After a drip, my arm hurts: reasons for what to do

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After a drip, my arm hurts: reasons for what to do
After a drip, my arm hurts: reasons for what to do

Video: After a drip, my arm hurts: reasons for what to do

Video: After a drip, my arm hurts: reasons for what to do
Video: Prostrate Cancer, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, DIagnosis and Treatment. 2025, January

The dropper should be placed by an experienced specialist. The patient is forbidden to independently influence the speed of the process, since each medicine has individual side effects. The system is recommended to be installed in a well-visible vein, having previously wiped the puncture site with ethyl or formic alcohol. After a dropper, rest is necessary in order to avoid negative consequences and complications. It is important that the patient is comfortable - take a pose lying on a couch / bed or sitting with your hand on a soft surface. The system is installed both in the elbow area and in the area of the hand.

Why does my hand often hurt after a dropper? There are many reasons. For example, discomfort arises from the fact that a bruise or bump appears in the puncture area. From this article you will learn the causes of a hematoma after a dropper, how to avoid it and what are the methods to fix the problem.

dropper in hand
dropper in hand

Manipulation nuances: what to look for

Sometimes it is said that a nurse has a "light hand". This statement means that a medical worker is excellent atmake drips and injections. Patients in such cases practically do not feel pain, and after the procedure, no traces remain on their hands. But most often there is no opportunity to choose a specialist, so it remains only to observe how the he alth worker performs the manipulation.

If during the injection the patient felt a strong burning sensation or pain, it is required to immediately inform the medical worker about this. There is a high probability that the needle pierced through the vein, and the medicine was injected by. This will cause bruising.

After manipulation, the nurse always applies cotton soaked in alcohol to the puncture site. It is necessary to press and hold it for about ten minutes. This is necessary so that blood does not get from the vein under the skin, because this causes a bruise. Do not ignore the recommendation and do not throw away the cotton immediately after the bleeding stops. If only a bruise has formed after the dropper, but there is no bump, then, first of all, something cold should be applied to the injection site. But you need to do this in the first hour after the injection. An accessible and beloved by many method of dealing with bruises is based on a well-known fact, indicating that all vital processes in tissues slow down when cooled. The activity of blood flow from the vein under the skin also decreases. But if the bump or hematoma has already formed, let's find out what to do about it.

soda compress
soda compress

Alcohol compress

If a hematoma appears, a regular alcohol compress will help. Alcohol must be diluted with water in equal parts or use vodka. Necessarymoisten a small piece of bandage, attach it to the bruise, and cover it with plastic wrap or parchment paper on top. Next, put cotton wool and bandage. Leave the bandage on for about forty minutes. The compress must be done every day until the hematoma disappears. In most cases, the bruise goes away in two to three days. Without treatment, it can last up to a week.


You can also use a soda compress. To prepare the solution, take four tablespoons of soda in a glass of warm water. Moisten the gauze abundantly in a concentrated solution, place the cloth on the hematoma, cover with a film on top and wrap it with a bandage. The application should be kept for about an hour. The compress helps seals dissolve, perfectly eliminates bruises. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.

dropper in hand
dropper in hand


Clay compress is also very effective. Stir any pharmacy clay in water to the consistency of thick sour cream, apply to the problem area so that the entire hematoma and he althy tissues are closed for 2-3 centimeters around it. From above, the compress is covered with polyethylene and bandaged. Withstand the application for at least two hours. To improve the effect, clay can be mixed with s alt, soda or honey.

clay for compress
clay for compress

Rye flour

Compress of rye flour with honey is also very effective for hematomas after droppers. For cooking, you need to heat three tablespoons of honey in a water bath. Gradually add rye flour to the liquid product until a sufficiently stiff dough is obtained. Form a cake, distribute at the site of the hematoma, cover with polyethylene and bandage. Leave the compress on for 3-4 hours. The application is made within 2-3 days.

Iodine grid

Draw a grid with iodine on the problem area. To do this, take a cotton swab, soak its tip in the solution and make a pattern at the injection site, consisting of several longitudinal and transverse strips about a centimeter apart from each other. The main thing is not to cover up the entire hematoma, otherwise a burn may form, because a dropper is usually done where the skin is tender and sensitive. Iodine is good at removing bruises and bumps that appear at the puncture site.

iodine mesh
iodine mesh

Getting rid of hematomas: other tips

At night, a cabbage leaf smeared with honey is applied to the hematoma. Instead of a vegetable, you can use a plantain leaf. A compress made from a mixture of soda and honey is also very effective. To prepare, you need to mix the liquid bee product with soda until a viscous dough is obtained. Then it is distributed over the surface of the hematoma and covered with polyethylene, and bandaged on top.

From extensive bruises, thinly sliced potatoes help, a gauze bag with which you need to attach with a patch to the injection site and leave overnight. Repeat the manipulation every day until complete recovery.

In pharmacies, many drugs are sold that help in cases where the arm hurts after a dropper. For example, "Troxevasin-gel" quickly relieves swelling and promotes the healing of bruises. Heparin ointment dissolves blood clots, relieves inflammation and swelling. Alsothe good old badyaga is effective - it will easily help get rid of hematomas. Massage relieves swelling - stroking and light rubbing of the hematoma are allowed.

The above methods of getting rid of bruises are quite effective. If the veins on the arm hurt after a dropper and a hematoma, and the discomfort does not stop for several days in a row, such methods will quickly solve the problem.

But what if the damaged area turns red and hot? This indicates a developing inflammatory process. Unfortunately, after a dropper, complications sometimes occur, which are also accompanied by pain. Most of them are the result of incorrect technique for performing these procedures.

heparin ointment
heparin ointment

Pain and swelling after an IV: recap

Many are interested in whether a hand can hurt after a dropper. The reasons are as follows:

  1. With intravenous injections and droppers, damage to the nerve trunks can occur. This often happens with the wrong choice of the place of the dropper, as well as with blockage of the vessel that feeds the nerve.
  2. Thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory process in the area of a vein with the formation of a blood clot in it. The disease is observed with frequent droppers in the same area of \u200b\u200bthe vein or when using blunt needles. Signs of this disease are severe pain at the injection site, redness of the skin. The temperature may rise slightly.
  3. Tissue necrosis begins with improper placement of a dropper and accidental ingestion of a sufficiently large amount of medication under the skin. This may be due to puncture of a vein ormissing it in the first place. In most cases, this occurs with incorrect intravenous administration of the drug. If the arm hurts after a dropper along the entire length - what should I do? In case of necrosis with such a problem, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  4. Hematoma can also appear during an ineptly placed dropper: in this case, a purple spot appears under the skin. This is a consequence of the puncture of both walls of the vein with a needle and the penetration of blood into the tissues. The dropper should be stopped and the injection site should be pressed with cotton wool and alcohol for several minutes. After the device is installed in another vein, and a warm compress is applied to the hematoma area.
  5. troxevasin ointment
    troxevasin ointment

If a severe hematoma appears that does not go away for more than five days, turns red and becomes hot, immediately consult a surgeon or phlebologist.

After the reader has found out why the hand hurts after the dropper and what to do with such a problem, you should be more careful about the process.
