Drug addiction: causes, symptoms, pathological addiction, treatment and consequences

Drug addiction: causes, symptoms, pathological addiction, treatment and consequences
Drug addiction: causes, symptoms, pathological addiction, treatment and consequences

Addiction is the need to do something. It can be different, including medication. It is worth learning more about drug addiction and the drugs that cause it.


There are drugs that do not belong to the narcotic group. They can be freely bought at the pharmacy, but they are addictive, both psychological and physical. This is a group of drugs that includes tranquilizers or anxiolytics. They remove anxiety, fears, tension and help a person with neurotic disorders.

Sleeping pills and antihistamines

Also, these drugs include sleeping pills (taken for any sleep disorder) and antihistamines (help a person get rid of allergy symptoms, but they have side effects). For example, "Dimedrol" has a hypnotic effect. Because of this, a person plunges into a state of intoxication, drowsiness, lethargy. But certain doses give even stronger effects, up to euphoria.

causes drug addiction
causes drug addiction


There is another group of drugs that are called special in medicine - these are anticholinergics. For example, the tool "Cyclodol". This is a drug that, when taken in high doses, causes euphoria. It is used in psychiatry to eliminate certain consequences of taking psychotropic drugs. This is a specific substance.

Drug addiction

All these drugs do not belong to the group of drugs, but they cause euphoria, a state of psychological pleasure, psychological, and then chemical dependence. It turns out that these drugs can provoke such addiction, which then becomes a problem for the person using these substances. There are such types of drug dependence on drugs:

  1. The first group is voluntary substance abusers. People who deliberately take drugs that cause euphoria, a feeling of relaxation.
  2. The second group are people who are forced to use such drugs for some reason.
dependence on drugs
dependence on drugs

People who belong to the second group take these kinds of drugs in order to treat some kind of disorder. All funds are intended for long-term treatment. That is, drugs are prescribed in courses, after which they are replaced by others, or they are completely excluded from the therapeutic plan.

If patients feel that this remedy helps them, many then stop going to the doctor, while continuing to self-medicate. Why go to the doctor if they have learned to manage their he alth condition? It seems to such patients that the remedy taken really helps well for all existing ailments. And if not, then the dosage can be increased independently.

If you take this kind of drugs for a long time, then with a probability of 100% you can talk about addiction. However, the patient himself does not pay attention to this. He doesn't even understand what happened. The body is used to the drug, and the dose that the person took earlier does not help. So he will be forced to take more. And it comes to the point that the patient has a systematic overdose.

How does this affect he alth?

Exceeding the dose and frequent use of medicines has a negative effect on the human body, its state of he alth in general, as well as behavior in particular. Negative effects should be expected on the cardiovascular and autonomic systems, as well as the central and peripheral nervous systems.

addiction drug addiction
addiction drug addiction

How to notice a person with an addiction? What happens during this period?

These are usually people with tachycardia. Their pressure changes: either hypertension or hypotension develops. The size of the pupils also changes. Often they are so enlarged that the iris is not visible. Such people constantly hide their eyes from others. It is impossible to determine the color of the eyes, since only black huge pupils are visible. Sometimes there is a tremor. And so pronounced that it is impossible to hide. Humanwith addiction, it becomes thin, the complexion changes, the skin becomes dry, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. There are constipation, hemorrhoids, loss of appetite or its complete absence.

types of drug addiction
types of drug addiction

Development of various diseases

Sudden pressure drops lead to fainting. From a large number of pills there are pains in the stomach. Ultimately, this can lead to the development of a peptic ulcer. There is not only a violation of the digestive tract, but also the liver. Especially it is necessary to highlight such diseases and unpleasant phenomena:

  • pancreatitis;
  • stomach cramps;
  • bad breath;
  • change in the state of mucous membranes;
  • rotten teeth.

Of course, the nervous system also suffers greatly. Appears:

  • irritability;
  • capriciousness;
  • spite;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • changing mental behavior.

Sleep after taking sleeping pills can be drug-induced, comatose. That is, it is oppression by the function of the central nervous system up to respiratory arrest and heart function. Subsequently, the person simply does not wake up.

Sedative drugs cause a relaxing reaction, relieve anxiety. They enter into a state in which convulsions, seizures, tremors occur. With prolonged use of a certain drug, these reactions appear more often, leading to cerebral edema, cirrhosis of the liver, and even death.

How is drug addiction treated?

Current treatment with any drugs that cause addiction are described in the official instructions. Medicines should be taken under the supervision of a physician. The duration of the course can be 5, 7 and 14 days. Also, according to indications, the period can be extended, but not more than 21 days.

drug dependence
drug dependence

If a doctor prescribes a drug that causes addiction to a person, then he should warn about the consequences. The patient should be aware of this and adhere to the recommended dosage.

Tranquilizer addiction is very difficult to treat. This has been going on for several months.

First of all, you need to make a "separation" of the drug. That is, to isolate the person from what caused the addiction. These people act like drug addicts. They hide the pills somewhere to save them for later.

There is another addiction, which is called psychological. Such people need the drug to always be with them. As a rule, they have some kind of disease or possibly the occurrence of a condition that poses a threat to life. For example, with an experienced heart attack, hypertensive crisis, vascular pathologies, etc. Having pills at hand allows the patient to be calm. If they don't, panic sets in. Excitement, in turn, exacerbates the disease.

What to treat?

To cure a person from such an addiction, he is transferred to drugs that are not capable of causing addiction:

  • herbal products;
  • homeopathicdrugs.
drug addiction
drug addiction

Other treatments

Often, other methods are selected to eliminate drug dependence, if possible. They also help to avoid the recurrence of dependence, but from another drug. Take physical therapy, for example. The list of procedures is quite large:

  • reflexology;
  • acupuncture;
  • massage;
  • sessions of hypnosis, suggestion, etc.

Forced treatment

People who pretend to be treated are sometimes placed in a psychological clinic, but in fact they continue to take drugs. It is safer to be in the hospital for a person with addiction, because there may be hiding places at home. In order to finally recover from drug addiction, it is better to go to the clinic. In this case, the probability of getting rid of this condition is much higher.

Drugs that cause chemical dependence on the action of drugs are sold only by prescription. These are psychotropic drugs. Such drugs are used only for a few days in small doses. In the 60s-70s. there were not many drugs, so almost all of them were sold without prescriptions. But in our time, it is not so easy to buy strong medicines in a pharmacy.

The following list of drugs causes addiction or drug dependence:

  • drugs containing a synthetic drug called codeine;
  • "Tropicamide" - eye drops that are addictive;
  • "Terpinkod" - contains codeine and ephedrine;
  • "Corvalol", "Pentalgin" - drugs that contain phenobarbital - an addictive substance.
drug dependence drugs
drug dependence drugs

You can't rely entirely on a doctor. In order not to harm yourself, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the annotation to the drug in order to find out the composition, as well as the dosage recommended in certain cases.
