presence of an Internet portal. Here you can also find the coordinates of On Clinic Kharkiv: address, phone number for an appointment with a doctor, as well as the entire price list of services provided. Everyone who wishes has the opportunity to register for an appointment with the desiredspecialist at a convenient time, without visiting institutions. Due to this circumstance, there are no queues and chaotic reception in this institution.
Probably, there are no ideal clinics in the world, since the human factor is of great importance in the provision of medical services. When evaluating the quality of treatment or the professionalism of a doctor, the patient uses his own criteria, although medical etiquette is not always clear to an ordinary person who is far from medicine. Sometimes professional restraint is perceived as rudeness, the appointment of a comprehensive examination is for skinning and extortion, and prescribing expensive drugs is for cooperation with pharmaceutical companies.
In the service sector there is always a place for incomprehensible situations where both the doctor and the patient may be wrong. But it is worth looking at the big picture with the eyes of a sane person. During the existence of "On Clinic" in Kharkov, more than 300,000 patients have passed through the hands of specialists, and single reviews cannot be an adequate assessment of the work of all doctors of this institution. The presence of an extensive network throughout the CIS and long-term operation speaks volumes in itself.

The best way to evaluate the quality of the services provided by this medical organization is to personally visit On Clinic Kharkov. Institution address: st. Yaroslav the Wise (Petrovsky), 30 A. All departments, laboratories and physiotherapy rooms are located in this building. To visit, just call the reception of "On Clinic Kharkiv". Telephone24/7 support – (057)719-77-77.