Pre-trip inspection of drivers: rules. Pre-trip and post-trip medical check-ups

Pre-trip inspection of drivers: rules. Pre-trip and post-trip medical check-ups
Pre-trip inspection of drivers: rules. Pre-trip and post-trip medical check-ups

The driver's he alth affects the quality of driving, and hence the number of accidents. How can this be controlled? First of all, the responsibility lies with the driver himself, as well as with the enterprises responsible for his access to vehicles. How the pre-trip inspection of drivers is carried out, as well as their post-trip examination, we will consider later in the article.

Why do you need a physical examination

At any enterprises in motor transport or construction organizations there is a position of a driver. And it doesn't matter what kind of vehicle he drives, the main thing is in what condition.

A large number of construction equipment implies the presence of such speci alties as a tractor driver, excavator driver, machinist and many others. All of these categories must be inspected at the very beginning of the working day.

pre-trip inspection
pre-trip inspection

The Constitution obliges to protect the labor of employees. And this means that it is necessary to create all the conditions that will ensure the safety of their work. For the driver, one of these conditions will be his state of he alth. Only a he althy adequate personis able to respond correctly to prevailing road conditions or production situations, and the accident rate on roads and production directly depends on this.

Medical examination of drivers - is primarily a determination of their readiness to drive safely. When issuing rights to this, it is mandatory to control the mental state, as well as identify dependence on alcohol and drugs. A daily pre-trip inspection, on the other hand, allows you to monitor the driver’s he alth and timely detect any deviations and violations.

Types of driver medical examination

There are specially designed conditions for carrying out such a procedure as a medical examination of drivers. So, the legislation provides for several types of medical examination:

  1. Pretrip.
  2. Current.
  3. Post-trip.
we pass a medical examination
we pass a medical examination

Who is responsible

In enterprises, the responsibility for carrying out the above lies with the officials who are responsible for the operation and maintenance of vehicles. In addition, their duties include:

  1. Selection of drivers.
  2. Maintain their timely professional development.
  3. Obligated to monitor the state of he alth and the implementation of the regime of work and rest.
  4. Keep driving away.

In the latter case, there is a whole list of such persons:

  • drivers who do not have the appropriate category of rights;
  • did not pass the medical examination within the specified time;
  • took drugs that slow down reactions and cause drowsiness;
  • drunk or under the influence of drugs.

All these conditions can be met by officials only after a pre-trip medical examination of the driver. It is performed by a medical worker, who subsequently bears responsibility for issuing a permit to manage transport. How do I arrange a pre-flight inspection?

Organize inspection of drivers

In order to organize a pre-trip medical examination, the following conditions must be met. So, the company should have a position of a medical worker who will examine drivers. For this, it is allowed to hire a worker under a contract, and it is also allowed to involve medical workers from the nearest medical institution.

The main thing is that the inspection should be carried out by a specialist who has previously undergone special training.

pre-trip medical examination
pre-trip medical examination

Pre-trip inspection is carried out immediately before departure, after receiving the waybill. For this, a special room with sufficient lighting should be allocated for a thorough inspection. The results are recorded in the pre-trip inspection log. This document is affixed with the seal of the company.

How to complete the journal

The logging requirements are strict and do not allow for negligence. The following must be observed in the journal:

  1. Pages numbered.
  2. The binding is laced.
  3. The record is stamped with the seal of an enterprise or a medical institution if the examination takes place in a hospital.

After the pre-trip inspection of the driver is completed, the following data is recorded:

  • last name, first name, patronymic;
  • age;
  • place of work;
  • date and time when the inspection was carried out;
  • inspection report;
  • action taken;
  • Full name he althcare worker.

If the doctor has no complaints about the driver, he puts a stamp on the waybill. Also indicates the date and time when it was passed, his full name. and signature.

How do we pass the pre-trip medical examination

Inspection of the driver before the flight, as a rule, involves a conversation with the driver about his state of he alth. At the same time, attention should be paid to the behavior and mental state of the driver. No less important are the indicators:

  • temperature;
  • blood pressure;
  • heart rate.
medical examination of drivers
medical examination of drivers

The doctor conducts a visual examination, not forgetting to look for residual or obvious signs of alcohol or drug use.

