In 1774, Swedish chemist and pharmacist Carl-Wilhelm Scheele discovered an amazing substance - potassium permanganate. In the people it is called potassium permanganate. It received close attention and widespread use due to its antimicrobial properties. How to replace potassium permanganate for wound care and gardening? You will find the answer in the article.
The use of potassium permanganate in medicine and contraindications
Potassium s alt of manganese acid (such a chemical name for potassium permanganate) is almost black crystals. Crystals of this substance can be dangerous and cause burns. Therefore, for use, they are dissolved in water in different concentrations, obtaining a solution from pink to crimson. The safest solution can be made "by eye". To do this, about 10 crystals are dissolved in a liter of water. An important condition: you need to wait for their complete dissolution in order to prevent burns of the mucous membrane.

Where is potassium permanganate used?
Diluted to a concentration of 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate is widely used as an antiseptic:
- washing wounds, eyes, stomach;
- gargle;
- treatment of ulcers, burns;
- douching.
In all cases, you need to remember that potassium permanganate has a temporary disinfectant effect. That is, it only works while it is being used. The prepared solution quickly oxidizes, losing its properties.
In addition to medicine, potassium permanganate is often used in everyday life as first aid for injuries, when disinfecting seeds, removing fat from dishes, and purifying water.
Like all drugs used in medicine, potassium permanganate solution has a contraindication. This is an individual intolerance. If, when using a manganese solution, changes in the color of the mucous membranes, swelling appear, then you should immediately stop using it.
Potassium permanganate is a very affordable antiseptic available in every home. Consider what can replace this disinfectant if it is not at hand.

Analogues of potassium permanganate
Knowing that the main purpose of potassium permanganate solution is disinfection, it is easy to find preparations with identical properties. So what replaces potassium permanganate? Most often, hydrogen peroxide, "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin", "Furacilin", alcohol, iodine, a solution of brilliant green ("brilliant green"), boric acid, activated carbon are in demand. With the exception of "Furacilin" and activated carbon, thisready-to-use solutions. They are applied directly to the surface to be treated, irrigating it, or moistened with wet cotton swabs.
"Furacilin" is available in tablet form. Therefore, before use, the tablet is crushed and dissolved. Activated charcoal is applicable only in cases of gastric lavage in case of poisoning. It is also crushed for better absorption.
Features of use and scope
Let's consider analogues of potassium permanganate by application.
What replaces potassium permanganate for washing and disinfecting wounds, burns, ulcers:
- 3% hydrogen peroxide solution applied to a cotton swab;
- 0, 5% aqueous solution of "Chlorhexidine";
- Furacilin tablet crushed and dissolved in 100 ml of warm water
- irrigation with Miramistin;
- iodine, alcohol, brilliant green solution is applied around the wound.
- 0, 25% hydrogen peroxide solution.
- irrigation with Miramistin.
- Furacilin solution.
- 15 drops of iodine per 200 ml of hot water. S alt and soda are additionally added to this solution.
What replaces potassium permanganate for gastric lavage? Crushed activated charcoal mixed with water.
Eye wash: boric acid in water.

What are their properties?
It is clear that potassium permanganate is not the only antiseptic, it can easily be replaced with more effective onesdrugs. The properties of similar products are not limited to disinfection. For example, "Miramistin" is able to both prevent the emergence of new microbes and destroy them. Thus, this tool can be used for both treatment and prevention. Also, these solutions are used to disinfect the hands of surgeons before surgery, disinfection of medical equipment.
By analogy with potassium permanganate, all the drugs presented can cause burns, allergies, poisoning.

What else replaces potassium permanganate?
Substitutes for a solution of potassium permanganate are not only pharmaceutical preparations, but also various folk remedies. These include: soda, s alt, citric acid, propolis, vinegar, honey, decoctions of various herbs. The list can be continued indefinitely. Usually the ingredients are not used one at a time, but are mixed with each other in various proportions.
Despite the numerous substitutes, you need to clearly understand that the main task is not to harm. Each solution must be freshly prepared, the drug - not out of date. It is necessary to follow the rules of preparation, proportions in order to avoid allergic reactions and other side effects.

Use in horticulture
Permanganate helps gardeners fight pests and insects. It can be replaced with substances based on metaldehyde (drugs such as Baktofit, He althy Soil,"Pseudobacterin"). This is an element obtained by combining ethanol and acetic acid, which is a toxin. How can I replace potassium permanganate for plant treatment yet?
For the purpose of disinfection, the grains are immersed in 3-5% hydrogen peroxide, kept for about 20 minutes, then washed with flowing water and dried. If you add a few grains of boric acid to the solution, you get optimal top dressing. It must be borne in mind that the substances lack potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for plants, for this reason, nitrogen fertilizers cannot be dispensed with.
You can heat the grains in the oven. Plants will be disinfected if the used material is left outdoors in sunny weather for 2-3 days.
Potassium permanganate is a unique substance that came to the aid of mankind about 250 years ago. It is used in he althcare and at home. During the Second World War, potassium permanganate was in service with soldiers and medical staff, which helped a lot to prevent the development of infections in conditions of complete unsanitary conditions. This is a simple and affordable extended spectrum antiseptic. But its absence cannot be a cause for concern, since there are many analogues in the pharmaceutical industry. Many of them are many times stronger in their disinfectant properties.