If the above signs are detected, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory examination and instrumental, as well as control sobriety.

How sobriety is tested

One of the most important indicators of a driver's examination is his sobriety, because a significant number of accidents occur due to violation of this rule. Therefore, pre-tripexaminations necessarily include control of the sobriety of the driver.

The doctor pays attention, first of all, to such factors:

  • strong smell of alcohol;
  • driver behavior is suspicious, there is a violation of the reaction;
  • rapid heart rate;
  • speech disorder;
  • Pupil response is abnormal.
conducting pre-trip inspections
conducting pre-trip inspections

The doctor analyzes the exhaled air. In case of suspicion of alcohol intoxication or the presence of drugs in the body, urine should be taken for analysis. This procedure is carried out using a rapid test. It is forbidden to take blood for analysis. A popular sobriety test is walking in a straight line, making sharp turns, or picking up an object from the floor.

If there is a suspicion of the presence of alcohol or drugs in the body of the driver, and he does not agree with this, you must send him for examination.

If the driver is obviously intoxicated, if he refuses to undergo an examination, it is necessary to draw up an act on his state of intoxication during working hours. The act is drawn up in two copies. One remains with the medical worker, and the other is transferred to the head of the enterprise. This fact, by the way, may be grounds for dismissal.

Risk groups

At the time of the pre-trip inspection, the most attention is paid to individuals who often have the following abnormalities:

  • high blood pressure;
  • fever;
  • frequent colds;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • was the use of drugs containing psychotropic substances;
  • use of drugs for regular therapy.
pre-trip and post-trip medical check-ups
pre-trip and post-trip medical check-ups

All these indicators are recorded in the journal. Drivers with these he alth or drinking problems are included in the “risk group”, which includes those over 55 years of age.

It is for this category that the current and post-trip inspection is recommended.

Not allowed to work

The driver may not be allowed to drive if such deviations are detected:

  • signs of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • high body temperature;
  • loss of strength.
  • headache or toothache;
  • strong or very weak heartbeat;
  • high blood pressure;
  • clear signs of alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • taking drugs that slow down the reaction.

If you suspect the presence of alcohol or drugs in the blood, sobriety control is carried out, which we talked about earlier.

conducting pre-trip inspections of drivers
conducting pre-trip inspections of drivers

If signs of exacerbation of chronic diseases are found, the driver is issued a referral to the hospital to a specialist. He confirms the driver's incapacity for work and issues him a sick leave. Otherwise, if the doctor does not see any signsdisease, he issues a certificate that the patient is he althy and can work.

The data of drivers who have chronic diseases are recorded in a separate journal, in addition, cards are entered on them. The medical worker annually draws up lists indicating the diagnosis of such people and recommendations for admission to work. If we usually go through a medical examination once a year, then for this category it is shown every six months, depending on the state of he alth.

Post-trip inspection

Post-trip inspection primarily disciplines workers. Knowing about him, the driver will not drink alcohol, realizing that at any moment he can be checked. After all, as a result, you can lose your earnings or, having violated the rules of the road in this state, be left without a driving license. And we know that a large number of traffic accidents are committed through the fault of a drunk driver.

Pre-trip and post-trip he alth checks are the same. Except that in the latter case, the driver is no longer issued a ticket. However, if there are signs of alcohol consumption, or suspicion that the driver has used drugs, he can be fired.

For those with chronic illnesses, post-trip checks are also essential. To prevent the aggravation of the disease and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to control the driver's sobriety without his consent. It is documented in writing. Also, such consent may be agreed in advance in the employment contract orfiled as a separate document. Most often, this important point is provided for when applying for a job.

According to the law "On Road Safety", pre-trip inspections of drivers are mandatory, and post-trip inspections are required for everyone in the "risk group". This is the only way to be sure that only sober and he althy drivers will drive on our roads.
